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Pathways to wheat self-sufficiency in Africa

december, 2022

A growing urban population and dietary changes increased wheat import bills in Africa to 9% per year. Though wheat production in the continent has been increasing over the past decades, to varying degrees depending on regions, this has not been commensurate with the rapidly increasing demand for wheat. Analyses of wheat yield
gaps show that there is ample opportunity to increase wheat production in Africa through improved genetics and
agronomic practices. Doing so would reduce import dependency and increase wheat self-sufficiency at national

An Inquiry Into The Causes Of Illegal Occupation Of Land In Zambia’S Cities: A Case Of Kitwe City

december, 2021

Like in a number of other developing countries, the issue of illegal occupation of land is evident in Zambia’s cities. This problem has continued to exist, despite the existence of laws and public institutions meant to address the issue. The objectives of this paper were to establish the factors that lead to continued illegal land occupation in Zambia’s cities, establish the consequences of illegal occupation of land, and suggest how illegal occupation of land can be eradicated.

The 2020-21 Gambia SDGs Survey

Reports & Research
november, 2021

The decision to conduct a Sustainable Development Goals(SDGs) survey was reachedafter thecompletion of the2020 Voluntary National Review (VNR) for The Gambia.It was realized thatthecountry was able to reporton only 52%of SDG indicators. The Gambia Bureau of Statistics(GBoS)in collaboration with the Directorate of Development Planning (DDP) of the Ministry ofFinance and Economic Affairs (MoFEA) with financial support from the United NationsDevelopment Programme (UNDP) Country Officedecided to take on this task of updatingthestatus of the indicators.

Population Trends and Urbanisation in Mountain Ranges of the World

Peer-reviewed publication
maart, 2021
United States of America

This study assesses the global mountain population, population change over the 1975–2015 time-range, and urbanisation for 2015. The work uses the World Conservation Monitoring Centre (WCMC) definition of mountain areas combined with that of mountain range outlines generated by the Global Mountain Biodiversity Assessment (GMBA). We estimated population change from the Global Human Settlement Layer Population spatial grids, a set of population density layers used to measure human presence and urbanisation on planet Earth.

Analyse du processus d’extension de la ville de N’Djamena au Tchad (1900 – 2018)

Journal Articles & Books
februari, 2021

La ville de N’Djamena, capitale de la République du Tchad connaît sans cesse, depuis sa création en 1900, une extension urbaine qui se traduit par une consommation démesurée de l’espace. Un état de fait rendu possible durant des décennies par différents facteurs antagonistes issus de l’absence et/ou de l’insuffisance de l’autorité de l’Etat. Par ailleurs,d’autres facteurs contextuels s’invitent pour donner lieu à des effets irréversibles tels que: la prolifération de quartiers sousintégrés.

Policy framing and crisis narratives around food safety in Vietnam

december, 2020

While progress has been made recently in understanding food systems per se, much less is known about policies around those food systems. In this paper, we aim at understanding the food system policy context with the specific objective to look at policy dynamics—defined as the way policy agendas are identified, justified, and framed by decision-makers, and how they interact. Vietnam is used as a case study. Primary data were generated through face-to-face interviews complemented by an online survey. A policy framing approach was used to structure the research.

Friendly Communities and Outdoor Spaces in Contexts of Urban Population Decline

Peer-reviewed publication
oktober, 2020
United States of America

Urban population decline has been extensively described as a triggering factor for community segregation and fragmentation, as well as for land use vacancy and house/flat vacancies, resulting in rising interest in strategies of green infrastructure expansion aimed at citizens’ wellbeing and urban ecosystems. However, city-scaled green infrastructures can be formed by different typologies of outdoor spaces, providing diverse social affordances that can impact community cohesion and resilience differently.

Identifying Potential Connectivity for an Urban Population of Rattlesnakes (Sistrurus catenatus) in a Canadian Park System

Peer-reviewed publication
september, 2020
United States of America

In the face of ongoing habitat loss and fragmentation, maintaining an adequate level of landscape connectivity is needed to both encourage dispersal between habitat patches and to reduce the extinction risk of fragmented wildlife populations. In a developing region of southwestern Ontario, Canada, a declining population of Eastern Massasauga rattlesnakes (Sistrurus catenatus) persists in fragmented remnants of tallgrass prairie in an urban park system.

Rururban Partnerships: Urban Accessibility and Its Influence on the Stabilization of the Population in Rural Territories (Extremadura, Spain)

Peer-reviewed publication
augustus, 2020
United States of America

The process of population concentration in cities is a worldwide phenomenon—not yet finished—which has led to a widespread rural exodus and abandonment of rural areas. In Spain it occurred very abruptly from 1960, leaving numerous population centers abandoned in the northern half of the country. It is the so-called “empty Spain”. This problem has recently transcended from the local to the European level and has become part of all political agendas such as “the fight against the demographic challenge”, which the European Commission will finance in the next programming period 2021–2027.

Impact de la gestion foncière sur les espaces agricoles périurbaine à Madingou (Sud-Ouest du Congo)

Journal Articles & Books
juli, 2020

À Madingou, la question de la gestion foncière se pose avec acuité, car le développement des espaces urbains empiète sur les terres dévolues à l’agriculture périurbaine. Ce phénomène reconnu par les autorités municipales et les populations est à la fois à l’origine de la croissance anarchique de la ville et au rétrécissement préoccupant des superficies agricoles périurbaines. L’objectif de cette étude est d’analyser l’impact de la gestion foncière sur l’agriculture périurbaine à Madingou. Elle est réalisée entre janvier et mars 2017.

How the Corona Crisis is Calling Into Question the "Right of the City”

Policy Papers & Briefs
maart, 2020

In late March, Indian Premier Narendra Modi imposed a three-week lockdown to prevent the further spread of the coronavirus. Since then, tens of thousands of migrant workers who had previously provided cheap labour in wealthy homes or on construction sites in the nation’s growing metropolises have been making their way back to their rural home regions.