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The “Lost Counties”

Reports & Research
december, 2005

The colonial and postcolonial legacy of the “Lost Counties” land issue has recently resurfaced as a contentious ethno-political issue in Uganda. The aim of the paper is to critically examine the politics of belonging and land rights in relation to Ugandan land legislation and the “Lost Counties” issue. The empirically basis of this paper is primarily derived from field work in Kibaale District, during the period January to July 2004.

Implications of the Recent Land Reforms in Tanzania on the Land Rights of Small Producers

Conference Papers & Reports
november, 2005

The land tenure system of Tanzania has passed through different historical milestones which form the basis for the analysis of the land tenure regime in general and tenure relations for land owners and users in particular in the past eight decades. The history dates back to 1923 when the British colonial legislative assembly enacted the Land Ordinance cap 113 to guide and regulate land use and ownership in Tanganyika which was their protectorate colony. Prior to this law, all the land in Tanzania was owned under customary tenure governed by clan and tribal traditions.

The Theoretical and Legal Foundations of Community-Based Property Rights in East Africa

Reports & Research
Policy Papers & Briefs
september, 2005

Indigenous, mobile, and local communities all over the world have for millennia played a critical role in conserving the earth’s patrimony. They have protected forests, wetlands, rangelands, watersheds, hunting grounds, rivers and streams and other water catchment systems that are to day the basis of prosperity for all nations. “Community” husbandry of these resources has been done for a wide range of reasons ranging from economic, cultural, spiritual, aesthetic to many others.

A Report of a Fact Finding Study on Conflicts between Loita Maasai and Batemi Sonyo ni Sale Division Loliondo District

Reports & Research
juli, 2004

The conflict for which the research team has taken immediate measures to find its causes and give recommendations for its complete arrest, took place from the 1st-14th July 2004 in the frontiers of Engusero Sambu and Kisangiro villages, in the divisions of Loliondo and Sale, respectively, both of Ngorongoro District. Ngorongoro is the third division in the District. One person was killed and another injured in the subject fighting.

Models for recognising indigenous land rights in Latin America

december, 2003
Costa Rica
Latin America and the Caribbean

This paper discusses issues surrounding indigenous land rights, sharing an understanding and information about land tenure and titling within Latin America. The study focuses on examples from the country level, with the aim of influencing policy coherence and legislation.In particular, Chapter four of this document examines the implications of indigenous land tenure for natural resource management, using case studies from Colombia, Costa Rica, Panama and Peru.

Poverty and Changing Livelihoods of Migrant Maasai Pastoralists in Morogoro and Kilosa Districts, Tanzania

Reports & Research
november, 2003

This study documents the plight of the Maasai pastoralists who have moved to Morogoro and Kilosa districts as a result of the recent socio-economic developments and environmental changes in Maasailand. The objective of this study was to analyse how the Maasai migrants have adapted themselves to the new ecological conditions and the impact of such adaptations on their livelihoods.

Law 445: Law of Communal Property Regime of the Indigenous Peoples and Ethnic Communities of the Autonomous Regions of the Atlantic Coast of Nicaragua and of the Rivers Bocay, Coco, Indio and Maiz

Legislation & Policies
december, 2002

It is the ineludible commitment of the State of Nicaragua to respond to the claim for the titling of the lands and territories of the indigenous peoples and ethnic communities of the former Mosquitia of Nicaragua; right set forth in the International Treaties entered into between England and Nicaragua, such as the 1860 Managua Treaty and the 1905 Harrison-Altamirano Treaty. This right to the land is recognized in the 1987 Political Constitution of Nicaragua and the Statute of Autonomy of the Autonomous Regions of the Atlantic Coast.

Compensation for Expropriated Community Farmland in Nigeria: An In-Depth Analysis of the Laws and Practices Related to Land Expropriation for the Lekki Free Trade Zone in Lagos

Peer-reviewed publication

In Nigeria, the recurring impoverishment and other negative socioeconomic impacts endured by landholders affected by expropriation are well-documented and call into question the Land Use Act’s (LUA) effectiveness in protecting local land rights. The World Bank’s Land Governance Assessment Framework found that, in Nigeria, “a large number of acquisitions occurs without prompt and adequate compensation, thus leaving those losing land worse off, with no mechanism for independent appeal even though the land is often not utilized for a public purpose”.

Survival International

Reports & Research

We are Survival, the global movement for tribal peoples’ rights.

We’re the only organization that champions tribal peoples around the world. We help them defend their lives, protect their lands and determine their own futures.