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Displaying 217 - 228 of 964

Local Budget Transparency and Participation : Evidence from the Kyrgyz Republic

januari, 2015

The paper investigates determinants of
civic participation in local budget processes in rural areas
in the Kyrgyz Republic by using data from the Life in
Kyrgyzstan survey, conducted in 2012. The analysis of the
data suggests that although civic awareness and interest in
local budget processes is relatively high, the participation
rate in local budgeting processes is low. The paper also
shows that interest, awareness, and participation are

Environmental Health Costs in Colombia : The Changes from 2002 to 2010

januari, 2015

Despite considerable progress in the
area of environmental management over the last decade,
Colombia still faces significant impacts from population
exposure to urban air pollution, inadequate access to water
supply and sanitation, and indoor air pollution from solid
fuel use. This study estimates that the total health cost
attributable to these three factors amounts to about 10.2
trillion Colombian Pesos (COP) annually, or about 2 percent

Os conflitos pela terra no Amapá: uma análise sobre a violência institucionalizada no campo

Journal Articles & Books
januari, 2015

O texto aborda a dinâmica dos conflitos fundiários no Estado do Amapá. O trabalho resgata a gênese desse processo, apresentado pela política e pela mídia como uma relação pacífica no campo. Na realidade, contudo, o Amapá constitui um dos estados da Federação com significativas incidências de disputas por terra. Para a realização da pesquisa foram coletados dados, especialmente, da Comissão Pastoral da Terra, por meio dos seus registros anuais (Conflitos no Campo); mas também foram realizados levantamentos sobre a dinâmica do campesinato e sua recriação no Amapá.

Delivering for nutrition in Odisha: Insights from a study on the state of essential nutrition interventions

Reports & Research
december, 2014
Southern Asia

This report presents findings of a study conducted in three districts of Odisha to examine the state of delivery and use of ten select essential nutrition interventions (ENIs) and the role of intersectoral coordination in their delivery.

Analysis of Displacement in Somalia

december, 2014

Development and humanitarian actors
currently engaged in Somalia face the challenge of
delivering assistance in such a way that it is supportive of
peace and state building, addresses the acute vulnerability,
and dependence of large shares of the population while
operating in a still insecure and changing environment.
Forced displacement is a key feature of the current
political economy context of Somalia. The necessity of

Paving the way for gender-responsive FLR: The importance of forest landscape restoration for rural women in Armenia

Policy Papers & Briefs
december, 2014

In Armenia, the forestry sector and forest restoration policy development and decision making in natural resources management processes have been shaped as a result of women’s historical every day practices—which are also often drivers of deforestation and degradation—and yet women’s direct participation in these matters is frequently neglected. Forests in Armenia are state property and the management system is top-down, meaning that decisions are made at the government level and passed down through a hierarchy of power.

Enhancing food security through forest landscape restoration

Reports & Research
december, 2014

The case studies from Brazil, Burkina Faso, Ethiopia, Ghana, Guatemala, the Philippines and Viet Nam highlight how forest landscape restoration (FLR) interventions enhance food security. They illustrate the ‘win-win’ solutions that can enhance land functionality and productivity, develop resilient food systems and explore the long-term potential outputs and enabling conditions for FLR interventions.

Agribusiness Indicators : Synthesis Report

december, 2014

The need for countries in Sub-Saharan
Africa to build more productive, modern, and market-oriented
farming sectors is one of our most pressing development
challenges. In coming years, African agriculture will have
to increase food production and expand and intensify value
chains in order to meet changing demand on the part of a
rapidly expanding and urbanizing consumer base. The process
of doing this will enable African countries to begin pushing

Modelling Changes in Land Cover Patterns in Mtunzini, South Africa Using Satellite Imagery

Journal Articles & Books
december, 2014
South Africa
Southern Africa

Land is the basic resource that is needed by man in order to survive: It provides humans with living space, nutrition and energy resources. The rapid growth of the human population, climate change and pollution on a catastrophic scale has caused the quality of land resources to be compromised. Remote sensing is a useful tool in land cover change detection providing information to decision makers.

Ghana Economic Update, October 2014

december, 2014

This report is the most recent in a
series aimed at monitoring economic developments in Ghana
and has two sections. The first section summarizes the
recent macroeconomic developments in the country while the
second section presents the main findings on poverty and
employment published recently by the Ghana statistical
service. Ghana s overall macroeconomic conditions have
deteriorated further in 2014 with large twin-deficits

Results in the Latin America and Caribbean Region 2013, Volume 2

december, 2014

Delivering on results is a key to
achieving our Latin America and Caribbean strategy. This
publication presents some of the recent results achieved by
the World Bank Group, our clients, and our partners in the
Latin America and Caribbean Region. The stories reflect our
effort to help clients solve their development challenges
quickly and effectively by providing a suite of financing,
advisory and convening services. This is a way to

Land Governance in South Sudan : Policies for Peace and Development

december, 2014

South Sudan is a new country of 10.5
million people that has just emerged from conflict and still
facing challenges with recovery and development. Although
economic disparities, political exclusion and deprivation in
the distribution of political and economic power between the
northern and southern parts of then united Sudan were often
tendered as the proximal causes of the conflict, at the
center of the prolonged civil war was the struggle for