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Displaying 1057 - 1068 of 1732

Mainstreaming Climate Adaptation into Development Assistance in Mozambique : Institutional Barriers and Opportunities

juni, 2012

Based on a literature review and expert
interviews, this paper analyzes the most important climate
impacts on development goals and explores relevant
institutions in the context of mainstreaming climate
adaptation into development assistance in Mozambique.
Climate variability and change can significantly hinder
progress toward attaining the Millennium Development Goals
and poverty aggravates the country's climate

What Makes Cities Healthy?

juni, 2012

The benefits of good health to
individuals and to society are strongly positive and
improving the health of the poor is a key Millennium
Development Goal. A typical health strategy advocated by
some is increased public spending on health targeted to
favor the poor and backed by foreign assistance, as well as
by an international effort to perfect drugs and vaccines to
ameliorate infectious diseases bedeviling the developing

Poverty, Inequality, and Social Disparities During China's Economic Reform

juni, 2012

China has been the most rapidly growing
economy in the world over the past 25 years. This growth has
fueled a remarkable increase in per capita income and a
decline in the poverty rate from 64 percent at the beginning
of reform to 10 percent in 2004. At the same time, however,
different kinds of disparities have increased. Income
inequality has risen, propelled by the rural-urban income
gap and by the growing disparity between highly educated

Sensitivity of Cropping Patterns in Africa to Transient Climate Change

juni, 2012

The detailed analysis of current
cropping areas in Africa presented here reveals significant
climate sensitivities of cropland density and distribution
across a variety of agro-ecosystems. Based on empirical
climate-cropland relationships, cropland density responds
positively to increases in precipitation in semi-arid and
arid zones of the sub-tropics and warmer temperatures in
higher elevations. As a result, marginal increases in

India - Orissa in Transition : Challenges for 2006-2010

juni, 2012

This report assesses the ongoing
transition in Orissa. It examines how and why the successes
were achieved. It attempts to outline the dimensions of the
challenge ahead, as Orissa marches forward into the second
phase of policy and institutional reforms, building on its
improved fiscal position to deliver rapid and inclusive
growth. It highlights key issues and binding or soon-to-be
binding constraints. The concluding section identifies

Cape Verde : Fisheries Sector Strategy Assessment

juni, 2012

This report is the result of a technical
and economic assessment of the fisheries sector in Cape
Verde. While originally focusing particularly on the
long-term development and governance strategy of the sector,
the authors, faced with the increasingly apparent need for
fundamental restructuring of the sector, redirected their
attention to what has become an assessment of how to create
a viable fishing sector that can effectively reach realistic

Nicaragua : Poverty Assessment, Volume 1. Main Report

juni, 2012

Nicaragua is a small, open economy that
is vulnerable to external and natural shocks. With an
estimated Gross National Income (GNI) per capita of US$1000
in 2006, and a total population of 5.2 million, it is one of
the poorest countries in Latin America. Forty six percent of
the population lived below the poverty line in 2005 (while
15 percent lived in extreme poverty), and the incidence of
poverty is more than twice as high in rural areas (68

Economic Opportunities for Indigenous Peoples in Latin America : Conference Edition

juni, 2012

Indigenous peoples make up less than 5
percent of the world's population, yet comprise 15
percent of the world's poor. The indigenous population
of Latin America is estimated at 28 million. Despite
significant changes in poverty overall, the proportion of
indigenous peoples in the region living in poverty - at
almost 80 percent - did not change much from the early 1990s
to the early 2000s. Economic Opportunities for Indigenous

Kyrgyz Republic : Poverty Assessment, Volume 1. Growth, Employment and Poverty

juni, 2012

This report, which has been prepared by
the World Bank in cooperation with the National Statistical
Committee, provides an assessment of poverty in the Kyrgyz
Republic using the most recent data available. The objective
of this report is to understand to what extent economic
growth has reduced poverty and led to improved living
conditions for the population during 2000-2005. The report
also attempts to answer three questions about the Kyrgyz

Kosovo : Poverty assessment, Volume 1. Accelerating Inclusive Growth to Reduce Widespread Poverty

juni, 2012

Poverty in Kosovo is widespread and has
remained persistent in the first half of this decade. The
evidence suggests that poverty is higher among those who
live in families that are large, have many unemployed
members, and have low education levels. The poor are also
geographically concentrated in rural areas and a few
regions. The main message of this report is that the slow
and volatile growth was doubly disadvantageous. The first

Making the New Indonesia Work for the Poor

juni, 2012

Indonesia stands at the threshold of a new era and at an important juncture of its history. After the historic economic, political and social upheavals at the end of the 1990s, Indonesia has started to regain its footing. The country has largely recovered from the economic and financial crisis that threw millions of its citizens back into poverty in 1998 and saw it regress to a low-income status. Recently, it has once again crossed the threshold, making it one of the world's emergent middle-income countries.