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Guidelines for equitable and sustainable non-timber forest product management

Reports & Research
december, 2018

How can we improve local livelihoods while maintaining forest biodiversity and strengthening sustainable forest management in a socially inclusive and just manner? These guidelines present practical strategies and field examples for the inclusive and sustainable extraction, sale and management of forest products, particularly NTFPs. They build upon the framework of the Community Biodiversity Management approach in which three outcomes are sought; (1) community empowerment and social equity, (2) biodiversity conservation and (3) livelihood development (Sthapit et al. 2016).

Cadenas de valor con enfoque ambiental y cero deforestación en la Amazonía colombiana - Oportunidades y retos para el mejoramiento sostenible de la competitividad regional

Policy Papers & Briefs
december, 2018
Central America
South America

La Amazonía colombiana se encuentra en un período clave que exige la evaluación y el fortalecimiento de su proceso de desarrollo. Las altas tasas de deforestación evidenciadas y los eventos que vienen desenvolviéndose a raíz del proceso de posconflicto han llevado al gobierno y a numerosas entidades de cooperación internacional a destinar importantes recursos para fortalecer la economía local y mejorar las condiciones sociales y ambientales del territorio.

Can the production of wild forest foods be sustained in timber concessions? Logging and the availability of edible caterpillars hosted by sapelli (Entandrophragma cylindricum) and tali (Erythrophleum suaveolens) trees in the Democratic Republic of Congo

Journal Articles & Books
december, 2018

Sapelli (Entandrophragma cylindricum) and tali (Erythrophleum suaveolens) are among the most important timber
species harvested from Congo Basin forests. They also host edible caterpillars, Imbrasia oyemensis and Cirina
forda, respectively, which are important to the nutrition and income of rural and urban populations. This study
evaluated the density of these tree species within a 10 km radius around each of 4 villages and in the 2012
annual cutting areas of two timber concessions in the region of Kisangani (DRC). Sapelli and tali trees

Earth observation, open data and machine learning for near real time threat monitoring of vulnerable plant species

december, 2018

The IUCN data base lists several plant species whose existence is currently threatened by human activities and climatic extremes. Here we report a methodology that monitors threat status of these species in near real time, by deriving data from multiple open data sources, by linking them via a machine learning analytical framework, with interpretations facilitated by a web based geospatial visualization framework.

Ensuring the continuation of traditional forest management practices in Myanmar

Reports & Research
december, 2018
South-Eastern Asia

The Promotion of Indigenous Nature Together (POINT) is a local non-profit organisation and a member of the Asian Indigenous Peoples Pact (AIPP). To deal with the problems caused by the progressive loss of indigenous knowledge, POINT decided to study the traditional forest management practices of the indigenous people living in Myay Latt. This is a village in western Myanmar where, despite their knowledge, experience and organisation, villagers have found it difficult to maintain their livelihood practices.