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Displaying 205 - 216 of 545

Formalizing Rural Land Rights in West Africa

november, 2015

This paper presents early evidence from
the first large-scale randomized-controlled trial of a land
formalization program. The study examines the links between
land demarcation and investment in rural Benin in light of a
model of agricultural production under insecure tenure. The
demarcation process involved communities in the mapping and
attribution of land rights; cornerstones marked parcel
boundaries and offered lasting landmarks. Consistent with


Institutional & promotional materials
oktober, 2015

The first set of the land laws were enacted in 2012 in line with the timelines outlined in the Constitution of Kenya 2010. In keeping with the spirit of the constitution, the Land Act, Land Registration Act and the national Land Commission Act respond to the requirements of Articles 60, 61, 62, 67 & 68 of the Constitution.

Quilombo de Ivaporunduva: protagonismo na luta por reconhecimento

Reports & Research
oktober, 2015

A luta dos quilombolas de Ivaporunduva foi pioneira na conquista de seu direito à terra, antes mesmo de haver qualquer território quilombola titulado no país. Em 1994, formaram a primeira associação quilombola do Vale do Ribeira, com a qual entraram com uma ação judicial contra o Estado brasileiro requerendo que fossem declarados como remanescentes de quilombos e a emissão de título coletivo.


Reports & Research
augustus, 2015

Until recently, the legal framework on land was marred by the existence of multiple land laws, some of which were incompatible. These laws, coupled with the rampant land injustices hampered efficacy in land ownership, management and administration of land. As a result, the Constitution of Kenya (CoK) has changed the laws on land and the dispute resolution institutions.

Land Titling and Investment In Tanzania: An Empirical Investigation

Reports & Research
augustus, 2015

The role of property rights in resource allocation has been one of the central themes in development economics. There exists extensive theoretical arguments that property rights in land are closely associated with the productive efficiency of agricultural resources as well as investment decisions. However, empirical findings have not been conclusive. This has been complicated due to possible endogeneity of titles, unobserved hetrogeneities and the non-experimental nature of the data. To overcome these problems, the study employs an instrumental variable and fixed effect models.

Impact of Property Rights Reform to Support China’s Rural-Urban Integration

augustus, 2015

As part of a national experiment, in
2008 Chengdu prefecture implemented ambitious property
rights reforms, including complete registration of all land
together with measures to ease transferability and eliminate
labor market restrictions. This study uses a discontinuity
design with spatial fixed effects to compare 529 villages
just inside and outside the prefecture’s border. The results
suggest that the reforms increased tenure security, aligned

Comunidade Vitória/Cachoeirinha A semente da Revolução Agrária

Reports & Research
augustus, 2015

O caso dos camponeses de Cachoeirinha engloba três gerações de posseiros, que ocuparam a região norte de Minas Gerais (Brail) desde o início do século XX, pelo menos. É um caso típico da ocupação de terras por posseiros no Brasil. A preocupação pela legalização da propriedade só se dá mediante o conflito com o Estado ou com outros atores que tentam questionar a propriedade da terra.

La comunidad Huntuta y las tierras de Dania

Reports & Research
juli, 2015

El caso señala a una niña que logra titular una porción de tierra a su nombre. Se trata de una mujer que logra ejercer su derecho a la sucesión y acceso a la tierra. La experiencia de Dania, su momento histórico en una comunidad andina cambiante, la convierten en un referente para las decisiones agrarias, al expresar una acción admirable por precautelar su bienestar y seguridad jurídica.

Demanda de Tierras en Paraguay - Luis Rojas BASE Investigaciones Sociales. (octubre 2013)

Policy Papers & Briefs
juli, 2015

Este material incluye algunas estimaciones realizadas en relación a la demanda actual de tierras, la cantidad de familias sin tierras o con tierra insuficiente, informaciones del organismo de aplicación de la política de tierras en relación a sus beneficiarios, así como aspectos relevantes de la demanda de tierras a partir de la visión de las organizaciones campesinas, así como informaciones sobre…

La legislación peruana y los derechos de pequeños agricultores y comunidades a la propiedad de las tierras - Laureano del Castillo. CEPES. (octubre 2014)

Policy Papers & Briefs
juli, 2015

Se presenta el estado actual de la legislación peruana sobre las tierras agrícolas y las posibilidades de que los pequeños productores, individuales y colectivos accedan a la tierra. La legislación peruana es resultado de las profundas modificaciones en los marcos institucionales y políticos vividos en las últimas décadas y por ello, se aparta de los lineamientos de los paises vecinos.

Land Tenure Regularization in Rwanda

Journal Articles & Books
juni, 2015

Securing women land rights through land titling programs is viewed as a potential means for enhancing their tenure security. The expectation is that women may gain greater influence on how to use the land, if they are registered as joint owners. Women are more likely to make decisions that improve food and nutrition needs at farm level than men. Increased level of women decision making through secured tenure rights is expected to have a positive impact on food security.


Optimal Vertical Datum for Tanzania

Journal Articles & Books
juni, 2015

Review of the advantages and disadvantages of the current Tanzania Tide Gauge (TG) vertical Datum (VD) has revealed that some of the problems cannot be solved to conform to the Satellite geodesy era timely and cost effectively. The current VD is costly and uneconomic. By changing to a Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) compatible VD, most of the problems of the current Tide Gauge-Vertical Datum (TG-VD will disappear and thus boost greatly economic and social prosperity.