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Displaying 1081 - 1092 of 1732

Uganda - Moving Beyond Recovery, Investment and Behavior Change, For Growth, Volume 2, Overview

juni, 2012

In 2006 most of the people of Uganda,
with the notable exception of those in the conflict-blighted
Northern Region, enjoy a better quality of life and brighter
opportunities in a stable and growing economy. Uganda's
economy has bounced back beyond what could be regarded as
recovery, with real incomes per person now exceeding the
levels reached at Independence in 1962. The report structure
is as follows: volume one synthesizes the conclusions from

Albania - Urban Growth, Migration and Poverty Reduction : A Poverty Assessment

juni, 2012

This sector report claims that in the
three years between 2002 and 2005 alone, almost 235,000
people have moved out of poverty in Albania. Strong economic
growth and large inflow of remittances are at the center of
this impressive achievement. However, low productivity of
predominantly small family farms has put a drag on rural
growth prospects. Moreover, Ndihma Ekonomike (NE) program,
the means-tested income support program is small in scale,

Ghana - Meeting the Challenge of Accelerated and Shared Growth : Country Economic Memorandum, Volume 3. Background papers

juni, 2012

Ghana has done increasingly well in
recent years. This report has analyzed these issues in
considerable depth, making it a prime reference on
Ghana's growth and poverty experience and current
policy challenges. The Ghana Country Economic Memorandum
(CEM) report presented in these three volumes brings
together detailed, relevant analyses of Ghana's growth
and the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), poverty

Arab Republic of Egypt : Poverty Assessment Update, Volume 2. Annexes

juni, 2012

This report on the Poverty Assessment
Update of Egypt is a contribution to the strategy of poverty
alleviation pursued by the Government of Egypt. Using data
from the two household surveys in 2000 and 2005, this report
assesses the nature and dimensions of poverty in Egypt, and
discusses the role of macroeconomic policies and labor
markets in improving living standards. The report updates
the findings of "Poverty Reduction in Egypt: Diagnosis

Nepal - Country Environmental Analysis : Strengthening Institutions and Management Systems for Enhanced Environmental Governance

juni, 2012

The main objective of the Country
Environmental Analysis (CEA) in Nepal is to identify
opportunities for enhancing the overall performance of
select environmental management systems through improvements
in the effectiveness of institutions, policies, and
processes. CEA has been built upon the following three
primary study components: (a) an examination of the
environmental issues associated with infrastructure

India - Jharkhand : Addressing the Challenges of Inclusive Development

juni, 2012

This study on Jharkhand in India
addresses the challenges faced by that new state of India
(founded in November 2000) to surmount adverse initial
conditions of low average income, very high incidence of
poverty, and little social development. In addition, initial
health and education indicators in Jharkhand were also
markedly unfavorable in comparison to both the all-India
average and the major Indian states. The paper points out

Thailand : Northeast Economic Development Report

juni, 2012

This report is about balanced economic development in the Northeast of Thailand. It is about growth and poverty reduction, cities and villages, enterprises and workers, skills and education, infrastructure and trade, and rice and silk. Northeast economic development is only part of Thailand's development challenge, but it is among the most important. We look back at how the Northeast has fared in terms of growth, poverty reduction and social capital over the last decades relative to other regions in Thailand.

Nonfarm Activity and Rural Income Inequality : A Case Study of Two Provinces in China

juni, 2012

Nonfarm activity plays an increasingly important role in rural household income. Based on data from the Living Standards Measurement Study in the provinces of Hebei and Liaoning, the authors study the distribution of nonfarm income in rural China. First, they assume nonfarm income as an exogenous transfer to total income to decompose the Gini index. Second, they assume nonfarm income as a potential substitute for farm income to take household choices into account and simulate household income.

Cash Transfers, Conditions, School Enrollment, and Child Work : Evidence from a Randomized Experiment in Ecuador

juni, 2012

The impact of cash transfer programs on the accumulation of human capital is a topic of great policy importance. An attendant question is whether program effects are larger when transfers are "conditioned" on certain behaviors, such as a requirement that households enroll their children in school. This paper uses a randomized study design to analyze the impact of the Bono de Desarrollo Humano (BDH), a cash transfer program, on enrollment and child work among poor children in Ecuador. There are two main results.

Sustaining and Sharing Economic Growth in Tanzania : Contents of CD Rom

juni, 2012

This book is designed to contribute to
the government's thinking on how best to translate
broad MKUKUTA (the government of Tanzania's National
Strategy for Growth and Reduction of Poverty) policy
objectives into practical tactics and programs well suited
to Tanzania's economic priorities and to the removal of
key institutional and infrastructure bottlenecks. The book
aims to respond to three fundamental questions: (a) what

Analyzing the Distributional Impact of Reforms : A Practitioner’s Guide to Pension, Health, Labor Markets, Public Sector Downsizing, Taxation, Decentralization, and Macroeconomic Modeling, Volume 2

juni, 2012

The analysis of the distributional
impact of policy reforms on the well-being or welfare of
different stakeholder groups, particularly on the poor and
vulnerable, has an important role in the elaboration and
implementation of poverty reduction strategies in developing
countries. In recent years this type of work has been
labeled as Poverty and Social Impact Analysis (PSIA) and is
increasingly implemented to promote evidence-based policy

Overcoming Drought : Adaptation Strategies for Andhra Pradesh, India

juni, 2012

Using recent advances in modeling
climate-related risks and adjusting state of the art
catastrophic risk modeling techniques to drought, the study
conducts an innovative long-term assessment of drought risks
in Andhra Pradesh, India, and suggests strategies to reduce
their impact, under several economic, drought management and
climate change scenarios. The analysis deepens an
understanding of climate risk adaptation strategies,