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Housing Consumption and Urbanization

december, 2014

Rapid urbanization in Sub-Saharan Africa
places immense pressure on urban services to meet the needs
of the burgeoning urban population. Although several
country- or city-level reports offer insight into the
housing challenges of specific places, little is known about
regional patterns affecting housing markets. This lack of
clear knowledge on the relative importance of the factors
influencing households' housing demand in countries in

World Bank Research Digest, Vol. 7(1)

december, 2014

In this issue: benchmarking global
poverty reduction; rethinking the stateapos;s role in
finance; coordinating housing and transport policies in
urban South Africa; making public sector reforms work;
helping women get to work; export superstars; why did
inequality in Latin America decline in the 2000s?

Land Owners Perception on Land Registration Procedure in Tanzania

Policy Papers & Briefs
november, 2014

Currently Tanzania faces numerous challenges regarding Land Registration Procedure in Tanzania as reflected in land owners perceptions on the procedure, especially in rural areas. This makes the need to improve the procedure compelling. However, the current Administrative, Financial, Legal, and Institutional aspects need to be taken into the consideration in promoting and improving the process of obtaining CCROs in the country.

National Conference on Emerging Land Issues in Kenyan Agriculture and their Implications for Food Policy and Institutional Reforms

Journal Articles & Books
oktober, 2014

For a long time sub-Saharan Africa has been considered to have abundant and underutilized land than any other continent. On the contrary, recent studies show that many rural Africans live in increasingly densely populated areas where all arable land is allocated or under cultivation. This has led to a long-term decline in farm size and reduced fallows.

A hybrid system of Land Titles and Deeds registration as a new model for Zambia: A case study of the Lands and Deeds Registry Lusaka

Journal Articles & Books
september, 2014

Anywhere in the world land is the most important natural wealth for the country. The availability of land and its use are a vital part of human existence. Land records, therefore, are of great concern to every country’s government as well as every individual who owns, occupies, uses or has an interest in a parcel of land. In relation to land a person will feel secured or safe with regards to land rights if she has security of tenure and security of tenure is a question of fact.

Tajikistan - Autonomous Adaptation to Climate Change : Economic Opportunities and Institutional Constraints for Farming Households

september, 2014

Climate change presents significant
threats to sustainable poverty reduction in Tajikistan. The
primary impacts on rural livelihoods are expected to stem
from reduced water quantity and quality (affecting
agriculture), and increased frequency and severity of
disasters. Options for farming households to autonomously
adapt (and thereby move from climate vulnerability to
resilience) include adoption of on-farm and off-farm

Arab Republic of Egypt Urban Sector Note : Volume 2. Towards An Urban Sector Strategy

augustus, 2014

The objective of this paper is to
present a succinct and up-to-date review of the urban sector
in Egypt, with a focus on issues for which there is new
insight or emerging government interest. The two main themes
of the report are the challenges facing the urban sector and
the policy implications at various levels of government.
Some of the reports mains findings are: urbanization in
Egypt takes on forms and processes which are not well

La defensa de la propiedad comunitaria: Asociación Ganadera Agrícola del Valle Central de Tarija

Reports & Research
juli, 2014

La titularidad les ha permitido la defensa de su territorio, pero no ha sido suficiente para garantizar la integridad del predio. El territorio se reduce para conformar dos comunidades campesinas, pero se logra mantener un solo predio como empresa AGAVAT, efectiva como estrategia de defensa del derecho de los campesinos sobre la tierra para desarrollar la ganadería trashumante.

Andean Countries : A Strategy for Forestry, Volume 1. Executive Summary

juli, 2014

The World Bank's revised forest
policy came into being in 2002 and covers all types of
forests. It has the following key objectives: (i) harnessing
the potential of forests to reduce poverty in a sustainable
manner; (ii) integrating forests effectively into
sustainable development; and (iii) protecting vital local
and global environmental services and values. The policy
enables the bank to fully engage in forestry throughout the

Duitama Boyacá: Vereda San Luis

Reports & Research
juni, 2014

30 familias organizadas resisten la expulsión por parte de los hacendados, defendiendo la tierra donde han vivido. Luego de largas negociaciones, donde los campesinos resisten las acciones de los hacendados en su contra, se llega a un acuerdo y cada una de las 300 familias recibe una parcela de tierra, titulada familiarmente, en contraprestación por sus años de trabajo en las grandes haciendas