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Forestry Act (Northern-Ireland) 2010 (Chapter 10).

United Kingdom
Northern Europe

This Act provides for the management and protection of forest resources in Northern Ireland. It, among other things, specifies functions and powers of the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development, provides for the protection of trees from damage and provides for restrictions on the felling of trees.The Department shall promote forestry on a wider footing than the traditional primary role of developing afforestation, the supply of timber, and the maintenance of reserves of growing trees.

Town and Country Planning Act, 1976 (Act No. 172).

South-Eastern Asia

This Act provides for town and country planning at various levels of administration.The Act provides for the establishment of a National Physical Planning Council and of a State Planning Committee which shall promote, regulate, control and advise on, the use and development of all lands in the State. The Council may form time to time establish a regional planning committee.The State Director shall make a development plan based on the review of existing developments in the State.

Kerala Forest (Vesting and Management of Ecologically Fragile Lands) Act, 2003 (Act No. 21 of 2005).

Southern Asia

This Act aims at transferring to and vesting in the Government the ownership and possession of all ecologically fragile lands held by any person in order to minimize the degradation of these ecosystems and their biological diversity.The Government shall have the right to declare any land to be ecologically fragile land which shall be deemed to be reserved forests according to the provisions of this Act.The Act provides for the constitution and functions of an Advisory Committee which shall be responsible for identifying ecologically fragile lands which shall then be managed by Forest Depart

National Forestry Reform Law of 2006.

Western Africa

This Act makes provision, in 23 Chapters, for the management and conservation of forest resources of Liberia, defines ownership rights and other rights in forests, regulates commercial and other use of forests resources, provides for the protection of the environment and wildlife in forests, regulates the trade in forest products and provides for various other matters relative to forestry and wildlife.The Act defines the principles of forest management and conservation to be undertaken by the Forestry Development Authority.

Planning etc. (Scotland) Act 2006 (2006 asp 17).

United Kingdom
Northern Europe

This Act makes provision for the adoption of planning instruments in Scotland such as the National Planning Framework, strategic development planning and local development plans. Provisions of this Act also concern, among other things: planning permission in respect of operation of marine fish farm, National Scenic Areas, development in national parks, consultation with the Scottish Environment Protection Agency, Tree Preservation Orders and the carrying out of an environmental assessment.

Forest Reserves Act (RSA 2000, c. F-20).

Northern America

This Act and the regulations apply to all land within the boundaries of any forest reserves established pursuant to this Act. "Forest reserves" is all land described in the appendix to the agreement set forth in the Schedule to chapter 20 of the Statutes of Alberta, 1948, and to chapter 59 of the Statutes of Canada, 1947. All forest reserves within Alberta are set apart and established for the conservation of the forests and other vegetation in the forests and for the maintenance of conditions favourable to an optimum water supply.

Loi concernant le soutien au développement rural.

Western Europe

La présente loi a pour objectif, en conformité avec les principes de la politique agricole commune, de promouvoir une agriculture multifonctionnelle, durable et compétitive en liaison avec un développement intégré des zones rurales. Le texte comprend 4 titres répartis en 69 articles: Objectif et définitions (Ier); Encouragement à l’adaptation et au développement du secteur agricole (II).

Forests Act (No. 3 of 1999).

Solomon Islands

The declared (sect. 3) objects of the Act are: ensuring effective and ecologically sustainable management of forest resources; promotion of a sustainable commercial timber industry, and; protection and conservation of forest resources, habitats and ecosystems including the maintenance of ecological processes and genetic diversity. The administration of matters affecting forests is entrusted to Commissioner of Forests appointed under section 6 and the Minister who shall be advised by the Solomon Forestry Board established under section 5.

Town and Country Planning (Scotland) Act 1997 (1997 Chapter 8).

United Kingdom
Northern Europe

The 278 sections are divided into 14 Parts: Administration (I); Development Plans (II); Control Over Development (III); Compensation For Effects Of Certain Orders, Notices Etc. (IV); Rights Of Owners Etc. To Require Purchase Of Interests (V); Enforcement (VI); Special Controls (VII); Acquisition And Appropriation Of Land For Planning Purposes Etc. (VIII); Roads, Footpaths And Rights Of Way (IX); Statutory Undertakers (X); Validity (XI); Crown Land (XII); Financial Provisions (XIII); Miscellaneous And General Provisions (XIV).

Provincial Act No. 21 laying down the legislative framework on forestry.

Southern Europe

This Provincial Act is divided into five Titles. The aims pursued are the protection of any kind of land falling within the provincial territory, giving particular regard to forests, mountain grasslands and pastures, in order to ensure their conservation and productivity and to guarantee their rational and sustainable use.

Act relative to spreading of pesticides over forestry land.

Northern Europe

This Act prohibits the use of pesticides on forestland and the treatment of single tree trunks, except for the control of a disease specified in section 1. Certain exceptions are allowed for scientific purposes and under control of the Forest Protection Council. Municipal councils may restrict use further in their respective territories. Specific provisions regarding registration of pesticides and their use shall be issued pursuant to section 5. Other provisions deal with offences and appeal against decision of the Forest Protection Council. (7 sections)