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The Criteria Used By Motorcyclists To Locate Informal Parking Spaces

december, 2022

In Tanzania, the increase in the number of commercial motorcycles operating in the urban areas has resulted to the establishment of informal parking spaces in various parts of towns and cities. This research aimed to explore the criteria used by commercial motorcycle operators to establish informal motorcycle parking spaces in urban areas. The study on the influence of land use on the spatial distribution of informal motorcycle parking spaces applied triangulation techniques to ensure the validity and reliability of the collected data.

Geospatial Data Integration For Intelligent Transportation Systems: A Review Of The State Of The Art Of Spatio-Temporal Traffic Forecasting

december, 2022

Context and background:Intelligent transportation is a dynamic field focused on enhancing travel efficiency, reducing congestion, and increasing convenience. Central to this domain is the collection and analysis of spatio-temporal data, enabling precise traffic flow predictions and the development of intelligent traffic management systems. Integrating geospatial data, encompassing road topology and proximity to public infrastructure and transportation services, presents a significant challenge in designing effective intelligent transportation systems.

A decentralized approach to model national and global food and land use systems

december, 2022

The achievement of several sustainable development goals and the Paris Climate Agreement depends on rapid progress towards sustainable food and land systems in all countries. We have built a flexible, collaborative modeling framework to foster the development of national pathways by local research teams and their integration up to global scale. Local researchers independently customize national models to explore mid-century pathways of the food and land use system transformation in collaboration with stakeholders.

Capacity gaps in land-based mitigation technologies and practices: A first stock take

december, 2022

Land-based mitigation technologies and practices (LMTs) reduce GHG emissions associated with land use and/or
enhance terrestrial GHG sinks. This article investigates capacity gaps to successfully facilitate LMT adoption and/or scaling in the regions of Latin America, Europe, North America, sub-Saharan Africa and Southeast Asia. We
look at LMTs such as agricultural land management, agroforestry, bioenergy with carbon capture and storage
(BECCS), biochar, forest management, and peat/wetland management. We used a triangulation method based on

Review of Nationally Determined Contributions (NCD) of Vietnam from the perspective of food systems

december, 2022

Over the past decades, Vietnam has significantly progressed and has transformed from being a food-insecure nation to one of the world’s leading exporters in food commodities, and from one of the world’s poorest countries to a low-middle-income country. The agriculture sector is dominated by rice and plays a vital role in food security, employment, and foreign exchange. Vietnam submitted its updated Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC) in 2022 based on the NDC 2020.

Integrating climate mitigation and environmental peacebuilding objectives through sustainable land use systems: Theory of change and indicators

december, 2022

Land is an essential natural resource for climate mitigation and peace. It is commonly connected with sources of GHG emissions and with drivers of (violent) conflict. Therefore, climate mitigation and peacebuilding strategies are co-designing sustainable land-use systems (SLUS) with affected communities to integrate land-based climate mitigation and peacebuilding objectives. SLUS is practiced within agricultural production systems that meet sustainability principles (environmental, social, and economic).

Guidance note for peace-informed programming at the Green Climate Fund: Forest and Land Use

december, 2022

Land has historically been a focal point of conflict, especially in Fragile and Conflict-affected Settings (FCS), where disputes over forests and land use often intersect with broader socio-political dynamics, including unfair resource allocation, marginalization, and governance challenges. Factors such as climate change, population growth, and urbanization are anticipated to intensify these conflicts in the coming decades.

Forest and landscape restoration opportunities in the western catchment of Lake Ziway, Central Rift Valley, Ethiopia: technical report

december, 2022

Forest and landscape restoration measures could address landscape degradation, increase ecosystem services, and improve livelihoods. However, mapping potential areas for forest and landscape restoration measures and identifying enabling and constraining factors is crucial for effective implementation.