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Community Approaches to Sustainable Land Management and Agroecology Practices

Journal Articles & Books
november, 2018
Southern Africa
South Africa

As of 2017, SGP has awarded over 3,800 small grants to land degradation projects in over 120 countries, many of which are in regions with extreme levels of poverty and food insecurity across Africa and Latin America. Africa, in particular, is experiencing the highest population growth of the developing world, while being exposed and vulnerable to the rising impact from climate change.

Serial Offender: Vietnam’s continued imports of illegal Cambodian timber

Reports & Research
november, 2018

Vietnam, which has a long history of theft of timber from neighbouring Laos and Cambodia, recently initialled a timber trade agreement with the European Union. This will see Vietnam implement legislation to address imports of illegally harvested or traded timber, in return for timber exports to the EU being deemed to comply with the requirements of the European Union Timber Regulation (EUTR).

Community Paralegals and the Pursuit of Justice

november, 2018

There are many misconceptions about farming in southern Africa;and one of the most insidious is the notion of ‘viability’. A narrow economistic version has predominated that is based on a normative vision of farming based on full-time;large-scale commercial production. But taking a wider view;what is viable can take different forms more appreciative of the diverse ways farming is intertwined with wider livelihoods;and across different scales.

Informe del Diálogo sobre Directrices Voluntarias sobre la Gobernanza responsable de la Tenencia de la Tierra, la Pesca y los Bosques

Conference Papers & Reports
november, 2018
América central

Históricamente América Central es una región con importantes niveles de inequidad en la distribución y uso de los recursos naturales. Estos niveles de inequidades, partes de procesos económico socios y políticos (concentración de las cadenas de valores, agricultura de escala industrial apoyada por políticas publicas hacia los mercados de exportación), han generado algunas problemáticas relacionadas a la gobernanza de los recursos y su tenencia, tanto para la población como para los ecosistemas que sustentan en gran medida el crecimiento económico de los países de la región.

Fortalecimiento de la gobernanza forestal en Panamá

Reports & Research
november, 2018
Latin America and the Caribbean

La Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura (FAO), en convenio con el Centro Agronómico Tropical de Investigación y Enseñanza (CATIE), ha buscado determinar en qué medida las acciones para el fortalecimiento del Programa FLEGT (aplicación de las leyes, gobernanza y comercio forestales) podrán contribuir a la mitigación del cambio climático en el contexto de REDD+ (Estrategia para la reducción de emisiones por deforestación y degradación de bosques).

Rendre la foresterie participative plus efficace en Afrique centrale dans le contexte de l’agenda 2030 : la feuille de route de Brazzaville

Institutional & promotional materials
november, 2018

Le mode de gestion permettant aux communautés locales de disposer des droits suffisants sur les ressources forestières pour les gérer durablement, en toute autonomie, n’est pas encore assez répandu en Afrique centrale. Il était donc opportun de rechercher le meilleur moyen de permettre à un tel mode de gestion d’exprimer son plein potentiel.

Making Better use of Forest Resources in Uganda - UFT UGA 043

Reports & Research
november, 2018

Uganda has been monitoring its forest resources through mapping and forest inventories since the 1990s. However, the approach and frequency of data generation needs to be improved if the country is to construct a reference level compliant with the principles of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. Efforts were also needed to assess forest cover change in the country.

Guide pratique de production et de plantation des espèces de mangrove au Bénin

Journal Articles & Books
november, 2018

La régénération de la mangrove n’est pas une tâche simple, elle nécessite un certain nombre de précautions et d’engagements de la part des populations concernées et des autorités locales tout comme les institutions gouvernementales et/ou non gouvernementales. L’un des principes de réussite de cette activité de reforestation est de rendre les communautés locales actrices et porteuses du projet. Dans ce cadre, la sensibilisation des populations riveraines aux enjeux de la protection des ressources naturelles : mangrove, couvert végétal et stocks de poissons apparaît primordiale.

Rendre la foresterie participative plus efficace en Afrique centrale dans le contexte de l’agenda 2030 - La feuille de route de Brazzaville

Institutional & promotional materials
november, 2018

Le mode de gestion permettant aux communautés locales de disposer des droits suffisants sur les ressources forestières pour les gérer durablement, en toute autonomie, n’est pas encore assez répandu en Afrique centrale. Il était donc opportun de rechercher le meilleur moyen de permettre à un tel mode de gestion d’exprimer son plein potentiel.

Enhanching Capacities to develop Sustainable Strategies in the Forestry Sector in Regional Africa - TCP RAF 3508

Reports & Research
november, 2018

Over the past decades, progress towards Sustainable Forest Management (SFM) in Africa has been made at national and subregionallevels. At national level, 43 African countries have developed specific forest law and 40 have a national forest policy. At subregionallevel, efforts to harmonize policies and programmeshave resulted in the development of the Convergence Plan of the Central African Forests Commission and the Convergence Plan for the Sustainable Management and Use of Forest Ecosystems in West Africa.

SDG indicators 15.1.1 and 15.2.1 – Forest area and Sustainable Forest Management

Institutional & promotional materials
november, 2018

This fact sheet presents a course that has been developed to guide countries in reporting on indicators 15.1.1 and 15.2.1. It illustrates the rationale of the indicators, the definitions and methodologies on which monitoring activities are based, and explains the process and the tools available for compiling data related to the two indicators through the Global Forest Resource Assessment (FRA) Programme.