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Displaying 1165 - 1176 of 3144

An Analysis of Physical and Monetary Losses of Environmental Health
and Natural Resources in India

januari, 2013

This study provides estimates of social
and financial costs of environmental damage in India from
three pollution damage categories: (i) urban air pollution;
(ii) inadequate water supply, poor sanitation, and hygiene;
and (iii) indoor air pollution. It also provides estimates
based on three natural resource damage categories: (i)
agricultural damage from soil salinity, water logging, and
soil erosion; (ii) rangeland degradation; and (iii)

Miniatlas of Millennium Development Goals : Building a Better World

januari, 2013

The Millennium Development Goals (MDGs)
are a challenge the global community has set for itself.
They are a challenge to poor countries to demonstrate good
governance and a commitment to poverty reduction. And they
are a challenge to wealthy countries to make good on their
promise to support economic and social development. The MDGs
have captured the world's attention, in part because
they can be measured, as this little book demonstrates. More

Can Pakistan have creative cities? An agent based modeling approach with preliminary application to Karachi

december, 2012

The form and function of many cities are increasingly marred by congestion, sprawl and socioeconomic segregation, preventing them from experiencing expected productivity gains associated with urbanization. We operationalize these insights by creating a stylized agent-based model of a theoretical city, inspired by social complexity theory and the new urban literature.

Anatomía de la dispersión urbana en Barcelona

Journal Articles & Books
december, 2012

No existe una definición comúnmente aceptada de dispersión urbana (urban sprawl), de modo que la investigación aplicada ha trabajado con diferentes indicadores que pretenden a su vez capturar los distintos significados con que se ha dotado al término. En este trabajo se mide cómo ha evolucionado la dispersión de la población y del empleo de la Región Metropolitana de Barcelona (RMB) entre 1986 y 2001. Las dimensiones exploradas se dividen en dos grupos: i) forma urbana (desconcentración, baja densidad y discontinuidad) y ii) estructura urbana.

A long way home

Policy Papers & Briefs
december, 2012
South Africa

This working paper by Tikvah Breimer previously of the Institute for Housing and Urban Development Studies (IHS) and Mark Napier previously of Urban LandMark, analyses the provision of core housing in Khayelitsha, Cape Town, specifically taking into account the residents' response to the state's delivery of core housing. It aims to explore to what extent the South African government's approach to providing large-scale housing addresses the relevant demands in the context of rapid urbanisation.

Retail centres and township development

Training Resources & Tools
december, 2012
South Africa

This case study is based on an existing booklet, Retail Centres and Township Developments: A Case Study (SACN, 2010) published by the South African Cities Network (SACN), the Training for Township Renewal Initiative (TTRI) and National Treasury. The booklet draws on prior research on

The financing of city services in Southern Africa

Training Resources & Tools
december, 2012
South Africa

This case study draws on research that investigated the financial sustainability of cities in the Southern African region. The research was undertaken by the South African Cities Network (SACN). The project was jointly sponsored by the Public Private Infrastructure Advisory Facility and the World Bank. The contribution by SACN of the material for this document is gratefully acknowledged. The learning material presents an outline of the many challenges of financial sustainability and effective service delivery facing Southern African cities.

Access to Land Title in Cambodia: A Study of Systematic Land Registration in Three Cambodian Provinces and the Capital

Reports & Research
december, 2012

Through LMAP, and subsequent LASSP, Cambodia has made impressive progress in building a functioning cadastral system over the last ten years. This process has proved complex and challenging, but since commencing, the land registration teams have successfully issued over 1.7 million land titles, a strong legal framework has been developed for the functioning of the land administration bodies and mechanism, institutions have been built and strengthened, and a dispute resolution process has been established for dealing with disputes over unregistered land.