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Land Policies, Land-based Development Programs and the Question of Minority Rights in Eastern Sri Lanka

Peer-reviewed publication
augustus, 2015
Sri Lanka

Land has been one of the major concerning factors in escalating disputes and conflicts between ethnic groups in Sri Lanka, including the violation of minority rights. This paper examines the impact of land policies and land-based development programs on the rights of ethnic minorities in eastern Sri Lanka by analyzing selected major policies and projects. The analysis is interpretive and descriptive in nature. Secondary literature was the primary source for the analysis.

Food Security and Land Governance Factsheet Kenya

Policy Papers & Briefs
juli, 2015

In Kenya, insecure land tenure and inequitable access to land, forest and water resources have contributed to conflict and violence, which has in turn exacerbated food insecurity. To address these interlinked problems, a new set of laws and policies on food security and land governance are currently being introduced or designed by the Government of Kenya. The new Food Security Bill explicitly recognizes the link between food security and land access, and the 2012 land laws target the corrupt system of land administration that made much of Kenya’s land grabbing possible.

Yembiguasu, territorio guaraní de frontera

Reports & Research
juni, 2015

Ante la demanda, el gobierno identificó unas tierras de compensación, alejadas de las comunidades de origen que si bien generaron frustración en un inicio, los guaraníes convirtieron en una oportunidad, a través de planes de manejo estas tierras se convirtieron en uno de los proyectos de ganadería colectiva más importantes.

Ethnic Violence in Morogoro Region in Tanzania

Policy Papers & Briefs
februari, 2015

In early 2015, Maasai and Datoga citizens living in the Morogoro region of Tanzania were victims of deadly, ethnic violence. According to reports from local media, the assaults were instigated by public figures interested in acquiring land, and state authorities have not intervened to protect Maasai citizens. Police protection has instead been given to others who are illegally cultivating officially registered Maasai land. 

Handbook on Land Laws

Legislation & Policies
National Policies
februari, 2015

The Land Act, 2012

The Land Registration Act, 2012

The National Land Commission Act, 2012

The Environment & Land Court Act, 2011

The Urban Areas & Cities Act, 2011

Joint submission to the UN Universal Periodic Review

Reports & Research
februari, 2015

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: •This joint submission by the Coalition of Indigenous Peoples in Myanmar/Burma focuses on
the collective rights of indigenous peoples, particularly the thematic areas of land,
territories, and natural resources, development, and language and cultural rights, with
militarization, self-determination, and free, prior
and informed consent (FPIC) as cross-cutting issues. •Section A describes the context of indigenous peoples in Myanmar/Burma. It highlights the

The fragmented land use administration in Indonesia

Peer-reviewed publication
januari, 2015

Tropical forests in Indonesia are subject to major transformation processes from native forests to other land uses, including rubber agroforestry as well as rubber and oil palm plantation systems. Using content analysis of policy documents, this paper aims at (i) analysing the formal administrative responsibilities related to the four rainforest transformation systems and (ii) based on the informal motives of the competing bureaucracies involved generating hypotheses on their future course of action and related research.

Land Tenure in Asia and The Pacific: Challenges,Opportunities and Way Forward

Reports & Research
december, 2014

This publication provides an overview of the findings of a review of land tenure security in Asia and the Pacific region in collaboration with key partners. It highlights the major land challenges, barriers and opportunities as the basis for future decisions about partnerships and engagement in the land sector at sub-regional and country level. The findings are based on an extensive literature review, interviews, a questionnaire, validation at several multi-stakeholder meetings and peer review.