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O Parque Natural do Fogo: cosmologias e territorialidades

Journal Articles & Books
september, 2017
Cabo Verde

O artigo apresenta uma pesquisa sobre o Parque Natural do Fogo, na ilha do Fogo, em Cabo Verde, tendo como foco as sociocosmologias caldeirenses. A pesquisa etnográfica foi realizada em Chã das Caldeiras, na qual explorei alguns contextos cosmopolitas onde o cosmos e a política não estão isolados. A criação do referido parque foi mediada por um conjunto de conceções tecnocientíficas e burocracias administrativas que se detêm apenas nos riscos e “recursos” e que bloqueiam a relação ontológica singularizante do caldeirense com o cosmos.

Securing community tenure rights to land in Betem, Akpet, Idoma and Akampa in Cross River State, Nigeria

Reports & Research
september, 2017
Sub-Saharan Africa

The study focuses on impacts of PZ Wilmar’s acquisition of nearly 30,000 hectares of land. Wilmar is a multinational company involved in land grabbing cases related to oil palm plantations in Cross River State, Nigeria. The study shows the extent of Wilmar’s infringement on communal land rights, examining cases of eviction and destruction of livelihoods. Findings show that the four communities studied suffered from increasing food prices, deficits of local staple foods, evictions and displacement of poor farmers.

Dispute management procedures and processes for land administration and conflict assessment

Reports & Research
september, 2017

This research details how recommendations on conflict can be practically implemented;through updated procedures for SLLC implementation..This resource was published in the frame of the Land Investment for Transformation (LIFT) Programme. For more information;please check: https://landportal.org/community/projects/land-investment-transformation...

Strategy for preventing and mitigating land certification-related violence against women and vulnerable groups

Reports & Research
september, 2017

This study examines how second level land certification (SLLC) is sensitive to the needs of women and vulnerable groups to gain an understanding of the positive and negative consequences of SLLC. It outlines how to mitigate land certification-related violence towards women and vulnerable groups..This resource was published in the frame of the Land Investment for Transformation (LIFT) Programme.

Distribution of SLLC: strategic recommendations

Reports & Research
september, 2017

This document analyses the current level of land certificate distribution and collection and proposes recommendations to ensure that LIFT meets its objectives and continues to distribute certificates effectively..This resource was published in the frame of the Land Investment for Transformation (LIFT) Programme. For more information;please check: https://landportal.org/community/projects/land-investment-transformation...

Décret n° 2017-757 du 05 septembre 2017 portant engagement national en matière de neutralité de la dégradation des terres.

september, 2017

Le présent décret fixe l'engagement national en matière de neutralité de la dégradation des terres, en application des dispositions générales de la Convention des Nations Unies sur la lutte contre la désertification et de la Charte de l'Environnement Malagasy actualisée.

Boosting governance in Mozambique’s forests

Reports & Research
augustus, 2017

Mozambique is Africa’s largest exporter of timber to China. Yet multiple published concerns over the sustainability and legality of that timber trade assert the rapid commercial depletion of future timber stocks, the marginalisation of local forest communities, and the loss of revenue to government estimated at US$146 million between 2007 and 2013 alone.

European Development Finance Institutions and land grabs. The need for further independent scrutiny

Reports & Research
augustus, 2017

Highlights the role of European Development Finance Institutions (DFIs) in possible land grabs and questionable forestry projects in Africa. Documents 9 cases involving 8 of the European DFIs in Cameroon, DR Congo, Sao Tome, Sierra Leone, Tanzania and Uganda. Raises the need for more independent research into these projects and for much more scrutiny of DFI investment portfolios, both by DFIs themselves and national parliaments. DFIs need to be placed under proper democratic scrutiny and their investments held to account by parliaments.

Moving from information dissemination to community participation in forest landscapes

Reports & Research
Policy Papers & Briefs
juli, 2017

Traditionally, in the context of environment and natural resources management, many communication efforts have focused on the dissemination of technical information to end-users who were expected to adopt them. Development practitioners were trying to ‘push’ their products on communities in order to receive community commitment to their development initiatives.