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Guardianes del Tambopata - PODCAST

december, 2023
América Latina y el Caribe

Los cinco episodios del podcast ‘Guardianes del Tambopata’, producido por la Sociedad Peruana de Derecho Ambiental (SPDA), se encuentran disponibles en las plataformas de Spotify, Amazon Music y Deezer. En este podcast, se relata, desde la voz de los propios protagonistas, la labor del Comité de Gestión de la Reserva Nacional de Tambopata (RNTMB) y de cuatro de sus miembros: Víctor Zambrano, Demetrio Pacheco, Andrés Szabo e Isabel Yalico (fallecida en junio de 2023).

Land and conflict

Reports & Research
september, 2023

Struggles to control valuable land, natural and mineral resources are at the heart of many conflicts around the world. Many have their roots in colonial conquest and post-colonial resource grabbing by colluding local and global elites. Land conflicts frequently entail clashes of values and meanings associated with land. Conflict risk is rising with climate change and the race to control critical mineral and water resources. Millions of people face loss of livelihoods and displacement.

Community-level incentive mechanisms for the conservation of crop wild relatives: A Malawi case study

december, 2022

Despite being an increasingly important source of genes for crop breeding aimed at improv-
ing food security and climate change adaptation, crop wild relatives (CWRs) are globally threatened.
A root cause of CWR conservation challenges is a lack of institutions and payment mechanisms by
which the beneficiaries of CWR conservation services (such as breeders) could compensate those
who can supply them. Given that CWR conservation generates important public good values, for the

How to halt deforestation in the Amazon? A Bayesian process-tracing approach

december, 2022

In this paper, we employ for the first time a Bayesian process-tracing approach to assess the role of different interventions designed to halt deforestation. We applied the methodology to six initiatives implemented between 2006 and 2019 in the municipality of São Felix do Xingu, namely: (i) institution of protected areas, (ii) environmental monitoring and enforcement, (iii) credit restrictions, (iv) commodity agreements, (v) multi-stakeholder processes, and (vi) value chain projects.

Effectiveness of the Yangambi biosphere reserve in reducing deforestation in the Democratic Republic of the Congo

december, 2022

Establishing protected areas creates an opportunity to reduce deforestation. This study aims to inform the Congolese government’s efforts to promote forest and biodiversity conservation by assessing the effectiveness of the Yangambi Biosphere Reserve (YBR) in reducing deforestation. Group and individual interviews designed to understand the causes of pressure on forest cover in the Yangambi landscape complemented satellite imagery analyses. The results indicate that deforestation inside the YBR is not significantly different from outside the YBR.

Guide technique sur l’association des technologies géospatiales avec des méthodes participatives pour sécuriser les droits fonciers

Journal Articles & Books
mei, 2022

Conformément aux Directives volontaires pour une gouvernance responsable des régimes fonciers, les investissements publics et privés dans le monde reconnaissent de plus en plus la gouvernance foncière responsable comme un déterminant du succès et de la durabilité de leurs réalisations. Les gestionnaires d'investissement comprennent que la prévention et l'atténuation des problèmes liés à la tenure sont une étape nécessaire pour atteindre leurs objectifs.

Range-wide priority setting for the conservation and restoration of Asian rosewood species accounting for multiple threats and ecogeographic diversity

december, 2021

Understanding the impact of multiple anthropogenic threats on tree species is urgently needed for estimating population decline and enabling coordinated and efficient conservation actions. We applied a spatially explicit framework to assess the vulnerability of three highly valuable Asian rosewood species (Dalbergia cochinchinensis, D. cultrata, D. oliveri) to five key threats across their native ranges in six countries of the Greater Mekong Subregion.

Píldoras gobernanza recursos naturales

april, 2021
América Latina y el Caribe
América del Sur

Desde las áreas protegidas del Parque Nacional Natural Tayrona, el Parque Nacional Natural Orquídea y el Santuario de Flora y Fauna Guanentá Alto Río Fonce se quiere compartir lo que hacen en el ejercicio de la gobernanza.  ¡Escúchalas!

En los siguientes productos radiofónicos (6) puedes conocer cómo se desarrollan actividades de gobernanza y protección en Parques Nacionales Naturales de Colombia.

Sustainable Tourism and Natural Protected Areas: Exploring Local Population Perceptions in a Post-Conflict Scenario

Peer-reviewed publication
maart, 2021
El Salvador

The expansion of urban areas around the world and the application of the sustainability paradigm to tourism discourses has favored an increase in the number of people visiting natural protected areas (NPAs) in their leisure time. While tourism is desired to boost the economy of destinations, mismanagement can bring negative consequences for social–ecological systems, particularly in post-conflict rural scenarios.

A Tale of Two Protected Areas: “Value and Nature Conservation” in Comparable National Parks in Estonia and Russia

Peer-reviewed publication
maart, 2021

This study explores how local communities reflect on institutional frameworks and protected area governance in two national parks (NPs) with similar nature values in Estonia and Russia, and aims to understand the role of value systems in these interactions. It is based on 50 in-depth interviews with a broad range of stakeholders, and a desktop analysis of relevant regulation and plans.