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Africa’s farmland in changing hands

Reports & Research
februari, 2017

Access to land is at the heart of rural livelihoods. In sub-Saharan Africa, the pace and scale at which land is changing hands are increasing fast. Understanding these changes in land access is crucial if the systems of land governance, the practices of companies and organisations, and the initiatives seeking to influence rural development, are to adapt and have a positive impact.

UN Methodological Guidelines on the Production of Statistics on Asset Ownership from a Gender Perspective

Manuals & Guidelines
februari, 2017

The present publication provides national statistical agencies and policy makers with guidance on collecting, processing, analysing and disseminating individual-level data on asset ownership and control for the production of gender statistics. Although agricultural surveys and administrative data sources are briefly addressed, the focus of the guidelines is on household surveys for two key reasons.

Land live : land ownership in rural India and intra household exchanges

Reports & Research
februari, 2017
Southern Asia

The study examines the role of land ownership in shaping the well-being of older Indians by using data from the India Human Development Survey II (IHDS-II). In a society structured around extended households it focuses on the exchanges between parents and adult children in order to explore possible financial motives involved in elder care. Three aspects of well-being are considered: co-residence, medical expenditure and decision-making power within the household.

Estado crítico de la propiedad rural colectiva en Colombia

Reports & Research
februari, 2017

La Constitución Política de Colombia, consagra en su artículo 58 la garantía a la propiedad privada, y le endosa a esta una función social y al Estado el deber de propender por la protección y promoción de posesiones de tierra bajo formas asociativas y solidarias. En este contexto constitucional y en el de la globalización de la economía y de las teorías del desarrollo, se propone este trabajo determinar si el Estado colombiano, mediante las normas actuales y las políticas públicas vigentes, puede garantizar la pequeña propiedad rural y la supervivencia de las comunidades étnicas.

Acuerdo Nº 35 - Adopta los criterios generales para la adquisición directa de bienes del Fondo de la Unidad Administrativa Especial de Gestión de Tierras Despojadas.

februari, 2017

La presente Acuerdo adopta los criterios generales de adquisición directa de bienes para el Fondo de la Unidad Administrativa Especial de Gestión de Tierras Despojadas, que servirá como instrumento para el cumplimiento de órdenes judiciales relacionadas con compensación a víctimas cuyos bienes son imposibles de restituir y atención a los segundos ocupantes resultantes de los procesos de restitución. Con el fin de materializar la adquisición directa de inmuebles por parte de la Unidad, se definirá internamente un procedimiento que permita adelantar la compra directa de predios.

Acciones de resiliencia frente a las políticas habitacionales en la ciudad de Buenos Aires: las organizaciones sociales, las instituciones y los desalojos masivos

Journal Articles & Books
februari, 2017

La problemática habitacional actual de la ciudad de Buenos Aires gira en torno a dos fenómenos: la precariedad y los desalojos, en un contexto que se concibe de emergencia habitacional. Como reacción a esta situación, algunos organismos institucionales y ciertas organizaciones sociales con anclaje territorial en la zona sur de la ciudad comenzaron a llevar adelante acciones de resiliencia frente a los desalojos masivos que, como consecuencia de la presión inmobiliaria, afectaban a los hoteles, pensiones, inquilinatos y casas tomadas de esta zona de la ciudad.

Loi n°05/2017 du 03/02/2017 portant création de l’Office Rwandais de Gestion et d’Utilisation Foncières et déterminant ses missions, son organisation et son fonctionnement.

februari, 2017

La présente loi crée de l’Office Rwandais de Gestion et d’Utilisation Foncières, et détermine également ses missions, son organisation et son fonctionnement.L’Office a les missions principales suivantes: mettre en œuvre les politiques, les lois, les stratégies, les règlements et les décisions du Gouvernement relatives à la gestion et à l’utilisation des terres ; conseiller le Gouvernement, suivre et coordonner l’exécution des stratégies relatives à la gestion et à l’utilisation des terres; promouvoir les activités d’investissement et de la valeur ajoutée dans les activités d’utilisation et

Taking On the Logging Pirates: Land Defenders in Papua New Guinea Speak Out!

Reports & Research
januari, 2017
Papua New Guinea

A landmark report from the Oakland Institute, Taking On the Logging Pirates: Land Defenders in Papua New Guinea Speak Out! elevates the voices of communities across the country who are opposing the theft of their land, made possible by the corrupt practices of local officials and foreign companies.

Land Reform in Afghanistan: Full Impact and Sustainability of $41.2 Million USAID Program Is Unknown

Reports & Research
januari, 2017

According to land reform experts, in Afghanistan, as in other developing countries, land administration is critical to economic growth and security. Since 2004, the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) has supported efforts to address land reform and land tenure in Afghanistan because of their effects on the economy and the lives of the Afghan people. According to a U.S. Institute of Peace land expert, the majority of Afghans do not have proper legal documentation for their land ownership, due in part to poor paper records and land titles.

Registered Land (Amendment) Act (No. 7 of 2017).

januari, 2017

The Act makes amendments of miscellaneous character to the Registered Land Act consequential to the enactment of the Customary land Act, 2016 and the Land Act, 2016. Amendments concern, among other things, land survey and registration bodies, registration of customary estate or lease of customary land, charges, and acquisition of easements and profits by prescription in respect of customary land.

Amends: Registered Land Act (Cap. 58:01). (1981)

How Do Differences in Land Ownership Types in China Affect Land Development? A Case from Beijing

Peer-reviewed publication
januari, 2017

China has a unique land use system in which there are two types of land ownership, namely, state-owned urban land and farmer collective-owned rural land. Despite strict restrictions on the use rights of farmer collective-owned land, rural land is, in fact, developed along two pathways: it is formally acquired by the state and transferred into state ownership, or it is informally developed while remaining in collective ownership.


Conference Papers & Reports
december, 2016


Throughout the world, the vast majority of women are faced with conditions of access to land and control of land and natural resources that are unequal to those of men.

Social relations have trivialized the fact that they are entirely in charge of domestic work and the education of children, which prevents them from devoting themselves as much as men to agricultural activities. In the fields, they are the forced laborers of the family and take on the often less valued tasks, considered as part of their domestic obligations. As a result, they generally receive no income.