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RECOFTC Country Engagement Strategy - Indonesia

Institutional & promotional materials
juli, 2016

Seventy percent of Indonesia’s land area (128 million ha) is classified as forest land. Estimates of the number of villages located on these lands vary from 25 000 to 33 000 with an estimated population of 50 to 70 million people. Many of these inhabitants claim customary rights to around 40 million ha of state forest land, claims that were recently recognized, in principle, in a ruling of the Constitutional Court on 16 May 2013.

Greenhouse Gas Mitigation Opportunities in Agricultural Landscapes

Reports & Research
Policy Papers & Briefs
juli, 2016

Agriculture, and the patterns of land-use change that are associated with it, have a significant ecological footprint, including the effects it has on climate change, accounting for about one-quarter of anthropogenic greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions globally. Yet agriculture is also the only economic sector in which opportunities are present to mitigate climate change, mainly by removing substantial volumes of carbon from the atmosphere and sequestering them in soils and plant tissues. This report synthesizes information on the many areas in which agricultural GHG emissions can be reduced.

Crawler-type transport mechanism that can travel over forest land

Journal Articles & Books
juli, 2016

Japan's forest industry operates in mountainous regions rather than hilly areas. The forest road density is also low, and it is not easy to develop new roads and maintain them. Therefore, the work of moving about and transporting heavy loads over irregular mountain forest terrain far from roads is still hard labor performed by humans. Even today, a little technical development has been done to assist in this work.

Communications strategy to promote land rentals in Ethiopia

Institutional & promotional materials
juli, 2016

This communications strategy aims to increase the number of rural landholders renting out their land in certified woredas (districts) after receiving their second level certificate..This resource was published in the frame of the Land Investment for Transformation (LIFT) Programme. For more information;please check: https://landportal.org/community/projects/land-investment-transformation...

Transparency and related land governance issues in Ethiopia and a plan for improving transparency in land governance

Reports & Research
juli, 2016

This report examines the transparency in land governance in Ethiopia and proposals to improve this..This resource was published in the frame of the Land Investment for Transformation (LIFT) Programme. For more information;please check: https://landportal.org/community/projects/land-investment-transformation...

How can the Challenges of Ethiopias Rural Land Administration be Addressed?

Reports & Research
juli, 2016

This summary examines the transparency in land governance in Ethiopia and proposals to improve this..This resource was published in the frame of the Land Investment for Transformation (LIFT) Programme. For more information;please check: https://landportal.org/community/projects/land-investment-transformation...

Décret n° 2016-0528-P-RM du 26 juillet 2016 fixant l’organisation et les modalités de fonctionnement de l’Unité de Gestion de la grande muraille verte.

juli, 2016

Le présent décret fixe l’organisation et les modalités de fonctionnement de l’Unité de Gestion de la Grande Muraille Verte (UGMV) dont les organes sont le Comité d’Orientation; et la Direction. Un arrêté du ministre chargé de l’Environnement fixe les détails de l’organisation et des modalités de fonctionnement de la Direction de l’Unité de Gestion de la Grande Muraille Verte.

Met en oeuvre: Ordonnance n° 2016-011 P-RM du 17 mars 2016 portant création de l’unité de gestion de la grande muraille verte. (2016-03-17)

Fuelwood consumption and participation in community forestry in India

Reports & Research
juli, 2016
British Indian Ocean Territory

Decentralized forest management is an important policy issue in India and elsewhere. Yet there are few careful studies of the impacts of community forestry. The authors try to fill this gap by analyzing National Sample Survey data from 524 villages in five states in India. Their analysis seeks to answer two key questions: (1) Who participates in community forestry and what are the determinants of participation? (2) What is the impact of participation on household fuelwood consumption?

Regulation on Combating Dust.

juli, 2016

This Regulation consisting of 19 articles aims to regulate provisions on short-term and long-term plans to combat the harmful effects of dust in the country. The Regulation establishes the Committee to Combat Dust under the supervision of the Department of Environment.

Situation des forêts du monde: forêts et agriculture- défis et possibilités concernant l'utilisation des terres

Reports & Research
juni, 2016

Source: Fao.org

Combler le fossé entre la foresterie et l’agriculture en vue d’améliorer la sécurité alimentaire.

La FAO appelle à une meilleure coordination entre les deux secteurs afin de mettre en place des systèmes agricoles durables et d’améliorer la gestion des forêts. 

Global Tree Cover and Biomass Carbon on Agricultural Land: The contribution of agroforestry to global and national carbon budgets

Journal Articles & Books
juni, 2016

Agroforestry systems and tree cover on agricultural land make an important contribution to climate change mitigation, but are not systematically accounted for in either global carbon budgets or national carbon accounting. This paper assesses the role of trees on agricultural land and their significance for carbon sequestration at a global level, along with recent change trends. Remote sensing data show that in 2010, 43% of all agricultural land globally had at least 10% tree cover and that this has increased by 2% over the previous ten years.

FLEGT & REDD+ Trabajando juntos para consolidar la gobernanza forestal y mitigar el cambio climático

Policy Papers & Briefs
juni, 2016

La pérdida de bosques contribuye a un sexto de las emisiones anuales de gases de efecto invernadero que son la causa principal del cambio climático. La experiencia nos enseña que la implementación conjunta de enfoques de reducción de la deforestación y de la degradación forestal y de consolidación de la gobernanza forestal –como la Reducción de las emisiones debidas a la deforestación y a la degradación forestal (REDD+) y la Aplicación de leyes, gobernanza y comercio forestales (FLEGT)– puede ser mucho más eficaz para contrarrestar la pérdida de bosques.