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Bonne gouvernance et questions relatives à la gouvernance des ressources naturelles dans la sous-région des Caraïbes

Reports & Research
november, 2010
Antigua and Barbuda
Dominican Republic
Saint Kitts and Nevis
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
Costa Rica
Trinidad and Tobago
Saint Lucia

Document de travail sur les régimes fonciers 17. Cet article identifie et analyse des questions relatives à la gouvernance des terres et apporte des exemples de bonne gouvernance de la sous-région des Caraïbes. Cette étude a été conduite en vue de l’initiative de la FAO sur les Directives Volontaires sur la gouvernance responsable de la tenure des terres et des autres ressources naturelles. Disponible en anglais

Benefit Evaluation on Land Comprehensive Consolidation in the Small Towns —A Case of Daxing District, Beijing, China

Journal Articles & Books
juli, 2010

Taking Daxing District, Beijing, China as a example, benefit evaluation index system of small-town land comprehensive consolidation is established from four aspects of resource benefit, economic benefit, social benefit and ecological benefit. Weight of evaluation index is determined by analytic hierarchy process. After the standardized treatment on the original value index, comprehensive index method is adopted to evaluate the land comprehensive consolidation benefits in 14 towns of Daxing District in the year 2005, combining with the index weight determined by analytic hierarchy process.

Øyvind Ravna; Clarifying legal relations and prescribing rules of use in reindeer husbandry areas. A study regarding use of land consolidation procedures

Journal Articles & Books
maart, 2010

Rettsutgreiing og bruksordning i reindriftsomrder. En underskelse med henblikk p bruk av jordskiftelovgivningens virkemidler. [Clarifying legal relations and prescribing rules of use in reindeer husbandry areas. A study regarding use of land consolidation procedures].

Øyvind Ravna; Clarifying legal relations and prescribing rules of use in reindeer husbandry areas. A study regarding use of land consolidation procedures

Journal Articles & Books
maart, 2010

Rettsutgreiing og bruksordning i reindriftsområder. En undersøkelse med henblikk på bruk av jordskiftelovgivningens virkemidler. [Clarifying legal relations and prescribing rules of use in reindeer husbandry areas. A study regarding use of land consolidation procedures].

Øyvind Ravna; Clarifying legal relations and prescribing rules of use in reindeer husbandry areas. A study regarding use of land consolidation procedures

Journal Articles & Books
maart, 2010

Rettsutgreiing og bruksordning i reindriftsomrder. En underskelse med henblikk p bruk av jordskiftelovgivningens virkemidler. [Clarifying legal relations and prescribing rules of use in reindeer husbandry areas. A study regarding use of land consolidation procedures].

Analysis of land fragmentation in rural areas

december, 2009

Implementing the land reform, territories of farms were quite often formed of several - up to 20 - land plots, frequently with disadvantageous borders. With reorganization of production of the farms, rural development and activities of land market, importance and tasks of rational territory organization will grow. Besides, it can be forecasted that, as a result of land rent and further buy-sell and other transactions, many new farmland properties and land uses are going to appear which might not correspond to the requirements of rational territory organization.


Journal Articles & Books
december, 2009
Eastern Europe

Az agrártermelés helyzetének romló tendenciája és a vidék kilátástalansága egyre határozottabban követeli egy egységes agrár- és vidékstratégia kialakítását. Erre azonban nemcsak külső okok, de az ágazatban érdekeltek mély belső ellentétei miatt ma sincsen sok remény. Ehhez le kellene számolni sok, a rendszerváltás óta létező, a rendszerváltás törvényei által védett tabuval, amihez az agrárágazat és a vidék sorsa iránt nagyobb felelősségre, alázatra és együttműködésre lenne szükség.

The main issues of land consolidation in Hungary, with special regard to the voluntary exchange of lands

Journal Articles & Books
december, 2009

Land ownership and company structure is much more stabile in the agriculture of West-European countries than in Hungary. Therefore the lack of established land policy, land consolidation and farm regulation play the key role on the Hungarian agriculture’s ”map of problems”. These are strongly correlated and tasks urgently to be solved.

The Economics of Land Consolidation in Family Farms of Moldova

Conference Papers & Reports
augustus, 2009

The paper investigates the current situation with fragmentation of family farms in Moldovaand its effects on family well-being and farm productivity. A key hypothesis is thatconsolidation of agricultural land in Moldova has beneficial effects in terms of productivity and is desirable in the long run. We examine the case for market-driven land consolidation using data from several recent surveys in Moldova. We show that, in the individual sector, larger farms consume less of their output and attain higher levels of commercialization.

The Economics of Land Consolidation in Family Farms of Moldova

Reports & Research
augustus, 2009

The paper investigates the current situation with fragmentation of family farms in Moldova and its effects on family well-being and farm productivity. A key hypothesis is that consolidation of agricultural land in Moldova has beneficial effects in terms of productivity and is desirable in the long run. We examine the case for market-driven land consolidation using data from several recent surveys in Moldova. We show that, in the individual sector, larger farms consume less of their output and attain higher levels of commercialization.

Social benefit evaluation on regional land consolidation based on social security function of land - A Case of Nanjing City

Journal Articles & Books
februari, 2009

Quantitative method for social benefit evaluation on land consolidation is put forward based on social security function of land. It has broken through the limitation of current social benefit evaluation on land consolidation, which can only carry out qualitative assessment. Social security of land consolidation includes three aspects of the old-age security, medical security and unemployment security.

Perspectieven bedrijfsmaatregelen voor duurzaambodemgebruik : kosten en effectiviteit van vijf maatregelen

Reports & Research
december, 2008

In dit onderzoek zijn de kosten en baten en de effectiviteit op duurzaam bodemgebruik beoordeeld van vijf bedrijfsmaatregelen: aanpassing van vruchtwisseling, preventie van bodemverdichting, optimalisering van ontwatering en flexibel peilbeheer, grondruil en landhuur/-verhuur en omzanden en diepploegen. De effecten op duurzaam bodemgebruik zijn beoordeeld op de aspecten organische stof, bodemstructuur, erosiegevoeligheid en bodemgezondheid. Verruiming van vruchtwisseling met meer maaivruchten en minder rooivruchten gaat meestal ten koste van het bedrijfsinkomen.