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COVID-19, Regulatory Rollback and the ‘Green Recovery’: Indigenous Peoples Raise Their Voices

Reports & Research
september, 2020

COVID-19 has negatively affected indigenous land rights, particularly for those who already face food insecurity as a result of land confiscation or grabbing and the loss of their territories. Prior to the COVID-19 crisis, the expropriation of indigenous lands and natural resources and the increase in conflicts on their territories were already placing indigenous peoples in a particularly precarious situation. The crisis has led to reports of encroachment upon indigenous land by opportunists, such as illegal loggers and miners.

Urgence et opportunité

Reports & Research
augustus, 2020

L’Initiative des droits et ressources (RRI pour son sigle en anglais), publie trois nouvelles analyses techniques qui serviront de feuille de route pour intensifier les réformes des régimes fonciers à l’échelle mondiale. Le lancement de ces analyses est destiné à influencer les bailleurs de fonds, les décideurs politiques, les négociateurs et les investisseurs avant la Semaine du climat des Nations unies, et à alimenter les négociations du Cadre mondial pour la biodiversité de l’après-2020, de la Convention sur la diversité biologique 15 et de la CCNUCC COP 26.

The Covid-19 Crisis and Land Governance

Reports & Research
augustus, 2020

This webinar took stock of the emerging insights on the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on land rights and discussed concerns about the expected mid-to-long term impacts on equitable and sustainable land governance.

The discussion built upon previous efforts of the broader land governance community, including the Quick-scan Survey on the COVID-19 crisis by LANDac and the LANDdialogue, insights from the LANDac Professional Learning Programme and the webinar and discussion series ‘Land Rights Implications of COVID-19’ by the Land Portal Foundation and its partners.

Webinar Report: Multifaceted Challenges of Land and Climate Change

Reports & Research
juli, 2020

The webinar Multifaceted Challenges of Land and Climate Change explored the interconnection of land rights and climate responses at micro, meso and macro level. The webinar aimed to explore the following question: What kind of land governance will foster adequate climate response actions? Oxfam and partners in many countries are confronted with this two-sided problem while dealing with both land and climate justice interventions. Oxfam is currently investing in deepening the analysis of land & climate nexus at both country and global level.

Los pueblos indígenas de América Latina – Abya Yala y la Agenda 2030 para el Desarrollo Sostenible

Reports & Research
mei, 2020
América Latina y el Caribe

Han pasado 30 años desde la adopción del Convenio sobre Pueblos Indígenas y Tribales, 1989 (núm. 169) de la Organización Internacional del Trabajo (OIT) y, a pesar de que los Estados de América Latina reconocieron plenamente los derechos de los pueblos indígenas, este continúa siendo uno de los colectivos con mayor rezago en materia económico-social, aun cuando la región ha logrado grandes avances en este ámbito.


Reports & Research
mei, 2020
América Latina y el Caribe

Mientras el mundo entero trata de ponerse a salvo de la pandemia, los pueblos indígenas de América Latina agonizan y algunos podrían llegar a desaparecer. El abandono estatal y la ausencia de servicios adecuados de salud integral y agua
segura los hace extremadamente vulnerables al virus que se extiende a toda velocidad por el continente.

Defending Our Future: overcoming the challenges of returning the ogiek home

Reports & Research
april, 2020

The implementation of the Ogiek judgment is in the hearts and the spirits of the Ogiek people and the indigenous peoples globally. On 26 May 2017, we received the judgment at the African Court on Human and Peoples Rights (ACtHPR) in Arusha Tanzania, after a 12-year process that started in Kenyan courts and involved the African Commission on Human and Peoples Rights (ACHPR), The Gambia, besides the Court.

Guía Socioambiental da Imprensa

Journal Articles & Books
april, 2020
América do Sul
Nos últimos anos, o Brasil vem quebrando recordes relacionados a dimensão de suas tragédias socioambientais. O rompimento das barragens de Mariana e Brumadinho, o primeiro contaminando uma bacia hidrográfica inteira e o segundo matando mais de duas centenas de pessoas, o misterioso derramamento de óleo que atingiu todos os estados do Nordeste e, finalmente, os incêndios florestais que fizeram a Amazônia arder como nunca levaram a população às ruas em protesto. Será que tudo isso fez aumentar a consciência ambiental ou provocou alguma mudança no modo de noticiar na imprensa?

BTI 2020 Country Report Bangladesh

Reports & Research
april, 2020

ABSTRACTED FROM EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: On December 30, 2018, Bangladesh held national elections. The election was not deemed fair by observers, and from the point of filing nomination papers to election campaigning, the opposition faced severe political obstacles. Their cadres were arrested, and rallies and campaign were attacked by the ruling party’s supporters. The government of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina Wazed, which has been in power since 2009, employed the police as a political tool during the period under review.


Reports & Research
februari, 2020

Estudio de caso sobre la organización comunitaria Comunitaria Tolan Juyu’ Taqaj’ y su lucha contra el Proyecto PET-1-2009 de la empresa Transportadora de Energía de Centroamérica (TRECSA). Forma parte de la serie Situación de riesgo y estrategias de autoprotección. Defensorasde la tierra, el territorio y el medio ambiente en América Latina, elaborada por la Iniciativa Mujer Rural y Derechos a la Tierra en el marco del Día Internacional de la Mujer.