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The Influence of Forest Management Regimes on Deforestation in a Central Indian Dry Deciduous Forest Landscape

Peer-reviewed publication
september, 2016

This research examines the impact of forest management regimes, with various degrees of restriction, on forest conservation in a dry deciduous Indian forest landscape. Forest change is mapped using Landsat satellite images from 1977, 1990, 1999, and 2011. The landscape studied has lost 1478 km2 of dense forest cover between 1977 and 2011, with a maximum loss of 1002 km2 of dense forest between 1977 and 1990. The number of protected forest areas has increased, concomitant with an increase in restrictions on forest access and use outside protected areas.

Patterns and Predictors of Recent Forest Conversion in New England

Peer-reviewed publication
september, 2016

New England forests provide numerous benefits to the region’s residents, but are undergoing rapid development. We used boosted regression tree analysis (BRT) to assess geographic predictors of forest loss to development between 2001 and 2011. BRT combines classification and regression trees with machine learning to generate non-parametric statistical models that can capture non-linear relationships.

Socio-Economic Effects of Chinese Agricultural Investments on the Environment and Local Livelihoods in Uganda

Policy Papers & Briefs
september, 2016

The nature and significance of China's engagements with African agriculture continues to be hotly debated in the media, academia and policy circles around the world. Although China has been engaged in Uganda’s agriculture for more than 40 years, the recent jostle for agricultural land by private Chinese investors is dystifying and justifies the need to conduct a scientific study to provide clear evidence before the issue gets bundled into the messy anecdotal media inquiry.

Valuation of forest carbon stocks to estimate the potential for result-based payment under REDD+ in Cameroon

Journal Articles & Books
september, 2016
Middle Africa

This study base on existing scientific literature makes an economic evaluation of carbon stocks gained under different deforestation and forest degradation scenarios (100, 50 and 25% avoided deforestation) during a 20 years period (2010–2030). It analyzes the associated financial commitments to achieve greenhouse gas emission reduction, and further discusses deforestation avoidance in the context of the 2035 emergence ambition of Cameroon.

Grassroots Concerns and Issues Regarding REDD+ in Nepal

Policy Papers & Briefs
september, 2016

REDD+ scheme is primarily aimed at national governments and local forest managers to reduce emissions by conserving forests; at the same time, increasing investment on capacity developmen for grassroots stakeholders who are the main forest stewards provides opportunities for the grassroots actors to enhance their understanding and skills on REDD+ and be the voices of their community to safeguard their interest and benefits.

Hoja Informativa N.º 2. Situación de las tierras de comunidades nativas en la Región Ucayali

Institutional & promotional materials
september, 2016
South America

El mapa y los datos que se presentan en esta hoja informativa son el resultado de la actualización de la línea base de Sistema de Información sobre Comunidades Nativas de la Amazonía Peruana (SICNA) del Instituto del Bien Común (IBC) en la región amazónica de Ucayali (Perú), realizada durante el primer semestre de 2016, con el apoyo de la Cooperación Alemana, implementada por la GIZ, a través de su proyecto ProTierras Comunales.


Index de transparence des systèmes fonciers communautaires en Afrique

Reports & Research
september, 2016

En 2015, l‘African Community Rights Network (ACRN) a lancé l’Index de Transparence des Droits fonciers communautaires en Afrique (ACLTI) plus connu sous l’appellation « indice foncier ACRN ». L’objectif de l’ACLTI est la protection des terres rurales communautaires par la sécurisation des systèmes fonciers ruraux communautaires. Le terme «terres communautaires» est adopté par l’ACRN pour désigner les terres communes ou collectives. Leur nature varie, considérablement, selon les arrangements culturels autour des terres.

A History of Landscape-Level Land Management Efforts in Haiti

Reports & Research
Training Resources & Tools
september, 2016
Latin America and the Caribbean

Section one of this report opens with a brief environmental history of Haiti, followed by an analysis of the current state of environmental conditions, and closes with an examination of contemporary human and landscape vulnerabilities to acute and chronic environmental degradation and extreme climatic events. Section two of the report provides a brief summary of 15 regional or national landscape-level land management projects enacted in Haiti since the middle of the 20th century.

Financing Landfill Gas Projects in Developing Countries

Reports & Research
Policy Papers & Briefs
september, 2016

Landfill gas (LFG) management can help mitigate greenhouse gas emissions and contribute to the overall safe operation of a landfill, sometimes simultaneously generating revenue. However, financing these systems can be a challenge, particularly in low-resource settings. Recognizing that landfill emissions are expected to rise into the foreseeable future, this report outlines a variety of ways that city governments, private landfill owners, or other project developers finance LFG management systems that mitigate these emissions.

Cost- benefit analysis of the location of new forest land

Reports & Research
september, 2016
United States of America

In this paper we show how cost-benefit analysis can be used as a decision support mechanism for the location of new (urban) forest land, starting from the multifunctional role of these new forests. We start with a simple presentation of the cost-benefit analysis (CBA) technique. Key features of this evaluation technique are that (i) all - both positive and negative - impacts for all relevant parties (i.e. not only the project promoter) are taken into account and (ii) evaluation occurs on the basis of monetary values.

Pinpointing problems – seeking solutions: A rapid assessment of the underlying causes of forest conflicts in Guyana

Reports & Research
september, 2016

Based on the experiences of Amerindian communities in Guyana, this briefing presents some of the main causes of forest conflicts in the country as well as recommendations for how to address these. In particular, the document presents the following points: 

• Lack of full recognition of indigenous peoples’ land rights in line with international law, absence of effective FPIC procedures and limited transparency in forest governance are key underlying causes of forest-related conflicts in Guyana;