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Secure and equal access to land for all: Lessons on land governance and climate resilience from Dar es Salaam, Tanzania

Policy Papers & Briefs
december, 2019

Secure land and property rights are essential for improving the livelihoods of the poor and ending poverty. Effective and equitable land governance can also contribute to economic development, domestic resource mobilisation and climate change resilience. Promoting fair and transparent land tenure systems should therefore be a priority for national governments.

The Voluntary Guidelines: Securing our rights - Senegal

Reports & Research
december, 2019

The guide will serve as documentation of the lessons learnt from the experiences of making use of the VGGT and in Senegal. As stakeholders from countries, such as Guinea, Mali and Mauritania seek inspiration from Senegal to improve governance of tenure in their own country context, this document will be an important source of inspiration. The document will also be a reference for different Donors and Partners interested in tenure governance in Senegal.


La mise en place des comités de transhumance au Niger - Une démarche inédite et réussie en matière de dialogue multi-acteurs pour améliorer la gouvernance des terres pastorales

Reports & Research
december, 2019

Au Niger comme dans tous les pays du Sahel, le pastoralisme fait face à des défis majeurs. La transhumance transfrontalière – pratique séculaire caractérisant le pastoralisme dans toute l’Afrique au sud du Sahara et dont les bienfaits ne sont plus à démontrer – est dangereusement menacée.

La société civile s’engage fermement dans le processus de la politique foncière rurale au Niger

Reports & Research
december, 2019

Le dépliant rapelle la contribution des organisations de la société civile dans le processus d'élaboration de la politique foncière rurale au Niger et leur rôle dans la mobilisation des acteurs, le partenariat créé dans une approche participative et inclusive


SNE Albanie: bonnes pratiques d’une plateforme multipartite

Manuals & Guidelines
december, 2019

La SNE Albanie est appuyée par des OSC, des députés, des établissements universitaires, la Banque mondiale et l’Agence suédoise de coopération internationale pour le développement. Le gouvernement la considère comme un point de référence crédible et digne de confiance, qu’il est possible de consulter sur les questions de gouvernance foncière et forestière. Comment la SNE Albanie y est-elle parvenue ?

The legislative and institutional framework for war affected land rights in Iraq:

Journal Articles & Books
december, 2019

Land and property rights in Iraq are an important component of recovery, particularly subsequent to the ISIS conflict. The return of 3.3 million internally displaced persons (IDPs) due to the ISIS conflict are encountering claimants who were dislocated from 

previous wars and expropriations. This results in numerous land conflicts that if not dealt with will contribute to the country’s instability. Of primary importance in this regard is an ongoing discussion in government and the international community which 

Rapport sur l'état de l'environnement au Sénégal

Reports & Research
december, 2019

Dans cette quatrième édition dont le thème principal est Améliorer la conscience environnementale pour une gestion durable des ressources naturelles au Sénégal, un accent particulier a été mis sur la gouvernance climatique, notamment en ce qui concerne les modalités de la contribution du PSE dans son amélioration, ainsi que la mise en oeuvre des contributions déterminées au niveau national (CDN) et de l’agenda 2030 des objectifs de Développement durable (ODD). Le cadre utilisé pour évaluer l’état de l’environnement au Sénégal est dénommé DPSIR .

Embedded Deforestation: The Case Study of the Brazilian–Italian Bovine Leather Trade

Peer-reviewed publication
december, 2019

Deforestation and forest degradation driven by Agriculture, Forestry and Other Land Use (AFOLU) are important sources of carbon emissions. Market globalization and trade liberalization policies reinforce this trend and risk deforestation to be embedded in global value chains. Due to the complexity of global production and trade systems, deforestation risk is also embedded in the supply chains of the products and sectors that are not direct deforestation drivers. Bovine leather is a commodity closely entangled in the debates about deforestation as it is a by-product of cattle.

Voluntary Sustainability Certification and State Regulations: Paths to Promote the Conservation of Ecosystem Services? Experiences in Indonesia

Peer-reviewed publication
december, 2019

The Forest Stewardship Council initiated a Forest Certification for Ecosystem Services (ForCES) project from 2011 to 2017 to improve and promote sustainable forest management addressing a range of ecosystem services. Three sites in Indonesia were included in the pilot. Whilst the development of the certification standard was largely the result of a partnership between the certification standard organization, civil society and research organizations, implementation and monitoring of the impact of this sustainability standard will entail interactions with state regulations.

Livelihood Impacts of Plantation Forests on Farmers in the Greater Mekong Subregion: A Systematic Review of Plantation Forest Models

Peer-reviewed publication
december, 2019

Background and Objectives: Plantation forests remain a highly contested element of rural development. Successive reviews of large-scale plantations established under land concessions identify predominantly negative impacts on local farmers’ livelihoods. Although concession models of plantation development have been common in the global South, other models characterised by different forms of land tenure, labour arrangements, and plantation design have also emerged. The impacts of these models on the livelihoods of local farmers are likely to be more varied.

Contribution of Small-Scale Acacia Hybrid Timber Production and Commercialization for Livelihood Development in Central Vietnam

Peer-reviewed publication
december, 2019

Forming a backbone of the wood supply in Vietnam, approximately 50% of plantation areas are managed by individual households. Of the planted species, the Acacia (Acacia auriculiformis A. Cunn. ex Benth. × Acacia mangium Willd) hybrid is one of the most preferred by timber growers. Yet, information on the potential of this timber species for rural livelihoods is lacking.