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Fiche Pays

Reports & Research
maart, 2009

Le Togo est un des plus petits pays objet de l’étude : sa superficie n’est que de 56 785 km², grossièrement répartis en deux systèmes de plaines, un au Nord et un au Sud, séparés par un ensemble de plateaux centraux, dont le massif de l’Atakora. Par contre, la population est relativement importante avec près de 6 millions d’habitants (avec un taux de croissance annuel de 2,7 % pour la période 2000-2006)1, dont près de 40 % dans les agglomérations de plus de 5 000 habitants. Selon une formule de R. Cornevin, le Togo représente « toute l’Afrique en 600 kilomètres »2.

Sub-Decree on Determining 9,985 hectares as sustainable use zones in Oaral Wildlife Sanctuary and Reclassyfing state public land as state private land

maart, 2009

Determining 9,985 hectares as sustainable use zones in Oaral Wildlife Sanctuary in Oaral district of Kampong Speu province, reclassyfing the land as state private land, and granting the land for agro-industry investment to HLH Agriculture under 70 years lease term.

Engaging the ASEAN: Toward a Regional Advocacy on Land Rights

Reports & Research
maart, 2009

The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) was
established on 8 August 1967 in Bangkok by the five
original Member Countries, namely, Indonesia, Malaysia,
Philippines, Singapore, and Thailand. Brunei Darussalam joined on
8 January 1984; Vietnam, on 28 July 1995; Lao PDR and
Myanmar, on 23 July 1997; and Cambodia, on 30 April 1999.
In principle, ASEAN supports poverty reduction, food security,
sustainable development, and greater equity in the ASEAN
region. However, a closer look at the pronouncements contained

Positive and Negative Aspects of Forestry Conflict: Lessons From Decentralized Forest Management in Indonesia

Reports & Research
februari, 2009

Decentralization in natural resource management (NRM) is increasingly promoted as it is believed to offer better management. This study explores the positive and negative aspects of the forestry conflict that sometimes increases with decentralization. Drawing upon the results of a case study from Sumatra, this study examines how forestry conflict under decentralization processes was viewed by stakeholders. The conflict involved a logging company and a local community, and centered on a disputed forest boundary.

Arrêté du 30 janvier 2009 portant création du Comité Interministériel d’Aménagement du Territoire (CIAT).

januari, 2009

Le présent arrêté crée un Comité Interministériel d’Aménagement du Territoire (CIAT) présidé par le Premier Ministre ou son délégué.Le Comité Interministériel d'Aménagement du Territoire (CIAT) est chargé de définir la politique du gouvernement en matière d’Aménagement du Territoire, de Protection et de Gestion des bassins-versants de Gestion de l 'Eau, de l’Assainissement, de l'Urbanisme et de l'Equipement.Le comité Interministériel d’Aménagement du Territoire a pour principales attributions de : coordonner et d'harmoniser les actions du Mouvement en matière d'aménagement du territoire, de

Sub-Decree on Reclassification of State Permanent Forest Reserve and Granting Economic Land Concession to Private Company for Agro-Industru Investment

januari, 2009

Classifying 5,200 hectares of forest land in Permanent Forest Reserve in Samlot district of Battambang province as conversion forest for development purposes and reclassifying the land from state public land to state private land, and granting economic land concession to Rath Sambath company.

Dispersión urbana y nuevos desafíos para la gobernanza (metropolitana) en América Latina: el caso de Santiago de Chile

Journal Articles & Books
januari, 2009
Latin America and the Caribbean

La expansión acelerada de las áreas urbanas no es algo nuevo para las ciudades latinoamericanas. Sin embargo, es sólo ahora que las profundas implicaciones sociales, ecológicas y económicas de la dispersión urbana empiezan a convertirse en una preocupación fundamental de las grandes aglomeraciones del continente. El presente artículo toma a Santiago de Chile como ejemplo para discutir los desafíos que la dispersión urbana supone para la gobernanza.

"Since we have this land together"; A pastoral community in institutional management of communal resources.

Reports & Research
januari, 2009

 In Kenya, the pastoral Maasai’s districts have been the vanguard in rangeland tenure transitions and experimentation as pastoralists’ territory gave way to communal group ranches and to individual land holdings under diverse land-use activities. The tenure transformations have been accompanied by institutional and socio-economic changes that have had bearings on local communities’ capacities for collective action, pastoral livelihoods, and environmental sustainability.

The impact of subdivision and sedentarization of pastoral lands on wildlife in an African savanna ecosystem

Journal Articles & Books
januari, 2009

This study looks at the impact of subdivision and sedentarization of pastoral lands on wildlife numbers and production in a savanna ecosystem of southern Kenya. The study uses aerial counts over a period of 33 years to compare changes in wildlife populations on two adjacent and ecologically similar Maasai group ranches. During the period under study, one group ranch was subdivided and settled. The other remained communally owned under shifting seasonal use.

Voluntary Guidelines for Food Governance in Land and Natural Resource Tenure -

januari, 2009

Voluntary guidelines are human-rights based documents that provide a framework and reference point for national and international policies. They need to be derived from international agreements and credible examples of good practice if they are to command wide support. This paper is based on 56 authoritative international documents from which 14 principles about land and natural resources tenure have been derived.