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Trends in global land use investment: implications for legal empowerment

Journal Articles & Books
december, 2017

From the mid-2000s, a commodity boom underpinned a wave of land use investments in low- and middle-income countries. While agribusiness, mining and petroleum concessions often involve promises of jobs and public revenues, they have also prompted concerns about land dispossession, exclusionary investment models and infringements of the rights of vulnerable groups. 

Identifying key factors for mobilising under-utilised low carbon land resources: A case study on Kalimantan

Peer-reviewed publication
december, 2017

Mobilising under-utilised low carbon (ULC) land for future agricultural expansion helps minimising further carbon stock loss. This study examined the regency cases in Kalimantan, a carbon loss hotspot, to understand the key factors for mobilising ULC land via narrative interviews with a range of land-use actors and complementary desktop analyses.

Unpacking Indonesia’s independent oil palm smallholders: An actor-disaggregated approach to identifying environmental and social performance challenges

Peer-reviewed publication
november, 2017

Processes of globalization have generated new opportunities for smallholders to participate in profitable global agro-commodity markets. This participation however is increasingly being shaped by differentiated capabilities to comply with emerging public and private quality and safety standards. The dynamics within Indonesia’s oil palm sector illustrate well the types of competitive challenges smallholders face in their integration into global agro-commodity chains.

Shifting patterns of oil palm driven deforestation in Indonesia and implications for zero-deforestation commitments

Peer-reviewed publication
november, 2017

Oil palm plantations in Indonesia have been linked to substantial deforestation in the 1990s and 2000s, though recent studies suggest that new plantations are increasingly developed on non-forest land. Without nationwide data to establish recent baseline trends, the impact of commitments to eliminate deforestation from palm oil supply chains could therefore be overestimated. We examine the area and proportion of plantations replacing forests across Sumatra, Kalimantan, and Papua up to 2015, and map biophysically suitable areas for future deforestation-free expansion.

Addressing the impact of large-scale oil palm plantations on orangutan conservation in Borneo: A spatial, legal and political economy analysis

Journal Articles & Books
juni, 2017

Palm oil is one of the most controversial yet ubiquitous agricultural commodities in the world, used in everyday products ranging from cooking oil and chocolate to toothpaste and soap. Over the past few decades, the palm oil industry has contributed significantly to the economic development of Indonesia and Malaysia, which together produce an estimated 85 to 90 per cent of global supply.

National Environment Strategy and Action Plan (NESAP) 2016-2023.

National Policies
december, 2016

The National Environment Strategy and Action Plan (NESAP) 2016-2023 is developed in accordance with the the Constitution and 1996 Law on Environmental Protection and Natural Resource Management. It is aligned to Rectangular Strategy Phase III (RSIII), that reaffirms the RGC’s mission and commitment to sustainable development and poverty reduction responding to the people’s will and changing contexts of national and international developments.

Tropical landscapes in transition? : Widespread land-use change and measures to maintain forests, carbon stocks and biodiversity in North and East Kalimantan, Indonesia

Reports & Research
september, 2016

The production of commodities such as palm oil and pulpwood is leading to large-scale land use change in the rural tropics to fulfil the demands of the increasing world population and overall living standard. On the one hand, such land use changes provide income to companies, smallholders and government actors. On the other hand, these can lead to land use conflicts and declines in forest cover, biodiversity, carbon stocks, and local food production.

Resolución Nº 40.780 - Delega en el Servicio Geológico Colombiano la función de conocimiento y cartografía geológica del subsuelo.

augustus, 2016

La presente Resolución delega la función de conocimiento y cartografía geológica del subsuelo en el Servicio Geológico Colombiano hasta el 31 de diciembre de 2018. La presente delegación se efectúa sin perjuicio de las funciones propias que le corresponden a la Agencia Nacional de Hidrocarburos (ANH).

Transforming the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil for greater gender equality and women’s empowerment

Policy Papers & Briefs
april, 2016

Gender issues are relegated to the periphery in current debates and approaches concerning the sustainable governance of oil palm in Indonesia. However, ongoing research by the Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR) points to the critical roles that women play as workers, smallholders and members of affected local communities. Gender inequities follow as oil palm expansion displaces local women from land on which they cultivate food crops.