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Spatio-Temporal Pattern of Land Degradation along the China-Mongolia Railway (Mongolia)

Peer-reviewed publication
december, 2018

The increasingly serious problem of land degradation has a direct impact on the ecosystem and sustainable development in Mongolia. The influence of land degradation on the main China–Mongolia–Russia traffic arteries is currently unclear and poses a risk to the construction of transportation infrastructure. In this study, for the first time, we obtained land cover data from 1990, 2010, and 2015, at a 30 m, resolution based on the Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM) and Landsat Operational Land Imager (OLI) images along the China–Mongolia railway (Mongolia section).

Towards a Valuation and Taxation Information Model for Chinese Rural Collective Construction Land

Peer-reviewed publication
december, 2018

To promote rural revitalisation, China’s central government revised the land administration law to allow rural collective construction land (RCL) to be traded in the market and attract private and financial capitals into rural investment and development. However, the land value appreciation income of the market access is closely related to geographical location. Hence, the value appreciation of RCL is enormous in villages around cities and towns. By contrast, the land value appreciation of RCL is low in villages away from cities and towns.

Farmers’ Satisfaction and its Influencing Factors in the Policy of Economic Compensation for Cultivated Land Protection: A Case Study in Chengdu, China

Peer-reviewed publication
december, 2018

With the rapid progress of urbanization, the loss of cultivated land has attracted great attention worldwide, and economic compensation is one of the incentives commonly used by the governments to enhance farmers’ enthusiasm in protecting cultivated land. In recent years, although various economic compensation modes have been implemented by the Chinese government, such modes are still experimental and exploratory. Thus, designing and implementing a national economic compensation mode is urgent to effectively protect the quantity and quality of cultivated land.

Large-Scale Grain Producers’ Application of Land Conservation Technologies in China: Correlation Effects and Determinants

Peer-reviewed publication
december, 2018

The quality of cultivated land has been seriously degraded due to the overuse of chemical fertilizer in China. Land conservation technologies (LCTs) have been proven to effectively address land degradation and improve land productivity. In this study, a multivariate probit model is applied to empirically analyze the correlation effects and determinants of the application of LCTs application using cross-sectional data collected on 690 large-scale grain producers from the Jiangsu and Jiangxi provinces in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River.

Spatial Distribution and Changes of the Realizable Triple Cropping System in China

Peer-reviewed publication
december, 2018

Exploiting the full potential of the realizable triple cropping system (RTCS) is one of the most effective methods for increasing land productivity, thus promoting food security. However, insufficient attention is paid to the spatial distribution of the RTCS in China. Here, a method is developed to assess the RTCS in China, considering terrain, climatic conditions, crop climatic-ecological suitability, and the spatial changes in the RTCS between 1951 and 2010.

Valuing Biodiversity in Life Cycle Impact Assessment

Peer-reviewed publication
december, 2018

In this article, the authors propose an impact assessment method for life cycle assessment (LCA) that adheres to established LCA principles for land use-related impact assessment, bridges current research gaps and addresses the requirements of different stakeholders for a methodological framework. The conservation of biodiversity is a priority for humanity, as expressed in the framework of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Addressing biodiversity across value chains is a key challenge for enabling sustainable production pathways.

Application of Cloud Model to Evaluation of Forest Soil Fertility: A Case in Chinese Fir Plantations in Southern China

Peer-reviewed publication
december, 2018

Soil nutrients are of great significance for maintaining forest growth and ensuring land productivity. A comprehensive scientific evaluation of soil fertility is helpful for sustainable forest management. There are many uncertainties in traditional evaluation methods, that is fuzziness and randomness, which often lead to a large deviation of the evaluation results. In order to comprehensively consider the fuzziness and randomness of soil fertility evaluation, the cloud model was introduced to evaluate the soil fertility of Chinese fir plantations.

Motorway Route Planning with Regarding the Adverse Effects on Agricultural Production Space

Peer-reviewed publication
december, 2018

Designing and implementing investment projects are activities that have a direct impact on the natural environment and pose a threat to sustainable development of rural areas. The issue of agricultural production space protection during the implementation of linear projects in Poland is often only mentioned at the design stage as the final element. The aim of the study is to propose a tool to enable an assessment and modelling of a motorway design variant in order to minimise the impact on the agricultural production space.

Spatial Shift of Aridity and Its Impact on Land Use of Syria

Peer-reviewed publication
december, 2018

Expansion of arid lands due to climate change, particularly in water stressed regions of the world can have severe implications on the economy and people’s livelihoods. The spatiotemporal trends in aridity, the shift of land from lower to higher arid classes and the effect of this shift on different land uses in Syria have been evaluated in this study for the period 1951–2010 using high-resolution monthly climate data of the Terrestrial Hydrology Research Group of Princeton University.

Impact of Land Use Rights on the Investment and Efficiency of Organic Farming

Peer-reviewed publication
december, 2018

This study investigated the impact of three land tenure arrangements on organic farming (OF) in terms of increment of efficiency, yield, and investment in soil-improving activities by using farm-level data gathered from three districts located at Punjab, Pakistan. A multivariate tobit model that captured the probable substitute and investment choices, as well as the endogenous nature of land tenure arrangements, has been employed in this analysis. The empirical outcomes displayed that rights of land use affected the decisions made by farmers to invest in land and to improve efficiency.

Biocultural Heritages in Mallorca: Explaining the Resilience of Peasant Landscapes within a Mediterranean Tourist Hotspot, 1870–2016

Peer-reviewed publication
december, 2018

Mallorca keeps an age-old biocultural heritage embodied in their appealing landscapes, largely exploited as an intangible tourist asset. Although hotel and real estate investors ignore or despise the peasant families who still persevere in farming amidst this worldwide-known tourist hotspot, the Balearic Autonomous Government has recently started a pay-for-ecosystem-services scheme based on the tourist eco-tax collection that offers grants to farmers that keep the Majorcan cultural landscapes alive, while a growing number of them have turned organic.

Towards a Valuation and Taxation Information Model for Chinese Rural Collective Construction Land

Peer-reviewed publication
december, 2018

To promote rural revitalisation, China’s central government revised the land administration law to allow rural collective construction land (RCL) to be traded in the market and attract private and financial capitals into rural investment and development. However, the land value appreciation income of the market access is closely related to geographical location. Hence, the value appreciation of RCL is enormous in villages around cities and towns. By contrast, the land value appreciation of RCL is low in villages away from cities and towns.