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Displaying 301 - 312 of 1732

Being a Women in Cote d'Ivoire

januari, 2016

In Africa, women are subjected to
discriminatory practices that keep them in a vulnerable
situation. Their limited access to land, in a continent
where the majority of the population depends on agriculture,
reduces their access to credit and their capacity to
undertake sustainable economic activities to generate
income. They hold only 18 percent of agricultural lands and
are not better off in administrations. In Cote

Deforestation Trends in the Congo Basin

januari, 2016

Congo Basin countries rely more on
wood-based biomass to meet their energy needs than most
other countries in the world. Wood fuel production is
increasing in Congo Basin countries. Urbanization often
produces a shift from fuel wood to charcoal consumption,
because charcoal is cheaper and easier to transport and
store. Charcoal is produced mostly using traditional
techniques, with low transformation efficiencies. Under a

Land Market Restrictions, Women's Labor Force Participation, and Wages in a Rural Economy

januari, 2016

This paper analyzes the effects of land
market restrictions on the rural labor market outcomes for
women. The existing literature emphasizes two mechanisms
through which land restrictions can affect the economic
outcomes: the collateral value of land, and (in) security of
property rights. Analysis of this paper focuses on an
alternative mechanism where land restrictions increase costs
of migration out of villages. The testable prediction of

Tenure Security Premium in Informal Housing Markets

januari, 2016

This paper estimates slum residents
willingness to pay for formalized land tenure in Pune,
India. In so doing, it offers evidence that the legal
assurance of slum residents occupancy of their lands could
benefit them. Previous studies have discussed legal and
non-legal factors that substantially influence the tenure
security of residents in informal settlements. However, it
remains unclear to what extent, and how, the assignment of

Ending Extreme Poverty and Sharing Prosperity

januari, 2016

With 2015 marking the transition from
the Millennium to the Sustainable Development Goals, the
international community can celebrate many development
successes since 2000. Three key challenges stand out: the
depth of remaining poverty, the unevenness in shared
prosperity, and the persistent disparities in non-income
dimensions of development. First, the policy discourse needs
to focus more directly on the poorest among the poor. While

Migration in Vietnam

januari, 2016

The authors investigate determinants of
individual migration decisions in Vietnam, a country with
increasingly high levels of geographical labor mobility.
Using data from the Vietnam Household Living Standards
Survey (VHLSS) of 2012, the authors find that probability of
migration is strongly associated with individual, household
and community-level characteristics. The probability of
migration is higher for young people and those with

Desmatamento nos Assentamentos da Amazônia: Histórico, Tendências e Oportunidades

Journal Articles & Books
december, 2015

Os assentamentos de reforma agrária têm assumido um papel de destaque em relação ao desmatamento da Amazônia nos últimos cinco anos. Atualmente cerca de 8% do território dos estados amazônicos (41,8 milhões de hectares) encontra-se destinado aos 3.589 assentamentos de reforma agrária.

Políticas Públicas e Agricultura

Journal Articles & Books
december, 2015

Por razões conhecidas, o sector agrícola tem um papel fundamental na economia moçambicana. Este tema é relevante, por um lado, porque a agricultura é considerada a base de desenvolvimento do nosso país e, por outro, porque as políticas públicas influenciam o comportamento de diversas variáveis da actividade agrária. Moçambique possui condições naturais para, a longo prazo, desenvolver um sector agrário diversificado, dinâmico e sustentável. Existem mais de 36 milhões de hectares de terra arável, dos quais somente 10% estão em uso e, destes, 90% pelo sector familiar (PEDSA, 2011).

Regional developments [In 2014-2015 Global food policy report]

Peer-reviewed publication
december, 2015
Western Africa
Eastern Africa
Southern Africa
Southern Asia
Sub-Saharan Africa
Central Asia
South America

In addition to global developments and food policy changes, 2014 also saw important developments with potentially wide repercussions in individual countries and regions. This chapter offers perspectives on major food policy developments in various regions including Africa, the Middle East and North Africa, Central Asia, South Asia, East Asia, and Latin America and the Caribbean.