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Where is genuine peace? - A critique of the peace process in Karenni State

Reports & Research
december, 2014

A new report by the Karenni Civil Society Network (KCSN) raises concerns about
international “peace support” programming amid
st increasing Burma Army militarization in
Karenni State after the2012 ceasefire with the
Karenni National Progressive Party (KNPP).
The report “Where is Genuine Peace?” exposes how a pilot resettlement project of the
Norway-led Myanmar Peace Support Initiative (MPSI) in Shardaw
Township is encouraging
IDPs to return to an area controlled by the Burma Army where their safety cannot be

Does Culture Matter for Development?

december, 2014

Economists have either avoided or
struggled with the concept of culture and its role in
economic development. Although a few theoretical works --
and even fewer empirical studies -- have appeared in the
past decades, this paper tries to build on a
multidisciplinary approach to review the evidence on whether
and how culture matters for development. First, the paper
reviews available definitions of culture and illustrates

KNU defends coal mining project despite local opposition

Reports & Research
november, 2014

Despite local opposition, the Karen National Union has deployed its staff to secure the area in Dawei Township, Taninthayi Region, where the Banchaung mining project is located, according to locals.

On November 15, ethnic Kayin locals from Thabyuchaung, Kyaukhtoo, Kahtaungni and Kunchaungyi attempted to block the roads – Kunchaungyi Amara Road and Dawei-Myeik Union Road – which are used as transportation routes for the project.

Derechos indígenas y minería en el altiplano boliviano

Policy Papers & Briefs
oktober, 2014

La ciudadanía boliviana acaba de darle un nuevo y rotundo si a la presidencia de Evo Morales, a través del voto. En ese marco, es oportuno reflexionar sobre algunas de las tensiones que la gestión del mandatario ha tenido en los años anteriores y presumiblemente seguirá enfrentando en los próximos. El autor del presente Diálogos expone las tensiones irresueltas entre la creciente explotación minera y los derechos campesinos indígenas.

Taking the Long View. Sustaining Community Wealth through Gender Sensitive Natural Resource Management

Reports & Research
september, 2014

As the development of Liberia’s natural wealth intensifies, a coherent set of policies that address questions of persistent gender inequality, sustainable rural livelihoods and long-term security of access to natural resources is needed. The capacity of rural women to maintain the local food economy must be preserved and enhanced, as must their ability to make informed decisions regarding the sustainable exploitation of natural resources.

Burma Sees Foreign Investment Topping $5b in 2014-15

Reports & Research
september, 2014

Burma has revised its forecast for foreign direct investment (FDI) to more than US$5 billion for the fiscal year that began in April, a senior official said on Tuesday, surpassing earlier expectations and led by new ventures in energy and telecoms.

The figure exceeds an earlier estimate of $4 billion, with investments in the first five months of this fiscal year worth $3.32 billion, said Aung Naing Oo, secretary of the government-run Myanmar Investment Commission (MIC)"...

Deforestación y actividades productivas en los valles del oeste de La Rioja y Catamarca : desde mediados del siglo XIX hasta la actualidad

Journal Articles & Books
juli, 2014

Se describe y explica el proceso de deforestación del área ocupada por los bosques de algarrobo en el oeste de La Rioja y Catamarca, a partir de mediados de siglo XIX hasta la actualidad. Este proceso estuvo asociado al desmonte del bosque nativo y a los cambios de uso del suelo originados por diferentes y sucesivos procesos socio– económicos, que tuvieron como actividades emergentes la minería, el ferrocarril y la demanda de productos forestales, generada principalmente por actividades productivas y de consumo desarrolladas en otras regiones.

Big Men

juli, 2014

In Big Men, director Rachel Boynton has achieved a tour-de-force of documentary filmmaking. Taking a large, complex and much-contested phenomenon -- the oil business as it is conducted in under-developed countries such as Ghana and Nigeria -- she has crafted an edge-of-your-seat, character-driven drama that is also a clear and enlightening film about the global dealings behind petroleum, a crucial resource that touches everyone's life.

Administering Fiscal Regimes for Extractive Industries : A Handbook

Manuals & Guidelines
juli, 2014

This handbook provides policymakers and officials with practical guidelines to establish a robust legal framework, organization, and procedures for administering revenue from extractive industries. It discusses transparency and how to promote it in the face of increasing demands for clarity, as well as how countries can strengthen their managerial and technical capacity to administer these revenues.

Shan Farmers Say Gold Mining Is Wrecking Their Land

Reports & Research
juli, 2014

Farmers from eastern Shan State’s Tachileik Township have called for an immediate end to gold mining operations in the area, which they say are seriously polluting water sources and causing other environmental damage.

The ethnic Shan villagers from Na Hai Long, Weng Manaw and Ganna villages in Talay sub-township said that more than 300 acres of farmland can no longer be cultivated due to waste produced by gold-mining companies.