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Morphological and GIS-based land use Analysis: A Critical Exploration of a Rural Neighborhood

Journal Articles & Books
december, 2017

The significance of neighbourhood in hosting a group of dwellings units and possessing adequate communal facilities could not be overemphasized in the study of people and place relationships There are two main objectives of this study i to study the neighbourhoods associated challenges through the size growth and land use distribution and ii to investigate the perceived inhabitants activities pattern within the neighbourhood The objectives are explored through a morphological and GISbased land use analysis of a rural neighbourhood in Southwest Nigeria The town is studied in three transforma

Urbanization: Planting Forests in Pots

Journal Articles & Books
december, 2017

Taking plants from their original habitat and keeping them in pots is an illustrative example of manmade poweroriented and unnatural habitation Naturally a plant cannot survive in a segregated environment of a pot For this reason diverse supportive activities such as watering feeding or protecting must be planned These supplying infrastructures create a great power for the caretaker over the life of the potted plant Using the example of potted plants this article tries to shed light on the social and ecological problems of urbanization

The Impact of Peri-Urbanisation on Housing Development: Environmental Quality and Residents' Productivity in Ibeju-Lekki, Lagos

Journal Articles & Books
december, 2017

This paper assesses the impact of periurbanisation on housing environmental quality and residents sociodemography in IbejuLekki periurban in Lagos Nigeria Primary data was collected through administration of 370 questionnaires to household heads in purposively selected sixteen settlements in the study area while secondary data was sourced from spatial images land use maps and satellite images of the study area Quantitative data were analysed using descriptive statistics while qualitative data was analysed using time series and satellite image analysis The result shows a spatial expansion du

A Discussion on Affordable Housing Projects; Case Study Mehr Housing, Iran

Journal Articles & Books
december, 2017

Housing is one of the basic needs of humans Families in different countries with various cultures who have different lifestyles respond to their individual needs including physical and mental in a safe place that is called house The world population is increasing day by day In parallel to this population growth housing demand increases rapidly Iran is also a country which has a rapid population growth and has developed a series of policies to solve the housing problems Affordable housing is one of solution for providing the house by governments These type of houses is the ways to answer the

Opportunities for Practicing Sustainable Building Construction in Kurdistan Region, Iraq

Journal Articles & Books
december, 2017

The construction sector of the Kurdistan region of the Republic of Iraq has witnessed a huge development in the construction sector last ten years However there is a lack of awareness and legislation regarding sustainable construction in the buildings sector The aim of the paper is to find the required mechanism to introduce sustainable practice and implement sustainable construction in the buildings construction sector in Northern Iraq The main objectives of this study are identifying the barriers in sustainable construction in Northern Iraq and investigate the law and regulations in deali

Some Notes about Architecture, Urbanism and Economy

Journal Articles & Books
december, 2017
Bosnia and Herzegovina

The economy can be considered as the transversal component of human activities over territories This fact can be observed from a diachronic perspective the way how architectural typologies arose through history But the relations between Economy and Architecture are not only established by the small scales but the larger ones Cities and territories evolved from compact forms till spread ones in a parallel way to the arousal of the shopping areas Urban sprawl could never be understood without these new typologies The paper is based on the keynote speech was held in the International seminar E

Developing a Sustainable Plantation Wood Supply through Successful Community-Company Partnerships in Indonesia

Reports & Research
Policy Papers & Briefs
december, 2017
Eastern Asia

Since the early 1990s, the industrial timber plantation (Hutan Tanaman Industri - HTI) scheme has been intended to serve as a major source of timber to meet domestic and export demand. The need to meet a large gap between legal wood supply and demand for forests products has been the recent years as high as 50 million

Customary Tenure in the Mekong Region: Workshop Outcomes

Conference Papers & Reports
december, 2017

The Mekong Region Land Governance (MRLG) project and the Forestry Department of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Conservation (MONREC) co-hosted the “Mekong Region Customary Tenure Workshop” on 7-9 March 2017 in Nay Pyi Taw, Myanmar. This report outlines the main findings of the workshop, illustrated by some statements and case studies as presented by participants.

Factores que influyen en la dinámica de la cobertura arbórea en fincas agrícolas familiares en Costa Rica

Reports & Research
december, 2017
Costa Rica

Tesis (Doctorado en Ciencias Naturales para el Desarrollo con énfasis en Gestión de Recursos Naturales) Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica; Universidad Nacional de Costa Rica; Universidad Estatal a Distancia, Doctorado en Ciencias Naturales para el Desarrollo. 2017

Bosques y cambio climático en Ecuador: el regente forestal como actor clave en la mitigación del cambio climático

Reports & Research
december, 2017

Es indudable que en la actualidad estamos viviendo un fenómeno climático llamado en tiempos modernos como “Cambio Climático”, cuya evidencia científica es irrefutable. Las causas de este fenómeno mundial se atribuyen al aumento exponencial de las concentraciones de emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero en la atmósfera resultantes de las actividades humanas, entre otras, las provenientes del cambio de uso del suelo y por degradación forestal. Los bosques, a más de la prestación de bienes que ofrecen, tienen un rol fundamental en la estabilidad climática global.

Transformaciones territoriales en la Amazonía: indígenas, campesinos, fronteras y colonización

Journal Articles & Books
december, 2017

El artículo hace un balance sobre los aspectos principales que se deducen del proceso de expansión de la frontera agrícola en la Amazonía ecuatoriana con énfasis en el nororiente en donde se desarrollan actividades de explotación petrolera desde la década de 1960. Tal proceso, al igual que la colonización, junto con el ingreso de las empresas agroindustriales y madereras tuvo como trasfondo el discurso oficial de la “Amazonía como territorio vacío”.

Demografía y transformación territorial: medio siglo de cambio en la región amazónica de Ecuador

Journal Articles & Books
december, 2017

Una población numerosa puede favorecer el crecimiento económico (un bebé puede ser un futuro aportador de impuestos), generar oportunidades para la innovación tecnológica (un bebé puede ser un futuro genio e innovador) y dinamizar la economía (más consumidores y más costos compartidos). Pero esto solo puede ser posible si el tejido social y económico de una sociedad es el propicio. ¿Será el crecimiento poblacional amazónico en Ecuador lo suficientemente elevado para garantizar más pobreza y conflicto social a corto y largo plazo, o será un factor de desarrollo?