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Deforestation Trends in the Congo Basin

januari, 2016

Congo Basin countries rely more on
wood-based biomass to meet their energy needs than most
other countries in the world. Wood fuel production is
increasing in Congo Basin countries. Urbanization often
produces a shift from fuel wood to charcoal consumption,
because charcoal is cheaper and easier to transport and
store. Charcoal is produced mostly using traditional
techniques, with low transformation efficiencies. Under a

Regional Law No. 67-6-ZKO amending Regional Law No. 141-4-ZKO “On land-use planning projects.

januari, 2016

Article 3 shall be amended to add the following wording: “Elaboration of land-use planning projects shall be performed with the consideration of accessibility to the objects of social, engineering and transport infrastructure for disabled persons and low-mobility groups of the population”.

Amends: Regional Law No. 141-4-ZKO “On land-use planning projects. (2008-11-07)

Country Partnership Framework for the Republic of Honduras for the Period FY16 - FY20

januari, 2016

Honduras’ recent economic performance
has been positive, especially taking into account the global
economic context. Real Gross Domestic Product (GDP) growth
accelerated from 2.8 percent in 2013 to 3.1 percent in 2014
and 3.6 percent in the first half of 2015. Growth has been
supported by improved terms of trade, higher remittance
inflows and export demand driven by the on-going recovery of
the United States (US), and improved investor confidence.

Presidential Decree No. 9/16 approving the Statute of the National Institute of Territorial Planning and Urban Development (INOTU).

januari, 2016

This Presidential Decree approves the Statute of the National Institute of Territorial Planning and Urban Development (INOTU). This Statute, consisting of 5 Chapters divided into 23 articles and completed by four Annexes, establishes the composition, duties and responsibilities of the above mentioned public institution of the Economic and Productive Sector.

Land Market Restrictions, Women's Labor Force Participation, and Wages in a Rural Economy

januari, 2016

This paper analyzes the effects of land
market restrictions on the rural labor market outcomes for
women. The existing literature emphasizes two mechanisms
through which land restrictions can affect the economic
outcomes: the collateral value of land, and (in) security of
property rights. Analysis of this paper focuses on an
alternative mechanism where land restrictions increase costs
of migration out of villages. The testable prediction of

Tenure Security Premium in Informal Housing Markets

januari, 2016

This paper estimates slum residents
willingness to pay for formalized land tenure in Pune,
India. In so doing, it offers evidence that the legal
assurance of slum residents occupancy of their lands could
benefit them. Previous studies have discussed legal and
non-legal factors that substantially influence the tenure
security of residents in informal settlements. However, it
remains unclear to what extent, and how, the assignment of

Financial Access and Household Welfare

januari, 2016

This paper evaluates the impact of
access to credit from banks and other financial institutions
on household welfare in Mauritania. Micro-level data from a
2014 household survey are used to evaluate the relationship
between credit access, a range of household characteristics,
and welfare indicators. To address potential endogeneity
issues, the household isolation level is used to instrument
access to credit. The results show that households headed by

Cambio de uso de suelo y tendencias de la expansión urbana entre 1990 y 2030 en Juan José Castelli y Villa Ángela, Chaco, Argentina

Journal Articles & Books
januari, 2016

En las últimas décadas se han producido cambios significativos en los esquemas de asentamiento de la población, si bien las ciudades millonarias siguen siendo importantes desde el punto de vista de la concentración de la población, no debemos dejar de destacar el protagonismo que están adquiriendo en este sentido las ciudades intermedias, como consecuencia, éstas comienzan a comprender la necesidad de desarrollar sus propias estrategias de desarrollo, entre las cuales se destacan las inversiones empresariales y de capital humano de origen local y/o regional.

Arrêté du 2 Rabie Ethani 1437 correspondant au 12 janvier 2016 fixant le cahier-type des servitudes applicables aux investissements situés dans le périmètre de la ville nouvelle de Bouinan.

januari, 2016

Le présent arrêté fixe le cahier-type des servitudes et des charges ainsi que les modalités de concession applicables aux investissements situés dans le périmètre de la ville nouvelle de Bouinan, en application des dispositions de l’article 5 (tiret 5) du décret exécutif n° 06-303 du 17 Chaâbane 1427 correspondant au 10 septembre 2006, modifié, fixant les missions, l’organisation et les modalités de fonctionnement de l’organisme de la ville nouvelle de Bouinan.

Regional Law No. 3-TRZ “On state support of smallholders (family subsistence farming)”.

januari, 2016

This Regional Law sets forth a series of arrangements for state support of smallholders (family subsistence farming) with a view of increase of employment and improvement of economic conditions of rural population, promotion of regional food market, and delimits plenary powers of state bodies in the aforesaid sphere. Agricultural commodities produced by smallholders shall be their property, and vending of cash crops shall not be considered entrepreneurial activity. Either urban land or agricultural land in rural areas can be used for family subsistence farming.

Compacidad y densidad de las ciudades españolas

Journal Articles & Books
januari, 2016

Las características espaciales de las ciudades resultan decisivas en los principales problemas urbanos: la calidad de vida, la movilidad, el consumo energético y de materiales, etcétera. Para describir el crecimiento de las ciudades, la compacidad y la densidad se han convertido en dos de los valores más funcionales, y pueden ser calculados a través de las principales bases de datos de coberturas del suelo en España: corme Land Cover y siose.

Migration in Vietnam

januari, 2016

The authors investigate determinants of
individual migration decisions in Vietnam, a country with
increasingly high levels of geographical labor mobility.
Using data from the Vietnam Household Living Standards
Survey (VHLSS) of 2012, the authors find that probability of
migration is strongly associated with individual, household
and community-level characteristics. The probability of
migration is higher for young people and those with