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Displaying 205 - 216 of 964

Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia

april, 2015

This country note for Macedonia is part
of a series of country briefs that summarize information
relevant to climate change and agriculture for four pilot
countries in the Europe and Central Asia (ECA) Region, with
a particular focus on climate and crop projections,
adaptation options, policy development and institutional
involvement. The note series has been developed to provide a
baseline of knowledge on climate change and agriculture for

Enhancing the Livelihoods of the Rural Poor through ICT - A Knowledge Map

april, 2015

The major objective of the study was to
come up with illustrative success stories as well as
failures to give lessons on ICT interventions in the area of
rural livelihoods and their impact in Tanzania. The key
issues addressed in this study were: 1) common ICTs used by
the rural poor in Tanzania; 2) which ICTs are regarded as
attractive by different groups and why; 3) the use of ICTs
by different age cohorts as part of their livelihoods

Lavouras Transgênicas: Riscos e Incertezas

Journal Articles & Books
maart, 2015

Esta publicação representa a continuidade do trabalho iniciado por Magda Zanoni, no Ministério do Desenvolvimento Agrário (MDA), no sentido de discutir os riscos das plantas transgênicas para a saúde e o meio ambiente. Em sua atuação no MDA e como representante do Ministério na CTNBio, Magda dedicou esforços para chamar a atenção à importância desse debate.

Fazendeiros e Frigoríficos responderam aos Acordos de Desmatamento Zero na Amazônia Brasileira

Journal Articles & Books
maart, 2015

Novas intervenções na cadeia de fornecimento no setor de carne bovina no Brasil oferecem a promessa de reduzir o desmatamento vindo da expansão da agricultura comercial, à medida que multinacionais tem concordado em desistir de comprar de fazendas com desmatamento recente. Analisamos os acordos de desmatamento zero assinados pelos principais frigoríficos no Estado do Pará, na Amazônia Brasileira, usando dados de propriedades componentes das cadeias de fornecimento de carne bovina.

The economic lives of smallholder farmers

Reports & Research
februari, 2015

About two-thirds of the developing world’s 3 billion rural people live in about 475 million small farm households, working on land plots smaller than 2 hectares. 1 Many are poor and food insecure and have limited access to markets and services. Their choices are constrained, but they farm their land and produce food for a substantial proportion of the world’s population. Besides farming they have multiple economic activities, often in the informal economy, to contribute towards their small incomes.

Investing in People to Fight Poverty in Haiti : Reflections for Evidence-based Policy Making

februari, 2015

Despite a decline in both monetary and
multidimensional poverty rates since 2000, Haiti remains
among the poorest and most unequal countries in Latin
America. Two years after the 2010 earthquake, poverty was
still high, particularly in rural areas. This report
establishes that in 2012 more than one in two Haitians was
poor, living on less than $ 2.41 a day, and one person in
four was living below the national extreme poverty line of

Nicaragua Agriculture Public Expenditure Review

februari, 2015

Agriculture remains fundamental for
Nicaragua from both a macroeconomic and social view. It is
the largest sector of the Nicaraguan economy, and it remains
the single biggest employer with around 30 percent of the
labor force and including processed foods, like meat and
sugar, agriculture accounts for around 40 percent of total
exports value. Nicaragua appears to be gradually losing
competitive edge of some of its key agricultural exports

Vulnerability to Malnutrition in the West African Sahel

februari, 2015

This study estimates marginal increase
in malnutrition for children ages 1-3 years from exposure to
an extreme shock in the West African Sahel. The study uses
knowledge of a child's birth and high resolution
spatial and temporal distribution of shocks, calculated from
the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index and
satellite-based measures of rainfall and temperature to link
a child to the shock experienced in-utero. The study finds

Urbanization without Growth : A Not-So-Uncommon Phenomenon

februari, 2015

To find out why African countries' experience with urbanization and sustained growth appeared to differ from that of other countries, the authors investigated the determinants of urbanization across countries over 40 years. Rather than studying individuals' decisions to migrate, they relied on macroeconomic data and cross-country comparisons. A central hypothesis of their study: that individuals move (with varying degrees of ease) in response to economic incentives and opportunities. If location incentives are distorted, so is growth.

Can There Be Growth with Equity? An Initial Assessment of Land Reform in South Africa

januari, 2015
South Africa

The authors use evidence from a survey of about 1200 beneficiaries of South African land reform to assess the performance of the initial phase of the land reform program. They find that the program has not lived up to the quantitative goals set, but did successfully target the poor. It has led to a significant number of economically successful projects that already generate sustainable revenues.

Saywaña, amojonamientos y deslindes en Villablanca y Chulluncane: geografía de un conflicto de tierras aimara

Journal Articles & Books
januari, 2015

Los conflictos de tierras en comunidades aimara, a pesar de ser numerosos, han sido poco estudiados. Este artículo se adentra en el examen de las contradicciones por dominios de tierras entre las comunidades de Chulluncane y Villablanca del altiplano de Tarapacá. Analiza la dimensión simbólica y material de las disputas territoriales, el carácter histórico de las desavenencias y los aportes de geógrafos y otros cientistas para comprenderlos.

Wage Growth, Landholding, and Mechanization in Chinese Agriculture

januari, 2015

This paper uses farm panel data from
China to examine the dynamics of land transactions, machine
investments, and the demand for machine services. Recently,
China's agriculture has experienced a large expansion
of machine rentals and machine services provided by
specialized agents, which has contributed to mechanization
of agricultural production. The empirical results show that
an increase in nonagricultural wage rates leads to expansion