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Urban and Rural Planning Regulations of Heilongjiang province.

Eastern Asia

These Regulations are formulated in accordance with the Urban and Rural Planning Law of the People’s Republic of China. The Regulations consist of 6 Chapters, dealing with: General provisions; Formulation and amendment of urban and rural planning; Implementation of urban and rural planning; Supervision and inspection; Legal liabilities; Supplementary provisions. The Regulations provide for the procedures of, and requirements for formulation, approval, amendment and implementation of urban and rural planning.

Urban and Rural Planning Regulations of Shangong province.

Eastern Asia

These Regulations are formulated in accordance with the Urban and Rural Planning Law of the People’s Republic of China. The Regulations consist of 6 Chapters, dealing with: General provisions; Formulation and amendment of urban and rural planning; Implementation of urban and rural planning; Supervision and inspection; Legal liabilities; Supplementary provisions. The Regulations provide for the procedures of, and requirements for formulation, approval, amendment and implementation of urban and rural planning.

Urban and Rural Planning Regulations of Chongqing municipality.

Eastern Asia

These Regulations are formulated in accordance with the Urban and Rural Planning Law of the People’s Republic of China. The Regulations consist of 7 Chapters, dealing with: General provisions; Formulation and amendmentof urban and rural planning; Implementation of urban and rural planning; Management of construction projects planning; Supervision and inspection; Legal liabilities; Supplementary provisions. The Regulations provide for the procedures of, and requirements for formulation, approval, amendment and implementation of urban and rural planning.

Regulation amending the Regulation on pastures.

Western Asia

This Regulation amends the Regulation on pastures by adding a new clause after the Clause (a) of Paragraph 5 of Article 8. The new clause added by this Regulation sets forth that the Decree by the Council of Ministers regarding urban transformation should implement Article 14 of the Pastures Law and take into account the Article 8 of the Regulation on pastures in case the Decree covers pasture lands.

Amends: Regulation on pastures. (1998-07-31)

Regulation on Preservation and Expansion of the Green Spaces in the Cities.

Western Asia
Southern Asia

The Regulation, which consists of 8 articles, lays down provisions relating to the expansion of green spaces in the urban areas. The Regulation prohibits cutting trees in public areas, gardens and parks within the boundaries of the cities. Any violation of the provisions of this Regulation shall be punished by imprisonment and fine. Municipalities are the responsible authorities to implement this Regulation.

Resolución Nº 13/08 - Criterios, regulaciones y requisitos ambientales obligatorios para desarrollos habitacionales.

Central America

La presente Resolución establece los riterios, regulaciones y requisitos ambientales obligatorios para desarrollos habitacionales comprendidos en proyectos de urbanización, construcción de viviendas en espacios urbanos, rurales, costeros y zonas ecológicamente frágiles.

Arrêté ministériel n° 1777 en date du 9 février 2015 portant création de services départementaux de l’Urbanisme et de l’Habitat

Western Africa

Le présent arrêté crée un Service départemental de l’Urbanisme et de l’Habitat dans les départements suivants: Kébémer; Linguère; Guinguinéo; Nioro; Podor. Ces Services dépendent des Divisions régionales de l’Urbanisme et de l’Habitat concernées et sont dirigés chacun par un agent de l’Etat de la hiérarchie B au moins nommé par arrêté du Ministre chargé de l’Urbanisme.

Decreto Nº 1.581 - Modifica el Decreto Único Reglamentario del Sector Vivienda, Ciudad y Territorio, en lo relacionado con la cobertura de tasa de interés para los potenciales deudores de crédito pertenecientes a los hogares que resulten beneficiarios ...

South America

El presente Decreto modifica el Decreto Único Reglamentario del Sector Sector Vivienda, Ciudad y Territorio, en lo relacionado con la cobertura de tasa de interés para los potenciales deudores de crédito pertenecientes a los hogares que resulten beneficiarios del Programa de Promoción de Acceso a la Vivienda de Interés Social “Mi Casa Ya”, a través del Fondo de Reserva para la Estabilización de la Cartera Hipotecaria (FRECH), para faciliter la financiación de vivienda de interés social nueva urbana a los potenciales deudores de crédito pertenecientes a los hogares que resulten beneficiarios

Regional Law No. 1872-OZ “On some legal relations concerning allotment of plots of land to citizens in ownership”.

Eastern Europe

This Regional Law establishes cases of allotment of public or municipal land plots within the boundaries of urban areas to some categories of citizens free of charge, establishes maximum and minimum land area dimensions destined for allotment on such conditions and the modalities of registration of citizens pertaining to categories eligible for such allotment.

Decreto Nº 1.666 - Proceso de regulación de la tenencia de la tierra en los asentamientos urbanos populares.

South America

El presente Decreto tiene por objeto iniciar el proceso para regularizar la tenencia de las tierras urbanas ocupadas por barrios y urbanizaciones populares, procurando la debida coordinación interinstitucional.

Revocado por: Decreto Ley Nº 8.198/11 - Ley especial de regularización integral de la tenencia de la tierra de los asentamientos urbanos y periurbanos. (2011-05-05)