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Maternal and Child Health Inequalities in Ethiopia

Reports & Research
Policy Papers & Briefs
december, 2015

Recent surveys show considerable progress in maternal and child health in Ethiopia. The improvement has been in health outcomes and health services coverage. The study examines how different groups have fared in this progress. It tracked 11 health outcome indicators and health interventions related to Millennium Development Goals 1, 4, and 5. These are stunting, underweight, wasting, neonatal mortality, infant mortality, under-five mortality, measles vaccination, full immunization, modern contraceptive use by currently married women, antenatal care visits, and skilled birth attendance.


Reports & Research
Training Resources & Tools
december, 2015
Latin America and the Caribbean

This note aims to provide information and analysis as a basis for a better understanding of the challenges and constraints of achieving gender equality in Bolivia, with a special focus on the intersectionality between gender and ethnicity. Combining and analyzing existing evidence and new data, it seeks to document gender-specific disparities in development outcomes, highlight opportunities and constraints to women’s empowerment, and identify areas in which continuing knowledge gaps are particularly important to understand and address gender inequalities.

Mali Financial Sector Assessment Program

Reports & Research
Training Resources & Tools
december, 2015

The performance of the Malian economy is largely dependent on the performance of the agricultural sector. The overall good growth in the Malian economy over the last several years is attributed to the agricultural GDP growth. Since 1995, the economy grew at about 5 percent per year until 2010, but a global recession, the military coup and terrorist activity caused a noticeable slowdown in GDP to about 1.2 percent in 2011-2012. The economic growth has resumed at a slow pace since 2013 and is currently estimated around 4.5 percent for 2014-2015.

Agriculture in the rural-urban continuum: a CGIAR research perspective

Journal Articles & Books
december, 2015

Thirsty and hungry cities are posing significant challenges for the urban-rural interface ranging from food security to inter-sectoral water allocation. Not only is the supply of resources to urban centres a growing challenge in low-income countries, but even more is the urban return flow, as investments in waste management and sanitation, ie the ‘ultimate food waste’, are not able to keep pace with population growth. And where polluted water is used in irrigation to feed the cities, food safety is becoming a crucial component of food security.

L’accès durable des paysans à la terre : quel peut être l’apport des coopératives à la lutte contre l’accaparement des terres en Afrique ?

Journal Articles & Books
december, 2015

Depuis plusieurs années, on remarque une ruée sur les terres cultivables en Afrique. Ce déferlement peut s’expliquer par diverses raisons, telles que la recherche de nouvelles rentabilités à la suite de la crise financière actuelle, l’accroissement de l’investissement agricole pour assurer la sécurité alimentaire, l’encouragement de l’agrocarburant, etc. Toutefois, le phénomène n’est pas sans conséquence sur le bien-être des paysans locaux. Ces derniers, généralement réunis autour de sociétés coopératives, peuvent défendre leurs intérêts à travers diverses formes d’actions.

Progress made in supporting land policy formulation and implementation

Conference Papers & Reports
december, 2015

The paper focuses on the Report on the land policy formulation and implementation. The report presents the findings of the study on developing an institutional and funding mechanism and a monitoring and evaluation framework; the highlights of progress made by the Land Policy Initiative in implementing its five-year strategy and roadmap (2012–2016); and the results of research conducted by the Land Policy Initiative over the past two years on key land issues in Africa.

Hub-Periphery Development Pattern and Inclusive Growth

december, 2015

The hub-periphery development pattern of
the Guangdong economy, to some extent, is a miniature of
that of the Chinese economy. The Pearl River Delta, drawing
from its first-nature comparative advantages in factor
endowments and proximity to Hong Kong SAR, China, and Macau
SAR, China, and the second-nature advantages as first-movers
in the reforms in attracting and retaining domestic and
foreign resources, has developed into a regional economic

Urbanization Trends in Bolivia

december, 2015

This note is a summary of a report that
considers urban areas as the complement to rural areas that
will allow the Plurinational State of Bolivia to achieve the
goals set forth in its Patriotic Agenda for the Bicentennial
2025. The report uses data available at the national level
from censuses and household surveys from the National
Statistics Institute (INE) and the Social and Economic
Policy Analysis Unit of the Ministry of Development Planning