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Bodemkundig-hydrologisch onderzoek in het herverkavelingsgebied Weerijs-Zuid : bodemgesteldheid en bodemgeschiktheid

Reports & Research
december, 2008

De gronden in het herverkavelingsgebied Weerijs-Zuid (onderdeel van voormalige ruilverkaveling Rijsbergen) bestaan uit afzettingen die dateren uit het Pleistoceen en het Holoceen. De afzettingen uit het Pleistoceen, die aan of nabij het oppervlak voorkomen, bestaan voornamelijk uit dekzand, lössleem en fluvioperiglaciaal zand. De zanden en de lössleem worden tot de Formatie van Twente gerekend. Langs de Weerijs of Aa en langs de Hazeldonksche Beek komen aan of nabij het oppervlak afzettingen (zand, klei en veen) voor die voor een belangrijk deel in het Holoceen zijn afgezet.

Opportunities to mainstream land consolidation in rural development programmes of the European Union

Journal Articles & Books
november, 2008
North Macedonia
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Czech Republic

Land consolidation can be an important tool for increasing agricultural competitiveness and improving rural conditions. Farmers can become more competitive when they decrease fragmentation and increase the size of their farms, and rural communities can benefit when consolidation projects include components to improve local infrastructure and the environment.

A method to calculate economic key figures with regard to plot structure improvements

Conference Papers & Reports
maart, 2008

The aim of land consolidation projects is to improve the competitiveness of agriculture.Since land consolidation is subsidised by national and European means, the effectivenessof such measures must be determined. The following paper presents a method whichmakes it possible to calculate the direct economic effects of land consolidation. Thecalculations, considering labour demand, machinery costs and headland effects, compare theeconomic situation before and after land consolidation. The method was applied to four land consolidationprojects in Bavaria.

Factors Affecting Requests for Land Consolidation Projects in the Opinions of Experts in Kermanshah and Lenjanat Region in Isfahan

Journal Articles & Books
januari, 2008

The purpose of this research was to study factors on farmer’s request to land consolidation projects and also consolidation’ adventages in utilization units. The data of this study was collected through completing questionnaires and interviewing 34 experts connected with administrating of land consolidation projects in agricultural offices and service centers in Kermanshah township and Lenjanat region in Isfahan. Data was also collected through visiting some performed and performing projects.

Factors Affecting Agricultural Land Fragmentation in Iran: A Case Study of Ramjerd Sub District in Fars Province

Journal Articles & Books
december, 2007

The objective of this study was to examine the factors influencing fragmentation of landholdings commonly regarded as a major obstacle to agricultural development in Iran. A sample of farmers was selected and household and village-level data from 12 villages of Ramjerd sub district in Fars province were used to test these factors empirically. Required data were collected by questionnaire from 151 farmers who were selected through a stratified random sampling design from 12 villages of Ramjerd sub District of Marvdasht County in South of Iran.

Evaluation of productive rural land patterns with joint regard to the size, shape and dispersion of plots

Journal Articles & Books
december, 2007

With a view to its use in relation to land consolidation programmes, we present an approach to evaluation of land distributions that aggregates the influences of the size, shape and dispersion of plots on productivity and is designed for computer implementation in a geographical information system. It is envisaged that it will be useful for identification of areas in which land consolidation is required, for evaluation of consolidation projects, and for consolidation project optimization.

Changes in the Romanian farm structures during transition – evolution and main determinants

Conference Papers & Reports
december, 2007

In Romania, farm restructuring is an ongoing process, largely conditioned by the legal frameworkthat accompanied the land reform during the transition period. After 1990, Romanian agricultureexperienced critical shifts in farming structures, reflected also in the production ones. Whilearable land represents 63% of the UAA, a restrictive production factor in developing acompetitive agriculture resides in the fact that 61.7% of total arable land is utilized in excessivelyfragmented family farms – 14303 thousands plots.

Bodemgeschiktheid voor akker- en weidebouw en het vervaardigen van ruilklassenkaarten voor de waardebepaling van de gronden in het landinrichtingsgebied Wintelre-Oerle

Reports & Research
december, 2007

In opdracht van de DLG heeft Alterra de gronden in het landinrichtingsgebied Wintelre-Oerle onderzocht en beoordeeld op hun geschiktheid voor de akker- en weidebouw. Het onderzoek had als doel om de agrarische uitruilbaarheid te bepalen van de landbouwpercelen in het onderhavige gebied

Investigation and Comparison of Reasons for Farmers Disagreement with Land Consolidation Projects in Kermanshah and Lenjanat Region in Isfahan

Journal Articles & Books
oktober, 2007

The purpose of this study was to assess characteristics of and reasons for farmers’ disagreement on implementation of land consolidation projects. Part of needed information was collected through questionnaire and interviewing 75 farmers in 6 unsuccessful villages in Kermanshah and Lenjanat region and also visiting some performed and ongoing projects. Other part of information was obtained by questionnaire and interviewing 44 experts involved with performing the project in Jahad Agricultural offices. Fragmentation of properties were measured by Januszewski fragmentation coefficient.

Personal, physical and socioeconomic factors affecting farmers' adoption of land consolidation

Policy Papers & Briefs
juni, 2007

Ownership of agricultural land is very fragmented in Turkey, as is the case in countries within central Europe. This prevents agricultural efficiency from reaching desired levels. Land consolidation involves redistributing land ownership so that individual farmers own fewer, larger, more compact and more contiguous land parcels. In Turkey, generally voluntary land consolidation projects are performed, while some financial limitations and political conditions prevent land consolidation reach to its desired level.

Personal, physical and socioeconomic factors affecting farmers' adoption of land consolidation

mei, 2007

La propiedad de la tierra en Turquía está muy fragmentada, tal y como sucede en los países de Europa central. Este fenómeno impide que el rendimiento llegue a los niveles deseados. La concentración parcelaria implica la redistribución de la propiedad, lo que provoca que los agricultores individuales obtengan menos parcelas, pero más contiguas y compactas y de mayor tamaño.