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Displaying 265 - 276 of 1732

The Nigeria Fadama National Development Series

juni, 2016

Over the last 20 years, poor rural
farmers in Nigeria have seen the benefits of community
organization as a tool for local economic development under
the National Fadama Development Project series. They have
witnessed improvements in rural areas that have embraced a
more inclusive and participatory model of local economic
decision making. Many communities have come together under
the umbrella of new institutional arrangements for

Results in the Latin America and Caribbean Region, 2016, Volume 7

juni, 2016

Over the last decade, the countries of
the Latin America and the Caribbean region experienced a
deep economic and social transformation which lifted
millions out of poverty and swelled the ranks of the middle
class. Strong economic growth driven by both domestic
reforms and a favorable global economic environment, was
responsible for this progress. Complementary social
programs, made possible by growing fiscal space, helped

Prioritizing Infrastructure Investments in Panama

juni, 2016

Infrastructure services are significant
determinants of economic development, social welfare, trade,
and public health. As such, they typically feature strongly
in national development plans. While governments may receive
many infrastructure project proposals, however, resources
are often insufficient to finance the full set of proposals
in the short term. Leading up to 2020, an estimated US$836
billion - 1 trillion will be required each year to meet

Transitioning from Status to Needs Based Assistance for Georgia IDPs

juni, 2016

This report presents to the Government
of Georgia (GoG) an analysis of the implications of
potential policy changes to internally displaced person
(IDP) assistance. A pressing question for policy makers in
Georgia is the sustainability of status-based IDP assistance
and what efforts can be made to tailor this assistance to
favor the poor and vulnerable. Elimination of the IDP
benefit has been subject to debate among policymakers. The

Malawi Urbanization Review

juni, 2016

The Malawi Urbanization Review aims to
provide fresh perspectives on urbanization in Malawi, by
analyzing the current and potential contribution of
urbanization to long-term national development and the
current institutional and financial capacity of local
governments to manage the process. Analyses presented in
this report are particularly timely as Malawi is planning
for the coming half decade through the Malawi Growth and

Dynamics of Rural Growth in Bangladesh

mei, 2016

The rural economy in Bangladesh has been
a powerful source of economic growth and has substantially
reduced poverty, especially since 2000, but the remarkable
transformation and unprecedented dynamism in rural
Bangladesh are an underexplored, underappreciated, and
largely untold story. The analysis identifies the key
changes occurring in the rural economy, the principal
drivers of rural incomes, the implications for policy, and

Assessing the Social Impact of Cotton Harvest Mechanization in Uzbekistan

mei, 2016

The Government of Uzbekistan (GoU) has
recently adopted a policy to mechanize the cotton harvest as
part of its drive to modernize the agricultural sector.
Under Uzbekistan’s state-order system it is compulsory for
many farmers to grow cotton. They are contractually
obligated to produce stipulated quantities that are annually
set by the government, and must sell these to the GoU at a
price fixed by the government. Almost all cotton in

Poverty Reduction and Shared Prosperity in Moldova

Reports & Research
Training Resources & Tools
mei, 2016
Central Asia

Moldova has experienced rapid economic growth in the past decade, which has been accompanied by reductions in poverty and good performance in shared prosperity. Nonetheless, Moldova remains one of the poorest countries in Europe and faces challenges in sustaining the progress. The challenges for progress include spatial and cross-group inequalities, particularly because of unequal access to assets, services and economic opportunities.

The Atlas of Rural Marginalized Areas and of Local Human Development in Romania

Reports & Research
Training Resources & Tools
mei, 2016
Central Asia

Romania aims to be a country in which all citizens are provided with an equal opportunity toparticipate in society, where their basic needs are met and their differences respected, and whereall people feel valued and can live in dignity.Our society is still far from this ideal. One in every five Romanian people is income poor. Most of the people living in relative poverty in Romania are in persistent poverty, meening that they have been in poverty for at least the last three years.

Ethiopia Rising

mei, 2016

Remarks delivered by Jim Yong Kim, President of the World Bank Group, discuss Ethiopia’s commitment to climate action, the role of industrialization in delivering development, and bringing these together for low-carbon, equitable growth. He speaks about the government’s promotion of low-carbon growth, poverty reduction, and climate resilience to tackle the impact of climate changes.

Strengthening Regional Collaboration and Integration

mei, 2016

West Africa’s coastal area is critical
to the region, home to a third of its people and the source
of about half of its gross domestic product (GDP). Because
most of it is composed of mangroves and sand formations, the
area’s coastline is also highly vulnerable to erosion caused
by coastal currents and storm surges. Erosion is evident
from Mauritania to Gabon - and the rates of erosion are
increasing. Around the port of Lome, for example, Togo’s

Perú: Propuestas eleccionarias para la agricultura campesina

Policy Papers & Briefs
mei, 2016

La importancia de la agricultura campesina familiar en el Perú y su contribución a la economía nacional han sido puestas en evidencia en el último censo agropecuario y a través de diversos estudios y comentarios de especialistas. No es casual que el tema esté presente en la reciente  campaña política. El autor describe los principales planteamientos al respecto de tres de las agrupaciones políticas en carrera.