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Displaying 193 - 204 of 1319

Ecosystems : Burden or Bounty?

juni, 2014

This paper presents a somewhat novel
approach to explore the economic contribution of ecosystems.
It develops linked models to capture connections between
resource stocks and flows and the resulting microeconomic
and macroeconomic impacts. A bioeconomic model is developed
that is imbedded into a computable general equilibrium (CGE)
model. Incorporating imperfect regulation, the bioeconomic
model characterizes optimal policies, while the CGE model

Quilombo de Erepecuru: la libertad de la tierra conquistada

Reports & Research
juni, 2014

Los quilombolas -descendientes de los esclavos negros- de Erepecuru (Brasil) viven en el medio de la selva amazónica, en una región que abriga el mayor mosaico de áreas protegidas del mundo que incluyen 12,8 millones de hectáreas de unidades de conservación estatales, 1,3 millón de hectáreas de unidades de conservación federales, 7,2 millones de hectáreas de Tierras Indígenas.

Inundaciones en la Amazonía: ¿Desastre natural?

Policy Papers & Briefs
mei, 2014

Durante los últimos seis meses, las zonas amazónicas de Bolivia, Brasil y Perú han compartido los impactos de inundaciones como un fenómeno de fuerza inusitada en comparación con las últimas décadas. En esta nueva entrega de la serie Diálogos, el autor proporciona información del impacto de las inundaciones en los tres países calculada a partir de diversos informes publicados por medios de comunicación electrónica hasta el 21 de abril del presente año.

Ley N° 5.282 – Ley de libre acceso ciudadano a la información pública y transparencia gubernamental.

mei, 2014

La presente Ley establece normas orientadas a garantizar a todas las personas el efectivo ejercicio del derecho al acceso a la información pública, a través de la implementación de las modalidades, plazos, excepciones y sanciones correspondientes, que promuevan la trasparencia del Estado.

Environmental Governance in Oil-Producing Developing Countries : Findings from a Survey of 32 Countries

mei, 2014

The Petroleum Governance Initiative
(PGI) encompasses three general themes, or pillars, that
address issues issues of transparency and economic
responsibility, environmental sustainability and responsible
community development. Of particular interest here is the
second pillar, environmental sustainability; the PGI is
currently involved in four main activities surrounding this
theme: 1) assessing environmental governance and management

Assessing the Economic Value of Ecosystem Conservation

mei, 2014

This paper seeks to clarify how
valuation should be conducted to answer specific
environmental policy questions. In particular, it looks at
how valuation should be used to examine four distinct
aspects of the value of ecosystems: 1) Determining the value
of the total flow of benefits from ecosystems; 2)
Determining the net benefits of interventions that alter
ecosystem conditions: 3) Examining how the costs and

Hunting of Wildlife in Tropical Forests : Implications for Biodiversity and Forest Peoples

mei, 2014

The study addresses the importance of
wildlife to people, and as a resource of nutritional,
economic, and socio-cultural values, and examines the
complexities of hunting in tropical forests. It also
expresses that today, such hunting is rarely sustainable,
because of declining forest areas, which decreases wildlife
populations; because of changes among human populations in
the tropical forests, who have increasingly become more

Biological Resource Management : Integrating Biodiversity Concerns in Rural Development Projects and Programs

mei, 2014

The aim of this study is to improve
understanding of how biological resource conservation
concerns can be better incorporated into projects and
programs that primarily address the objective of rural
development rather than environmental conservation. A
multi-disciplinary study team was assembled and six
background papers produced, along with the main overview
paper. The six papers were on: 1) measuring biodiversity,

Assessing community-based natural resource management effectiveness in Siem Reap province, Cambodia

Reports & Research
april, 2014

Community forestry (CF) and Community Protected Areas (CPA) have been established for well over a decade in Siem Reap province. The study investigates the socioeconomic benefits gained by CPA and CF members from their participation in Community-Based Resources Management CBNRM. In CBNRM, local communities are responsible for the management of local resources. However, many CBNRM initiatives in Cambodia are more controlled by government than by communities. The report analyzes and compares two communities and the results of their CBNRM practices.

Decision No. 512/QD-TTg approving the master plan on socio-economic development of Cao Bang province through 2020, with a vision toward 2025.

april, 2014

This Decision approves the master plan on socio-economic development of Cao Bang province through 2020, with a vision toward 2025 (below referred to as the master plan) with the following principal contents: 1. The master plan on socio-economic development of Cao Bang province through 2020, with a vision toward 2025 must conform to the national socio-economic development strategy, the master plan on socio-economic development in the northern midland and mountainous region and ensure consistency with the sectoral development master plans. 2.

Mapping Environmental Services in Highland Guatemala

april, 2014

This paper uses data from Guatemala to
map areas that are important for the provision of indirect
ecosystem services, services whose benefits are enjoyed at
some distance from the ecosystem that provides them, such as
watershed services (enjoyed downstream) or biodiversity
conservation (enjoyed globally). These services are usually
externalities from the perspective of land users, and so
tend to be under-provided. Mapping the areas that supply

Striking a Better Balance : Volume 2. Stakeholder Inputs - Converging Issues and Diverging Views on the World Bank Group's Involvement in Extractive Industries

april, 2014

In July 2001, the extractive industries
review (EIR) was initiated with the appointment of Dr. Emil
Salim, former Minister of the Environment for Indonesia, as
eminent person to the review. The EIR was designed to engage
all stakeholders-governments, nongovernmental organizations
(NGOs), indigenous peoples' organizations, affected
communities and community-based organizations, labor unions,
industry, academia, international organizations, and the