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Priority needs for improvement of activity data to support MRV in Ethiopia’s livestock sector

december, 2019

To complement an ongoing CCAFS project ‘Enhancing capacities for MRV of sustainable livestock action in East Africa (Kenya and Ethiopia)’, implemented by UNIQUE forestry and land use, ACIAR is supporting CCAFS to implement a Small Research Activity (SRA) entitled ‘Building capacities for an integrated livestock MRV system in Ethiopia’. The objective of the SRA is to support improvements in methods and procedures used to produce and manage the livestock activity data required for measurement, reporting and verification (MRV) of greenhouse gases (GHG) in Ethiopia.

A framework for identifying country-specific MRV improvement needs in the livestock sector: Lessons from Kenya, Ethiopia and Nigeria

december, 2019

The working paper presents a framework for assessing country-specific needs, opportunities and priorities for improving measurement, reporting and verification (MRV) of livestock greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and emission reductions. The framework consists of 13 guiding questions that are implemented in an eight-step assessment. The steps are:
Phase 1: Clarify the context
Step 1: Assess current and future expected trends in the livestock sector and their GHG emissions implications.
Step 2: Identify policies and measures that are expected to impact GHG emissions.

Dynamics of Rural Economy: A Socio-Economic Understanding of Oil Palm Expansion and Landscape Changes in East Kalimantan, Indonesia

december, 2019

The fast-growing palm oil economy has stimulated a significant expansion of oil palm plantations in Indonesia. The uncontrolled development of large oil palm plantations has raised complex socio-ecological issues, including changes of ecological landscapes, organization of production, and farming household livelihood systems. For two oil palm villages with different ecological settings, this article describes changes in land cover, how production is organized, and the income structure changes due to rural economic development.

Diversity, use and production of farmers’ varieties of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L., Fabaceae) in southwestern and northeastern Ethiopia

december, 2019

Legumes are a critical component of many agricultural systems and a major contributor to global food systems. Common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) is the most widely grown legume crop in Ethiopia. It is an important source of food, income, and soil fertility management in southwestern (SW) and northeastern (NE) Ethiopia, and used as medicine, fodder, and honeybee forage in the NE. Diversity and use of farmers’ varieties of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) bean were investigated in five administrative zones in SW and NE Ethiopia.

Including access and benefit sharing in the post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework

december, 2019

This paper was prepared for consideration by the 2nd meeting of the Open-ended Working Group on the Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework, Rome, Italy, February 2020. It includes proposals for how access and benefit-sharing rules, practices and impacts could be integrated in the Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework (Post 2020 Framework).

A proposal of community-based firefighting in peat hydrological unit of Kahayan – Sebangau River: methods and approaches

december, 2019

In 2019, Indonesia has experienced a very recent El Nino event, which generates an impact on the severity of forest and peatland fires both in Kalimantan and Sumatra. Some provinces such as Central Kalimantan, South Kalimantan, Riau, South Sumatra, and Jambi have been covered in a thick and poisonous haze for months. The total number of fire in Central Kalimantan processed from NASA hotspot data from January to October is reaches 10 000, which approximately 86% occur during two months of the dry season (September – October 2019).

Livestock feeds assessment report from Meru county, Kenya

december, 2019

Among forty-seven counties in Kenya, we choose Meru County in Kenyan highlands with successful dairy as business oriented. Administratively, Meru is divided into four sub-counties namely- Imenti Central, Buuri, North Imenti and South Imenti. We did livestock feeds assessment in Central Imenti sub-county, involving women and men groups. To narrow down to the specific area, we linked to Meru Dairy Union an umbrella that hosts up to 55 dairy societies in the area.

Assessing the Adaptive Capacity of Households to Climate Change in the Central Rift Valley of Ethiopia

december, 2019

This paper explores the different components of the adaptive capacity of households in the Central Rift Valley (CRV) of Ethiopia and quantifies their relative contributions. The data were derived from a survey of 413 households randomly selected from four Kebeles (the smallest government administrative units) in the CRV. The adaptive capacity of the households was assessed using the Local Adaptive Capacity (LAC) framework and measured in terms of both aggregate and composite indices, with sixty indicators distributed across five major components and subcomponents.

Improved remote sensing methods to detect northern wild rice (Zizania palustris L.)

december, 2019

Declining populations of Zizania palustris L. (northern wildrice, or wildrice) during
the last century drives the demand for new and innovative techniques to support monitoring of
this culturally and ecologically significant crop wild relative. We trained three wildrice detection
models in R and Google Earth Engine using data from annual aquatic vegetation surveys in
northern Minnesota. Three di erent training datasets, varying in the definition of wildrice presence,

The diffusion of small-scale irrigation technologies in Ethiopia: stakeholder analysis using Net-Map

december, 2019

Small-scale irrigation (SSI) provides great benefits to farmers in terms of increased yields and profits, better food and nutrition security and greater resilience to climate shocks. Ethiopia has high potential for expanding SSI and has invested considerably in this area in recent years. Despite these investments, several challenges to further expansion of irrigation technologies remain. Different stakeholders in the country play important roles in overcoming these barriers to further scale technologies for SSI.

Minimum guidelines for CSV implementation

december, 2019

Climate-smart village (CSV) has been demonstrated as a good model to practice climate-smart agriculture technologies and practices (CSA T&Ps) for enhancing adaptive capacity and resilience to climate change in rural areas worldwide. This material documents detailed stepwise guidelines for CSV implementation at village level from three CSVs that have been successfully established for three distinctive agroecologies of Yen Bai province. These CSVs were developed in three different projects, such as the CCAFS FP2.1 (2015-2018), VIBE 2018.05 (2019-2021), and NTM (2020) projects.

Joint Impact Assessment of CTA's Support to SPC (2004-2014)

december, 2019

CTA and SPC have a long working relationship spanning over 15 years. In 2012, CTA commenced
an evaluation of the work it had undertaken with several partners such as SPC in the ACP region.
This Report documents the findings of an Impact Evaluation of capacity development activities provided by CTA for the Pacific region over the last 10 years through SPC, namely its Land Resources Division (LRD).