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The Effects of Rural Land Right Security on Labour Structural Transformation and Urbanization: Evidence from Thailand

Policy Papers & Briefs
december, 2012

This paper attempts to contribute to the understanding of the impacts of secure rural agricultural land rights on labour structural transformation from agriculture to non-agriculture as well as on urbanization, with a specific focus on Thailand. Using province-level panel data and instrumental variable strategy, partial land right entitlement (known in Thailand as SPK4-01 titling) is found to have a positive impact on labour movement towards the non-agricultural sector. In particular, approximately 27 per cent of this impact can be explained by enhanced farm productivity.

Watershed management in an urban setting: process, scale and administration

Journal Articles & Books
december, 2012

Efforts in post-industrial countries to refine environment and planning administration in the face of unprecedented urban growth have important implications for ecological systems and human quality of life. This paper uses the case of an urban riparian corridor in South East Queensland, Australia to contribute to understandings of interactions between land use planning processes, watershed management initiatives and broader administrative structures in urban and rapidly urbanising settings. In particular it examines the understudied application of watershed management to an urban setting.

Efficient segmentation of urban areas by the VIBI

Journal Articles & Books
december, 2012

Urban populations are expanding rapidly and so are cities. Remote sensing offers a convenient means of monitoring this expansion as it covers a period of 40 years in the case of the LANDSAT satellite. In some parts of the globe, this is probably the only viable means of monitoring due to the lack of other types of data. In order to monitor expansion, first, urban land has to be separated from other land-cover types.

Comparison of Different Mapping Techniques for Classifying Hyperspectral Data

Journal Articles & Books
december, 2012

Hyperion is a space borne sensor which provides powerful tool in discriminating land cover features including urban area and in preparation of urban maps. It gives hyperspectral images in 242 bands within 400 nm to 2,500 nm wavelength range with 10 nm band-width. The Hyperion image in raw form is badly affected with several atmospheric effects which cause haziness. In this study hyperspectral image is atmospherically corrected by using FLAASH model of ENVI.

Assessing the fragmentation of construction land in urban areas: An index method and case study in Shunde, China

Journal Articles & Books
december, 2012

The fragmentation of construction land due to decentralised urban development, disorderly mixed land use, and large-scale transportation infrastructure poses a threat to urban integrity. There is a need to quantify the fragmentation level in a consistent way for inclusion in planning-related decisions. In the context of China's urban sprawl, this study develops a quantitative and intuitive index approach that planners can use to analyse multiple fragmentation features of construction land within urban areas.

Mapping impervious surfaces from superresolution enhanced CHRIS/Proba imagery using multiple endmember unmixing

Journal Articles & Books
december, 2012

In this paper, the potential of superresolution (SR) image reconstruction methods for sub-pixel land-cover mapping in dense urban areas is studied. A multiple endmember approach (MESMA) is used for unmixing both original hyperspectral CHRIS/Proba and SR enhanced CHRIS/Proba data. Validation based on high resolution orthophotos (25cm) shows that land-cover fraction maps generated from SR-enhanced CHRIS/Proba data (9m) have a lower overall fractional error compared to the land-cover fractions produced from the original CHRIS data (18m), when validating both results at the 18m resolution.

Mapping coffee plantations with Landsat imagery: an example from El Salvador

Journal Articles & Books
december, 2012
El Salvador

Considering the potential of shaded coffee plantations mixed with natural vegetation for promoting biodiversity conservation, this project assessed the utility of multi-date Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM) satellite imagery for the characterization of natural vegetation versus coffee plantations in western El Salvador. For assembling a multi-temporal Landsat TM data set, we applied a regression analysis model to remove cloud cover and cloud shadows. Then, through a hybrid classification approach, a nine-class land use/land cover (LULC) map was generated.

Rural–urban gradient analysis of ecosystem services supply and demand dynamics

Journal Articles & Books
december, 2012

Urban regions are important places of ecosystem service demands and, at the same time, are the primary source of global environmental impacts. Although there is broad agreement on the importance of incorporating the concept of ecosystem services into policy strategies and decision-making, the lack of a standardized approach to quantifying ecosystem services at the landscape scale has hindered progress in this direction. Moreover, tradeoffs between ecosystem services and the supply/demand ratio of ecosystem services in urban landscapes have rarely been investigated.

ecosystem service valuation of land use change in Taiyuan City, China

Journal Articles & Books
december, 2012

Urban sprawl and a policy of converting farmland to woodland and grassland in the fragile ecological environments of the Loess Plateau of China can cause complex land use changes that significantly affect ecosystem services and functions. This study investigated changes in ecosystem services in response to land use changes caused primarily by human activities in Taiyuan City, the capital of Shanxi Province. Our aim was to provide guidance for sustainable urban development in fragile ecological environments undergoing rapid urbanization.

Human activities directly alter watershed dissolved silica fluxes

Journal Articles & Books
december, 2012
United States of America

Controls on chemical weathering, such as bedrock geology, runoff, and temperature, are considered to be the primary drivers of Si transport from the continents to the oceans. However, recent work has highlighted terrestrial vegetation as an important control over Si cycling. Here we show that at the regional scale (Southern New England, USA), land use/land cover (LULC) is an important variable controlling the net transport of Si from the land to the sea, accounting for at least 40% of dissolved Si (DSi) fluxes.

Does large-sized cities' urbanisation predominantly degrade environmental resources in China? Relationships between urbanisation and resources in the Changjiang Delta Region

Journal Articles & Books
december, 2012

Outward expansion of urban lands in the developing nations is often associated with a substantial loss of environmental resources such as forests, wetlands, freshwater and cash crop fields. Yet, determining how different aspects of urbanisation – such as city population size and spread pattern of built-up lands – contribute to the cumulative loss of resources remains controversial. In this study, data sets were constructed describing changes to land cover across 65,200 grid cells at 1 km² spatial resolution for China's Changjiang Delta Region over the past 60 years.

Wind farm land suitability indexing using multi-criteria analysis

Journal Articles & Books
december, 2012

Wind farm siting can be considered as Multi Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) problem that consists of set of alternative locations and set of selection criteria. This study applied multi-criteria decision making approach using Analytical Hierarchy Process with Ordered Weigh Averaging AHP-OWA aggregation function to derive wind farm land suitability index and classification under Geographical Information System (GIS) environment. Linguistic quantifier’s version of AHP-OWA aggregation function was used to classify lands based on their suitability for wind farm installation.