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Diversifying the sourcing and deploying methods to enhance the crop diversity

december, 2019

A Nepalese farmers of mountain and hill agro-ecosystem mostly grow landraces or traditional varieties of most of the crops. In some major crops like rice, wheat and maize, very old varieties are in cultivation. Insufficient research on minor crops and poor extension networks to disseminate new varieties
of major crops are the major reasons to narrow down the varietal options available to the farmers. Crop
genetic diversity can make farming systems more resilient, but a major constraint is that farmers lack

The global divide in data-driven farming

december, 2019

Big data and mobile technology are widely claimed to be global disruptive forces in agriculture that benefit small-scale farm-ers. Yet the access of small-scale farmers to this technology is poorly understood. We show that only 24–37% of farms of <1 ha in size are served by third generation (3G) or 4G services, compared to 74–80% of farms of >200 ha in size. Furthermore, croplands with severe yield gaps, climate-stressed locations and food-insecure populations have poor service coverage.

Canopy cover evolution, diurnal patterns and leaf area index relationships in a Mchare and Cavendish banana cultivar under different soil moisture regimes

december, 2019

The biggest abiotic threat to banana (Musa spp.) production is water deficit, but physiological indicators in plantations are lacking. Canopy Cover (CC) seems to be a relevant parameter, but so far not used in banana fields. Field experiments were conducted to determine the effect of optimal irrigation (FI) versus rainfed (RF) on CC and Leaf Area Indices (LAI) in two experiments with different cultivars (Mchare ‘Huti Green’ [HG, AA] and Cavendish ‘Grand Naine’[GN, AAA]) (n = 3 for HG, n = 4 for GN) until harvest of cycle 1 (C1), studying C1 and C2 plants.

Intermediate Outcomes of School-on-the-Air for Farmers in Cagayan Valley in the Adoption of Climate-Smart Rice Technologies

december, 2019

The study assessed the intermediate outcomes of school-on-the-air (SOA) on learner-farmers in Cagayan Valley in the adoption of climate-smart agriculture (CSA) rice technologies. It determined socio-economic and biophysical characteristics of learner-farmers; ascertained the their level of awareness, knowledge, and adoption of climate-smart rice technologies; assessed the intermediate outcomes in terms of yield and income upon the adoption of CSA rice technologies; and identified preferred commodities, as well as issues and concerns for future SOA- CSA programs.

Small livestock: climate-smart, environmentally sound, economically empowering, gender-fair and transformative agricultural enterprises in Cambodia

december, 2019

The potential contribution of rural women to climate mitigation by being part of the economic cycle is not sufficiently exploited. Economic empowerment through climate adaptation can foster economic growth, promote socio-economic development, reduce poverty, keep environmental problems in check, and increase potential for adaptation which benefits both men and women (Research Gate). The conservation of small livestock agrobiodiversity while creating value addition economic empowerment has considerable potential for enrichening local food system while conserving animal genetic resources.

Assessment of climate change impacts and issues to support the making of new Nông Thôn Mới (Vietnam’s National Target Program on New Rural Development) criteria for the 2021-2030 Strategy

december, 2019

This report showcases the results of the assessment conducted by the Vietnam National University of Agriculture, International Center for Tropical Agriculture, and the Institute of Policy and Strategy for Agriculture and Rural Development. The assessment aims to create new sets of criteria for the Nông Thôn Mới (NTM) program of Vietnam by investigating the impacts and issues brought by climate change.

Estimating multidimensional poverty AmongCassava producers in Nigeria: patterns and socioeconomic determinants

december, 2019

The scourge of poverty, including its correlates, has been witnessing an incremental sequence over the years in Nigeria despite the natural endowment of the country. Efforts by various stakeholders to address this problem have not yielded tangible results. Using cross-sectional data collected in 2015 on 775 cassava farmers spread across four geographical zones, this study estimates multidimensional poverty of cassava producers in Nigeria. This is to determine the factors responsible for poverty increase and contribution(s) of these factors to poverty.

A gender analysis on the participation and choice of improved and local haricot bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) by farmers in Cameroon

december, 2019

Men and women farmer participation and choice of variety could guide breeding and drive the adoption of different haricot bean varieties. Thus, understanding how gender influences participation and choice of bean cultivation and marketing is fundamental. The study sought to analyse how socio-cultural norms determine women and men, participation and choice of variety for cultivation and sale in Cameroon’s West region. A mixed-method was used in collecting data from men and women farmers in six subdivisions in the West region of Cameroon in 2019.

A joint stocktaking of CGIAR work on forest and landscape restoration

december, 2019

Despite the high level of political engagement and the wide range of organizations involved in restoration projects from local to global levels, beyond some success stories, restoration is not happening at scale. To address this issue, three CGIAR Research Programs (CRPs) – Forests, Trees and Agroforestry (FTA); Policies, Institutions and Markets (PIM) and Water, Land and Ecosystems (WLE) – decided to bring together their expertise in a joint stocktaking of CGIAR work on restoration.

On-farm agrobiodiversity measurement and conservation

december, 2019

Total agrobiodiversity of any area is necessary to plan the implementation of agricultural and environmental projects and activities. Diversity is most for advancing agriculture development, however, modern agriculture has accelerated the replacement of old age crop diversity. Agrobiodiversity index and measures are commonly used and estimated for crop and animal species, landraces and sites. These are useful for locating sites, crops and custodians of agrobiodiversity.