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Etat des lieux de l'exploitation artisanale de bois d'oeuvre en périphérie de Bangui en République centrafricaine.

Reports & Research
december, 2018
République centrafricaine

Cette étude a été réalisée dans le cadre du Projet de développement de la Région Sud-Ouest (PDRSO), projet financé par l’Agence française de développement (AFD).

L’étude avait pour objectifs de :

  •  quantifier les flux de sciages artisanaux de bois d’œuvre entrant et sortant de Bangui,
  •  Caractériser cette filière.

Elle a été conduite dans le cadre du Projet de développement régional du Sud-Ouest (PDRSO) qui a débuté ses activités en octobre 2016 et dont les objectifs spécifiques sont :

Risk factors of land degradation in management of state road infrastructure

Conference Papers & Reports
december, 2018

Land is one of the most important natural resources; its use is determined by several factors, especially resources and infrastructure. Without proper land management and maintenance as well as after abandoning the land favourable conditions arise for land degradation. Land degradation processes are also found in road infrastructure, which are promoted by various risk factors.

Timacum Minus in Moesia Superior—Centrality and Urbanism at a Roman Mining Settlement

Peer-reviewed publication
december, 2018

When applying traditional criteria of Roman urbanism, several settlements in the province of Moesia are not recognised as parts of the urban network. To avoid this, previous criteria of urbanism should be revised. This paper suggests revisions, which provide a more inclusive definition of urbanism: Thus, instead of focusing on administrative status and monumentality as primary markers of urbanity and urbanization, development factors for agglomeration and centrality are emphasized as decisive conditions for, and characteristics of, urban settlement.

People and Post-Mining Environments: PPGIS Mapping of Landscape Values, Knowledge Needs, and Future Perspectives in Northern Finland

Peer-reviewed publication
december, 2018

Mining can have a notable environmental and social footprint both during the production phase and after the mine closure. We examined local stakeholders’ viewpoints on two post-mining areas in northern Finland, Hannukainen and Rautuvaara, using a public participation geographic information system (PPGIS) approach. Spatially explicit data on local residents’ and visitors’ values, knowledge needs, and future perspectives on mining landscapes were collected with an online map-based survey tool (Harava). The results show that post-mining sites were generally considered unpleasant places.

Understanding environmental, health and economic activity interactions following transition of ownership in gold mining areas in Tanzania: A case of private to public

Peer-reviewed publication
november, 2018

Mining is an important source of revenue for many developing countries, however, the social, environmental and economic impacts of mining are often poorly monitored. The recent transition of a gold mine in Western Tanzania—from large-scale gold mine under private, multinational ownership, to medium-scale public and national owned mine with limited life length offers a prime opportunity to understand the implications of changes in ownership and scale on the local economy and community well-being.

« Quels bénéfices en tirons-nous ? »

Reports & Research
september, 2018

En Guinée, l’un des pays les plus pauvres du monde, l’exploitation de la bauxite est en plein essor. Depuis 2015, le gouvernement du président Alpha Condé a fait de la Guinée l’un des principaux exportateurs mondiaux, et le plus grand exportateur de ce minerai vers la Chine, le premier producteur mondial d’aluminium. La bauxite de Guinée représente désormais une large part de l’aluminium produit à l’échelle internationale et destiné aux pièces automobiles et aéronautiques ainsi qu’aux produits de consommation comme les canettes et le papier d’aluminium.

“What Do We Get Out of It?”

Reports & Research
september, 2018

Bauxite mining in Guinea, one of the world’s poorest countries, is booming. Since 2015, the government of President Alpha Condé has transformed Guinea into a top global exporter, and the biggest to China, where the bulk of global aluminum is produced. Bauxite from Guinea now makes up a large proportion of the aluminum used across the world in car and airplane parts and consumer products like beverage cans and tin foil.

Diagnostic de l’exploitation minière et perspectives de développement socio-économique en RCA à la lumière de la vision du régime minier en Afrique

Reports & Research
september, 2018
Central African Republic

L’étude proposée par l’UNICEF et le PNUD, en cherchant les caractéristiques actuelles de l’exploitation et de la commercialisation de l’or et du diamant, mais aussi en cherchant les éléments structurants qui feraient entrer cette économie dans un cercle économique et politique vertueux, met donc le doigt sur l’aspect fondamental de la possible sortie de crise de la République centrafricaine.