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Desmatamento nos Assentamentos da Amazônia: Histórico, Tendências e Oportunidades

Journal Articles & Books
december, 2015

Os assentamentos de reforma agrária têm assumido um papel de destaque em relação ao desmatamento da Amazônia nos últimos cinco anos. Atualmente cerca de 8% do território dos estados amazônicos (41,8 milhões de hectares) encontra-se destinado aos 3.589 assentamentos de reforma agrária.


Journal Articles & Books
december, 2015
A questão da terra é um dos pontos nevrálgicos de Moçambique, cujo destaque ampliou-se com a democratização do país em 1990 e a tentativa de adequação da economia ao novo contexto político interno e internacional, que inclui a possibilidade de investimentos privados, assim como o uso e a ocupação das terras moçambicanas.

Climate Change Mitigation strategies and evictions of indigenous peoples from their ancestral land.

Policy Papers & Briefs
november, 2015

Eviction of Indigenous Peoples from their ancestral lands is one of the most destructive and degrading mitigation strategy performed by modern governments in developing countries to address climate change. Armed police and soldiers are used to forcefully evict indigenous peoples to pave the way for investors and conservation in the name of climate change mitigation.

Rural Agricultural Livelihood Survey

Reports & Research
november, 2015

The Rural Agricultural Livelihood Survey (RALS) is a new panel survey designed to obtain a comprehensive picture of Zambia’s small- and medium-scale farming sector using the 2010 census sampling frame. An earlier household panel survey for rural Zambia was the Supplemental Surveys (SS) of 2001, 2004 and 2008, which enabled the publication of a large set of important research outputs by IAPRI, Michigan State University and a range of Zambian and international partner organizations.


Journal Articles & Books
Reports & Research
oktober, 2015

The promulgation of the Kenyan Constitution 2010 brought into place concerns about the urgency for land reform. Land reforms hold the key to solving some of Kenya’s greatest challenges such as landlessness, community cohesion, food security and sustainable development. Land reforms lie at the heart of the work of the National Land Commission (NLC) and Kituo cha Sheria and they are also at the heart of many Kenyan communities who live, work and rely on land. Information contained in the book goes a long way in educating these communities about their land rights.

Developing a Land Conflict Monitoring and Mapping Tool for the Acholi Sub-Region of Northern Uganda

Reports & Research
oktober, 2015

Well before the effective ending of the protracted Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA)

insurgency in northern Uganda in July 2006, and at a time when the entire rural

population was displaced into camps, concerns had emerged around land, in particular

in the Acholi sub-region, where the war had been most intense and longest lasting

(Adoko & Levine 2004). Through forced displacement, almost all rural Acholi

families has been prevented from occupying their land for many years, years in which

Justicia indígena originaria campesina en Bolivia: un instrumento para defender nuestros territorios y nuestras comunidades

Training Resources & Tools
oktober, 2015

Justicia Indígena Originaria Campesina en Bolivia: un instrumento para defender nuestros territorios y comunidades es un texto pedagógico y una herramienta que, desde la perspectiva jurídica, ayudará en la defensa de los territorios.
La publicación es fruto del estudio, análisis y discusión con más de un centenar de hermanos y hermanas –dirigentes y authoridades- de las organizaciones IOC que participaron en los procesos de conformación del Programa NINA, implementados en todo el territorio nacional  durante la gestión 2015. 

We Used to Fear Bullets - Now We Fear Bulldozers (Burmese မန်မာဘာသာ)

Reports & Research
september, 2015

Dirty coal mining by military cronies & Thai companies, Ban Chaung, Dawei District, Myanmar.....Executive Summary: "This report was researched and written collaboratively by Dawei Civil Society Organizations and documents the environmental and social impacts of the Ban Chaung coal mining project in Dawei District of Myanmar’s Tanintharyi Region. Based on desk research, interviews with villagers, and direct engagement with companies and government, it exposes how the project was pushed ahead despite clear opposition from the local community.

We Used to Fear Bullets - Now We Fear Bulldozers (English)

Reports & Research
september, 2015

Dirty coal mining by military cronies & Thai companies,
Ban Chaung, Dawei District, Myanmar.....Executive Summary: "This report was researched and written collaboratively by Dawei Civil Society Organizations
and documents the environmental and social impacts of the Ban Chaung coal mining project
in Dawei District of Myanmar’s Tanintharyi Region. Based on desk research, interviews
with villagers, and direct engagement with companies and government, it exposes how
the project was pushed ahead despite clear opposition from the local community. It