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Land Act 2010 (Act No. 8 of 2010).

Southern Africa

This Act makes provision for a wide variety of matters relating to land tenure and reform in Lesotho including the definition of rights in land, allocation of land in rural areas, grant of title in land, vesting of land in authorities, government acquisitions and acquisition and expropriation of land for public purpose, grant of long-term leases and regularization and adjudication of title in land, including resolution of disputes by specialized land courts established under this Act. All land in Lesotho is vested in the Basotho Nation and is held in trust by the King.

Ley Nº 29.390 - Exoneración del pago de tasas registrales, municipales, aranceles u otros cobros para la ejecución de la formalización de la propiedad urbana y rural.

South America

La presente Ley exonera al Organismo de Formalización de la Propiedad Informal (COFOPRI) del pago de tasas registrales, municipales, aranceles u otros cobros para la ejecución de la formalización de la propiedad urbana y rural.

Décret N° 2009-219 du 22 octobre 2009 complétant certaines dispositions du décret N° 2006-078 portant création de l'Agence Nationale d’aménagement de Terrains (NAT) et fixant ses règles de fonctionnement.

Western Africa

Le présent décret modifie et complète essentiellement les dispositions de l’article 16 du décret N° 2006-078 portant création de l'Agence Nationale d’aménagement de Terrains (NAT) et fixant ses règles de fonctionnement.L’article 16 bis est libellé comme suit: «L'Agence Nationale d’aménagement de terrains bénéficie d’un régime dérogatoire de passation des marchés publics sans limitation de seuil. Son manuel de procédure, approuvé par le Ministre en charge de l’urbanisme en définit les modalités».

Urban and Rural Planning Regulations of Jiangsu province.

Eastern Asia

These Regulations are formulated in accordance with the Urban and Rural Planning Law of the People’s Republic of China. The Regulations consist of 6 Chapters, dealing with: General provisions; Formulation and amendment of urban and rural planning; Implementation of urban and rural planning; Supervision and inspection; Legal liabilities; Supplementary provisions. The Regulations provide for the procedures of, and requirements for formulation, approval, amendment and implementation of urban and rural planning.

Loi concernant l’aménagement général du territoire.

Western Europe

La susdite loi porte la réglementation relative à l’aménagement général du territoire. Ce dernier doit contribuer notamment à la réalisation des objectifs suivants: l’amélioration des conditions de vie de la population et l’assainissement de l’environnement, l’amélioration de l’habitat et le développement harmonieux des structures urbaines et rurales, la valorisation optimale des ressources économiques, la protection de la nature et la sauvegarde des ressources naturelles, la conservation et le développement du patrimoine culturel national.

National Gender Policy 2014.

National Policies
Eastern Africa

This National Gender Policy 2014 rests on the principle that women and men are equal in all respects. All forms of discrimination based on sex and gender should be eliminated. The reasons for revising the National Gender Policy of 2000 are the need to address persistence and emerging gender related issues such as the impact among women of climate change (Chap 4).

Regional Law No. 1929-ZRK “On price of some plots of land located in urban areas and destined for agricultural production”.

Eastern Europe

This Regional Law establishes that price of a plot of land located in urban areas and destined for agricultural production already allotted to peasant farm on condition of permanent (open-ended) possession or as lifelong hereditary possession in case of purchase thereof by the aforesaid categories of tenants shall be 15 percent of estimated cadastre value at the date of submittal of application.

Ministerial Decree No. 57 validating Model Regulation on terms and conditions of concession of right of ownership or lease of urban land.

Central Asia

This Ministerial Decree establishes the modalities, terms and conditions of concession of right of ownership or lease of urban land for payment related to public and municipal land. Concession of urban land in ownership can be carried out through direct sale of land. The provisions of this Decree shall not be applicable to concession of the plots of land free of charge.

Ley Nº 100 - Instituye el Plan Extraordinario de Regularización del Dominio de Tierras Fiscales en la Provincia de Misiones.

South America

Mediante esta Ley se establece el Plan Extraordinario de Regularización del Dominio de Tierras Fiscales en la Provincia de Misiones y se definen las condiciones que deben cumplir las personas físicas y jurídicas para acceder a estos beneficios. Si se trata de predios rurales, las personas físicas comprendidas en el marco del presente régimen pueden acceder a la propiedad de hasta cincuenta hectáreas.

Order No. 06/2009/L-CTN on the promulgation of the Law on Urban Planning.

South-Eastern Asia

This Law regulates the organization, assessment and approval of urban planning activities and in particular provides for forms of planning (including general planning, regional planning and detailed planning), agencies involved in urban planning and planning procedures.The Law specifies contents of strategic environmental assessment in urban planning.The Law requires plans to be adjusted when major factors alter the function or nature of urban areas, including changes in the general socio-economic development, climate, geological or hydrological conditions.The Law also sets forth requiremen

Ministerial Decree No. 2 validating Regulation on coordination of land use planning documentation for the objects of cultural and historic heritage in urban areas with the authorized federal body for protection of objects of cultural and historic herit...

Eastern Europe

This Ministerial Decree establishes the modalities of coordination with Federal Supervision Service over the Application of Legislation on Cultural Heritage of the general land use planning projects of settlements and city districts, projects of planning documentation elaborated for traditional (historic) settlements and land use planning regulations applicable to the objects of cultural heritage. Land use planning projects shall be subject to compulsory coordination with the aforesaid Federal Supervision Service before validation thereof by the local executive body.