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Land Titling – A Road Map

Reports & Research
januari, 2014

With a view to give necessary impetuous to the exercise of titling, the Government of India in DoLR, Ministry of Rural Development formed expert comittee.

The committee shall suggest
(i) A Model for Land Titling
(ii) Its Road Map
(iii) Location for testing the Model
(iv) Administrative Setup required for the purpose
(v) Broad Legal Framework (including new laws and amendments in existing Acts etc.) 

Evaluación Comparativa: Proyectos de Regularización y Administración de Tierras Panama Estudio de Caso #3

Reports & Research
januari, 2014

Este documento es el quinto de seis informes detallados que acompañan la Evaluación Comparativa de los Proyectos de Regularización y Administración de Tierras llevada a cabo por la Oficina de Evaluación y Supervisión (OVE). Este quinto informe evalúa cinco operaciones aprobadas entre 1996 y 2007 enPanamá, en lo relativo a actividades de regularización y administración de tierras. Estas operaciones son: "Proyecto de Administración y Regularización de Tierras, PRONAT" (PN0148); "Programa de catastro de la región metropolitana y modernización de la administración de tierras" (PN-L1018);

Best Practices for Land Administration Systems in Developing Countries

januari, 2014

This paper is a post-conference summary
of the International Conference on Land Policy Reform that
took place in Jarkarta from July 25-27, 2000. The paper
concerns best practice in land administration systems. While
the paper is focussed on world's best practice, it does
so in the context of developing and emerging industrial
countries such as Indonesia which have diverse land tenure
relationships ranging from areas in cities with active land

Land Titling and Indigenous Peoples

Reports & Research
januari, 2014

This paper has the following main objectives: to review the actual or potential impact of land titling and cadastre programs on indigenous populations; to recommend actions that would minimize risk and ensure that land projects are tailored to the aspirations and needs of indigenous peoples; to outline a typology of indigenous landholding systems and to identify any areas requiring further research.

Addressing the Information Requirements of the Urban Poor - STDM Pilot in Uganda

Policy Papers & Briefs
december, 2013

The Social Tenure Domain Model offers practical solutions and opportunities for land professionals, researchers, grassroots organisations and government authorities. These opportunities include the empowerment of the grassroots communities to develop and manage their own information systems (and their own data), with all the benefits of the advanced technologies can offer, with less investment in resources and with less reliance on highly paid experts. Land professionals can also make their services available to all and offer people-centred and affordable solutions.


Training Resources & Tools
december, 2013
Sub-Saharan Africa
South Africa

Land is a vital resource that sustains livelihoods across Sub-Saharan Africa, but also one that is heavily prone to corruption. Every second citizen in Africa has been affected by land corruption in recent years, according to a study by Transparency International.

Securing Livelihoods and Land Tenure in Rural Myanmar

Reports & Research
december, 2013

In the context of transition to a more open form of government, the Myanmar government has begun to liberalize land markets and, in 2012, enacted two major land-related laws. Implementing these new land laws has proven challenging, however, as it has been difficult to integrate these laws with the existing customary practices of various ethnic minorities. To address these and other issues UN-HABITAT Myanmar is assisting the Myanmar government in developing a Land Administration and Management Program (LAMP).

Land Reform and Welfare in Vietnam: Why Gender of the Land-Rights Holder Matters

Reports & Research
december, 2013

Vietnam’s 1993 Land Law created a land market by granting households land-use rights which could be exchanged, leased, inherited, sold or mortgaged. This study uses quantitative and qualitative methods to analyze whether increased land titling led to discernible improvements in the economic security of households, and whether land titles in women’s names had markedly different effects as compared to titles held by men.

Bridging the HLP Gap: The Need to Effectively Address Housing, Land and Property Rights During Peace Negotiations and in the Context of Refugee/IDP Return - Preliminary Recommendations to the Government of Myanmar, Ethnic Actors and the International Comm

Reports & Research
december, 2013

ABSTRACTED FROM THE EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Of the many challenging issues that will require resolution within the peace processes currently underway between the government of Myanmar and various ethnic groups in the country, few will be as complex, sensitive and yet vital than the issues comprising housing, land and property (HLP) rights.

Cambodia: Land in Conflict - An Overview of the Land Situation

Reports & Research
december, 2013

In light of the increasingly volatile nature of the land conflict in Cambodia, this Report aims to describe the sources, forms and impact of the conflict throughout the country. The Report offers an overview of the land conflict throughout the country and provides recommendations to the RGC. Chapter 1 (Introduction) provides a brief overview of the status of land rights and the different ownership system throughout Cambodia’s history and of the land situation in today’s Cambodia, before discussing the scope, methodology and purpose of this Report.

'Indigenous Peoples' and land: Comparing communal land titling and its implications in Cambodia and Laos

Journal Articles & Books
december, 2013

In 2001 a new Land Law was adopted in Cambodia. It was significant because - for the first time - it recognised a new legal category of people, Indigenous Peoples or chuncheat daoem pheak tech in Khmer, and it also introduced the legal concept of communal land rights to Cambodia. Indigenous Peoples are not mentioned in the 1993 constitution of Cambodia or any legislation pre-dating the 2001 Land Law. However, Cambodia's 2002 Forestry Law also followed the trend by recognising Indigenous Peoples.