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GANSO: New business model and technical assistance for the professionalization of sustainable livestock farming in the Colombian Orinoquia region

december, 2019

This information note summarizes the state of livestock farming in the Orinoco region and the conditions that combine there to develop GANSO (abbreviation for sustainable livestock farming in Spanish, Ganaderia Sostenible), an innovative technical and financial assistance program aimed at a transformation to low-carbon and sustainable livestock farming that embraces productive, economic, social and environmental factors.

Enhancing women’s rights and lives through gender-equitable restoration in Burkina Faso

december, 2019
Burkina Faso

Gender differences and gender inequalities in rights, status and responsibilities significantly shape daily rural life and life cycles in rural West Africa (Levasseur 2003), where women face significant constraints in participating in activities aimed at restoring forests and farmland. Yet, they also find innovative ways to overcome such constraints, such as collective action and the creation of groups of mutual support.

Generating evidence on gender sensitive Climate-Smart Agriculture to inform policy in Central America: Final technical project report

december, 2019

The overall objective of this project was to support the scaling up of gender sensitive Climate Smart Agriculture (CSA) as a mechanism to increase resilience and improve livelihoods of vulnerable households in the face of climate-related impacts. Focused on two countries, Guatemala and Honduras, it aimed to generate science-based actionable information, tools and processed that support decision making by stakeholders at different scales, from farmers to subnational, national and regional levels. Its specific objectives were:

Examining the sustainability and development challenge in agricultural-forest frontiers of the Amazon Basin through the eyes of locals

december, 2019

The Amazon basin is the world’s largest rainforest and the most biologically diverse place on Earth. Despite the critical importance of this region, Amazon forests continue inexorably to be degraded and deforested for various reasons, mainly a consequence of agricultural expansion. The development of novel policy strategies that provide balanced solutions, associating economic growth and environmental protection, is still challenging, largely because the perspective of those most affected- local stakeholders- is often ignored.

Evaluation of performance of small ruminants in smallholder Climate-Smart Villages of Lower Nyando, Kenya

december, 2019

The productivity of small ruminants in developing countries remains low although the animals play an integral role in the livelihoods of smallholder farmers. Current information on their productive performance and contribution to the household incomes of smallholder farmers in Eastern Africa is limited. This study was implemented as part of an on-going small ruminant improvement project by the Climate Change Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS) and the International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI) in Kericho and Kisumu Counties of the Lake Victoria basin of Kenya.

Foundations for common approaches to measure global adaptation actions in the agriculture sector: Highlights from an analysis of existing climate adaptation frameworks

december, 2019

"Climate adaptation has been on the back seat of the international policy agenda for many years; the Paris Agreement and relating Global Goal on Adaptation (GGA) provide new momentum to frame adaptation as a global responsibility and to call for collective measurement approaches. n Decisions on potential global adaptation targets and measurements need to build on existing collections of frameworks, indicators and metrics that provide valuable learning opportunities, rather than reinventing processes.

Assessment of land degradation in semi-arid Tanzania: Using remote sensing to inform the Sustainable Development Goal 15.3

december, 2019

Monitoring land degradation (LD) to inform the sustainable development goal (SDG) 15.3.1 (\proportion of land that is degraded over total land area") is key to ensure a more sustainable future. At the moment, there are only default medium-resolution datasets available to assess LD in Tanzania. They do not reflect local characteristics and cannot help to target exposed areas spatially.

Adapting Green Innovation Centres to climate change: analysis of value chain adaptation potential. Rice value chain in Mekong River Delta, Vietnam

december, 2019

The present report aims to provide a climate and vulnerability analysis of the Green Innovation Centres (GIC) target commodity value chains. Herein we identify climate change- related vulnerabilities, hazards, and opportunities for adaptation to the same. Ultimately, our goal is to foster awareness of risks and adaptation priorities in the selected value chains and inform climate investments and planning through the recommendations on priority innovations to manage climate risks.

Indicators for gender equality and the empowerment of women: from concept to practice

december, 2019

As part of the project “Developing Gender
Indicators in Agriculture,” we conducted a literature
review in order to understand how research and
agricultural development projects in Latin America
measure women’s empowerment and gender
inequalities. The research allowed us to conduct
a close examination of the theoretical concepts
and the methodologies employed, and the way in
which both of these are linked, in practice. In the
study, we uncovered similarities in the theoretical

Ecosystems-based adaptation in the forest and agriculture interface: Operationalizing action in Mondulkiri and Koh Kong

december, 2019

A range of interventions within the scope of ecosystems-based adaptation (EbA) are being deployed to address the continuing degradation of forest cover, within protected areas and biodiversity conservation corridors in Cambodia. Ecosystem adaptation has involved the use of ecosystem services as part of the overall adaptation strategy. Forest landscape restoration (FLR) is an important dimension in the ADB supported BCCP efforts. This involves mosaic restoration featuring climate-smart agriculture agroforestry, and related conservation work in Koh Kong and Mondulkiri provinces.