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Geographic overlaps between priority areas for forest carbon storage efforts and those for delivering peacebuilding programs: implications for policy design

Journal Articles & Books
mei, 2017
Central America
South America

Of the countries considering national-level policies for incentivizing reductions in forest-based greenhouse gas emissions (REDD+), some 25 are experiencing (or are emerging from) armed-conflicts. It has been hypothesized that the outcomes of the interactions between carbon-storage and peacebuilding efforts could result in either improved or worsened forest conservation and likewise increased or decreased conflict. Hence, for this study we explore potential interactions between forest carbon-storage and peacebuilding efforts, with Colombia as a case study.

Reclaiming collective rights Land and forest tenure reforms in Peru (1960–2016)

Policy Papers & Briefs
mei, 2017

Peru has formalized property rights for 1,200 indigenous communities in the Amazon. These titled indigenous lands cover over 11 million hectares and represent approximately 17% of the national forest area. Progress has been possible due to multiple reforms that recognized indigenous rights to collective lands, a process characterized by complex and protracted conflicts among competing interests, shifting government priorities and continued resistance by indigenous people to contest efforts that undercut their interests.

Over 5 years Africa has lost forests the size of England, this is how to create a trade-off

Policy Papers & Briefs
mei, 2017

Deforestation remains a persistent environmental challenge in Africa. The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) estimates that between 2010 to 2015 alone, the continent experienced a net loss of around 17 million hectares of forests. To put this in perspective, this is equivalent to more than 1.3 times the total land size of England. It is also a major driver of carbon emissions

Arrêté du 3 mai 2017 relatif aux actions des programmes régionaux « Valorisation du bois et territoire » des services communs « Valorisation du bois et territoire » des chambres régionales d'agriculture.

mei, 2017

Le présent arrêté détermine les actions des programmes régionaux «Valorisation du bois et territoire» des services communs «Valorisation du bois et territoire» des chambres régionales d'agriculture.Le programme régional pluriannuel « Valorisation du bois et territoire » mentionné à l'article D.

Guia para Integração dos Objetivos de Desenvolvimento Sustentável nos Municípios Brasileiros

Manuals & Guidelines
april, 2017

Esta publicação busca trazer a todos os Municípios brasileiros orientações sobre como incorporar a nova agenda de desenvolvimento, a Agenda de Desenvolvimento Sustentável (Agenda 2030) no planejamento e na gestão municipal. Trata-se de uma agenda global para o desenvolvimento humano e sustentável à qual o Brasil, junto com outros 192 países, aderiu em setembro de 2015, e que deve ser implantada até 2030.

Estratégia de produção camponesa em Moçambique estudo de caso no sul do Save

Journal Articles & Books
april, 2017

Este estudo tem por objectivo analisar as estratégias de produção dos pequenos produtores no Sul do Save, em Moçambique. A análise assenta na recolha de dados primários obtidos a partir da administração, em 2015, de 1200 questionários junto da população alvo, no âmbito de um projecto de investigação em curso no Observatório do Meio Rural (OMR) em Moçambique. A reflexão aqui apresentada inspira-se nos contributos das principais correntes teóricas e estudos empíricos relacionados com as estratégias de produção dos pequenos produtores.

The ecosystem approach, ecosystem services and established forestry policy approaches in the United Kingdom

Peer-reviewed publication
april, 2017
United Kingdom

A series of approaches have been proposed for natural resource management and biodiversity conservation in recent decades. In the important forestry sector, two of the most dominant policy paradigms have been multi-purpose forestry and sustainable forest management. The Convention on Biological Diversity, amongst other transnational commitments, added the ecosystem approach and its related idea of ecosystem services to this succession which is increasingly becoming the basis for natural resource management, including in the United Kingdom (UK).

Analyse globale des conversions des forêts par les grands investissements en République gabonaise

Reports & Research
april, 2017

La forêt gabonaise couvre près de 85% de la superficie du pays (Richard et Léonard, 1993). Comprenant différents types d’écosystèmes, on y trouve aussi bien des mangroves que des forêts côtières, forêts marécageuses, forêts denses de plaine et de montagne, mosaïque forêt/savane, savanes, fleuves, deltas, lagunes. La flore et la faune y présentent une grande richesse avec un taux d’endémisme végétal exceptionnel.

Learning from REDD+: a response to Fletcher et al.

Journal Articles & Books
april, 2017

Although REDD+ is approaching its 10th anniversary, major impacts in terms of reduced forest loss are hard to document. Conservation practitioners and scholars are therefore increasingly asking why REDD+ has not delivered more tangible results. A recent Comment in Conservation Biology by Fletcher et al. (2016) addresses this question. We agree with Fletcher et al. that REDD+ has been hyped in some circles, which has created unrealistic expectations among policy makers and forest dwellers alike. Yet, we argue that Fletcher et al.

Beyond zero deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon Progress and remaining challenges to sustainable cattle intensification

Policy Papers & Briefs
april, 2017
Central America
South America

Key Messages

• A governance approach, combining public policy and private initiatives was effective in slowing down deforestation, but

was unable to support a transition to more sustainable production systems.

• New technical intensification models must be identified for low-productivity systems in degraded lands, adapted to the

biophysical and sociotechnical conditions of the Amazonian landscapes.

• Multiple constraints inhibit progress toward sustainable intensification of cattle ranching, and reversing them requires that

Uniting forest and livelihood outcomes? Analyzing external actor interventions in sustainable livelihoods in a community forest management context

Journal Articles & Books
april, 2017

External actor interventions in community forest management (CFM) attempt to support communities with developing forest institutions and/ or improving their livelihoods portfolio. Common pool resource (CPR) scholars argue that forest institutions are required to prevent overharvesting of the forest resource stock (appropriation dilemma), and to encourage investment in its maintenance (provision dilemma). The sustainable livelihoods approach (SLA) has been widely used to analyse the influence of interventions on rural livelihoods portfolios.

Town and Country Planning (Trees)(Amendment) (Wales) Regulations 2017 (S.I. No. 548 (W. 125) of 2017).

april, 2017
United Kingdom

These Regulations amend the Town and Country Planning (Trees) Regulations 1999, in relation to Wales in Part 1 and remove Part 2 of Schedule 2 to the Order. The effect of the amendments is to require— (a) a notice of appeal to be accompanied by a full statement of case comprised of a written statement containing full particulars of the appellant’s case and copies of supporting documents; and (b) the appellant to send a copy of both the notice of appeal and full statement of case to the authority which made the tree preservation order as soon as reasonably practicable.