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Participatory mapping of ecosystem services across a gradient of agricultural intensification in West Kalimantan, Indonesia

december, 2022

Agrarian change affects the supply and demand of ecosystem services (ES) by reducing the extent of natural ecosystems. Agricultural intensification can lead to changes in land covers and livelihood opportunities and it remains unclear how such changes align or misalign with the desires of local communities.

Resolving land use conflicts through Joint Village Land Use Planning

december, 2022

Meet district participatory land use team member, Patrick – also known as the peacemaker – who helps communities implement CGIAR’s Joint Village Land Use Planning process. Learn how the process can help pastoral and farming communities mutually agree on how to use shared land so that everyone can manage and conserve resources peacefully, to achieve livelihood, biodiversity and environment outcomes. Created by and for the International Livestock Research Institute and the CGIAR initiative on Livestock and Climate.

Revisiting Baru Pelepat

december, 2022

This chapter by Yuliani et al. begins with a brief description of the Adaptive Collaborative Management process that occurred in the early 2000s in the village of Baru Pelepat in Jambi province, Indonesia – a process facilitated by these authors. After a brief introduction to the community itself, Yuliani et al. launch into a description of the bottom-up process that resulted in local communities getting legal rights to manage a special forest area near their community, an area that had been part of Indonesia’s forest estate.

A time to change direction

december, 2022

Colfer and Prabhu build on concerns highlighted in the Glasgow Leaders Declaration on Forests and Land Use, recognizing the ‘wickedness’ of climate change and other problems bedeviling the Earth and its peoples. This chapter, in response, argues for the use of collaborative, bottom-up approaches where learning and adaptation are central features. These authors build on the longitudinal experience – some of two decades or more – of multiple teams of researchers who have worked at the community level using the ACM approach and highlighting their many enduring accomplishments.

Local working collections as the foundation for an integrative conservation of Theobroma cacao L. in Latin America

december, 2022

The intraspecific diversity of cacao has traditionally been preserved in genebanks. However, these establishments face various challenges, notably insufficient funding, accession redundancy, misidentification and lack of wild cacao population samples. In natural environments, it is expected that unknown varieties of cacao may still be found, but wild populations of cacao

Changing the game: An economy built around stewardship

december, 2022

This chapter begins by reiterating the calls by the Glassgow Leaders’ Declaration on Forests and Land Use and others for more effective attention to climate change. To respond to these calls, we argue that globally we will need to change ‘the game’ from one based on commodification to one that recognizes the systemic nature of human and natural life and builds a caring economy of stewardship.

Spatially targeting conservation and farm mechanization in Southern Africa: Insights from multicriteria analysis

december, 2022

The uptake of conservation agriculture and farm mechanization in Southern Africa has been slow and low. As a result, most smallholder farmers continue to grow crops under degraded soils using conventional tools and human powered farm operations. This leads to low productivity. Therefore, spatially visualizing areas where conservation agriculture and farm mechanization can be targeted can be crucial to guide targeting and scaling.

Training of Trainers (ToT) on Soil Carbon Sequestration and Crop Production Course Module

december, 2022

As part of the AICCRA project, the West African Science Service Centre on Climate Change and Adapted land Use (WASCAL) and the Regional Universities Forum for Capacity Building in Agriculture (RUFORUM) are tasked to to develop curricula and training materials to accelerate the mainstreaming Climate Information Services (CIS) and Climate Smart Agriculture (CSA) into University’s curricula in Africa.

Alternative sources of protein for food and feed

december, 2022

Alternative protein sources for human food, as well as for terrestrial and aquatic animal feed, are increasingly commercially available. These products have considerable potential for sustainably delivering protein for food and feed and could lead to significant reductions in climate and land use impacts. Alternative protein sources include meat analogs, insects, certain woody plants, and algae including seaweed. We briefly review recent work on their nutritional, environmental, technological, and socioeconomic impacts.

Identification of suitable land for supplemental surface irrigation in semi-arid areas of North-western Ethiopia

december, 2022

In arid and semi-arid areas, a shortage of soil moisture limits rainfed crop growth and consequently reduces crop yield. By adding a small amount of water, supplemental irrigation can boost crop yields dramatically. The objective of this study was to identify suitable land for supplemental irrigation in a moisture deficit area in the semi-arid Ethiopian highlands using GIS-based multi-criteria evaluation. Land suitability and water availability factors were used for the analysis.

The Land Gap Report

Reports & Research
oktober, 2022

This report looks at how Governments are using land in climate pledges. An international team analyzed commitments made for years 2030, 2050, and 2060 — looking at individual pledges and the implications for land use. The data should be considered a first approximation. Many national plans are still vague. There is a need for much greater clarity in nationally determined contributions about land use – and greater realism on the limits of land for carbon dioxide removal purposes.