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The Climate-Smart Village approach: putting communities at the heart of restoration

december, 2019

Land degradation affects 24% of the world’s land surface and 1.5 billion of its people. It is the result of human activities, exacerbated by natural processes, and is closely linked to climate change and loss of biodiversity. In Africa two-thirds of arable land is degraded. In Senegal, 2.5 million hectares are degraded (CSE 2011); the central “groundnut basin” is particularly affected.

CTA Project Completion Report: ADOPEM

december, 2019

This was a cost-sharing project supported the Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation (CTA). The project’s primary objectives are to: (1) strengthen the capacity of 2,000 small-scale farmers and rural women to adopt climate-smart agricultural practices; and 2) improve their access to financial products that support productive investments. By meeting these objectives, the project would improve the living condition of these farmers and rural women.

Germplasm rescue and repatriation

december, 2019

Due to many factors such as increase access and availability of modern varieties, change in market preferences, low productivity of native landraces and climate change, crop landraces are threatened and are at the risk of losing from the fields. Still there are many rare and unique landraces conserved by farmers in different parts of the country. Native agricultural genetic resources that are being grown in red zone areas are all endangered. Unique and rare landraces as well as landraces grown in small areas by few farmers are also endangered.

CRP 2020 Reviews: WHEAT

december, 2019

In 2020 the CGIAR CAS Secretariat is conducting independent reviews of the 12 CGIAR Research Programs (CRPs), including this one of WHEAT. The reviews will provide information on quality of science and effectiveness in each CRP. This review covers the Phase II years of 2017 through 2019, with a view to identifying lessons for future research modalities.

Strategies to achieve the GHG Mitigation Goals of the livestock sector in Latin America

december, 2019

Livestock production is a fundamental source of income and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in Latin American countries. 20 percent of the region's emissions come from agriculture, 70 percent of which comes from livestock. There are several management and technology options with enteric methane mitigation potential that have been evaluated and their scale is expected to contribute to achieving the GHG emission reduction targets under the Paris Agreement.

Land access in the development of horticultural crops in east Africa: a case study of passion fruit in Burundi, Kenya, and Rwanda

december, 2019

Rapid population growth in fertile agricultural lands of East Africa creates land scarcity, which has become a major hindrance to land access for the introduction of new horticultural crops. But their introduction in these areas is increasing, because of their high market price, which improves farmers’ income. As such, this research evaluated land access dynamics (availability, acquisition, and use changes) on the introduction of passion fruits in East Africa.

Adapting Green Innovation Centres to climate change: analysis of value chain adaptation potential. Potato and dairy value chains in North West and Central West Tunisia

december, 2019

The present report aims to provide a climate and vulnerability analysis of the Green Innovation Centres (GIC) target commodity value chains. Herein we identify climate change- related vulnerabilities, hazards, and opportunities for adaptation to the same. Ultimately, our goal is to foster awareness of risks and adaptation priorities in the selected value chains and inform climate investments and planning through the recommendations on priority innovations to manage climate risks.

Participatory development of scaling plan as a part of low emission roadmap in rice production of Mekong River Delta

december, 2019

This paper presents an engagement study that focuses on a provincial low emission roadmap in rice production. Results obtained in the study of An Giang province show that AWD adoption is strongly influenced by biophysical conditions and technical guidance, while adoption of environmentally friendly straw management is mainly driven by market, rainfall distribution and quality of transportation network. In An Giang’s districts, adoption of LET can be improved in the next 5-year plan.

Good practices for agrobiodiversity management

december, 2019

Native agricultural genetic resources have been generally under-valued, therefore, some initiatives have been taken through Global In-situ agrobiodiversity project joinly implemented by NARC, LI-BIRD and Bioversity International since 1997 in Nepal for conservation and sustainable use of agrobiodiversity on-farm. Global in-situ project (1997-2006) has developed

Geographical indication

december, 2019

Agricultural products are generally associated with their place of production and are influenced by specific local, geographical factors such as climate and soil. A geographical indication (GI) is a sign (or name) used on products that have a specific geographical origin and possess unique qualities or a reputation associated with the product of the origin (WIPO 2004). The qualities, characteristics or reputation of the product should be essentially due to the place of origin.