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Displaying 4477 - 4488 of 13048

Adoption of improved forage grasses in Western Kenya

december, 2019

This working paper presents the results of a study commissioned by the International Centre for
Tropical Agriculture (CIAT) under the Grass2Cash project whose primary objective was to understand
the underlying reasons why farmers adopt ten improved forage varieties in the four Western Kenya
counties of Kakamega, Bungoma, Busia and Siaya. A gendered perspective to the motivations and
challenges of adoption, and a review of the project assumptions were secondary objectives. A total of

Silence speaks out loud: Armed conflict and bovine livestock in Colombia, a historical perspective

december, 2019

The convoluted nexus between bovine livestock and the dynamics of armed confrontation in Colombia is a terrain open for exploration. While a vast array of archival sources suggests a historical, problematic connection between livestock production, land dispossession and rising violence in rural settings, academic narratives remain scarce.

Situational analysis study for the agriculture sector in Ghana

december, 2019

Agriculture is important for Ghana’s economy and the livelihoods of the majority of the rural population even though its level of contribution to GDP is declining. Its importance is not only in terms of the contribution to food and nutrition security, but also in providing a basis for agro-industrial activities and for exports. It provides jobs and livelihoods to a significant proportion of the population especially in the rural areas. Farmers cultivate major staples such as maize, cassava, yam, plantain, sorghum and rice.

Project: "Scaling up Soil Carbon Enhancement for Food Security and Climate Across Complex Landscapes in Kenya and Ethiopia": Dissemination Workshop presentations.

december, 2019

These presentations provide an overview of the key research outcomes from the BMZ-funded project on Scaling up Soil Carbon Enhancement for Food Security Across Complex Landscapes in Kenya and Ethiopia. These project results were presented during the final virtual dissemination workshop for the project held on 10th and 11th December 2020. The project has been running for 4 years (Jan 2017 to Dec 2020).

Adapting Green Innovation Centres to climate change: analysis of value chain adaptation potential. Cassava and plantain value chains in Bas-Sassandra, Comoé, and Lagunes Districts, Cote D’Ivoire

december, 2019

The present report aims to provide a climate and vulnerability analysis of the Green Innovation Centres (GIC) target commodity value chains. Herein we identify climate change- related vulnerabilities, hazards, and opportunities for adaptation to the same. Ultimately, our goal is to foster awareness of risks and adaptation priorities in the selected value chains and inform climate investments and planning through the recommendations on priority innovations to manage climate risks.

Dryland restoration successes in the Sahel and Greater Horn of Africa show how to increase scale and impact

december, 2019

Drylands occupy more than 40% of the world’s land area and are home to some two billion people. This includes a disproportionate number of the world’s poorest people, who live in degraded and severely degraded landscapes. The United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification states on its website that 12 million hectares are lost annually to desertification and drought, and that more than 1.5 billion people are directly dependent on land that is being degraded, leading to US$42 billion in lost earnings each year.

Adoption of soil organic carbon-enhancing practices: A case of two watershed sites in Ethiopia.

december, 2019

This study aimed at identifying the factors that determine
the decision to adopt and the intensity of adoption of
soil organic carbon (SOC)-enhancing practices using two
watershed sites in Ethiopia: Yiser (Amhara region) and
Azugashube (Southern region). The study used survey
data collected from 379 sample households drawn from
four Kebele/village administrations at each watershed
site. Multivariate and ordinary least squares regressions
were used to identify the factors that determine the

Unpacking 'gender' in India's Joint Forest Management Program: lessons from two Indian states

december, 2019

Gender inequalities and social exclusions in community-based forest management have garnered attention, particularly in South Asia. Yet, framings that homogenize women and marginalized groups fail to capture the nuanced processes by which such exclusions occur. Despite provisions for women in local community management institutions, numerous constraints hinder their active participation in forest governance.

Program for Climate Smart Livestock Systems (PCSL): Futures workshop, Kenya, November–December 2021

december, 2019

The International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI) is implementing
the Program for Climate Smart Livestock (PCSL) in Kenya, Uganda,
and Ethiopia. PCSL is designed to build the capacity of governments,
the private sector, and livestock keepers towards improving livestock
productivity, reducing greenhouse gas emissions while adapting to
climate change. In late November 2020, ILRI held a virtual workshop
with relevant stakeholders to discuss potential transformative pathways
for the livestock sector in Kenya.