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Mapping For Rights' Mapping Methodology: A new approach to participatory mapping

Manuals & Guidelines
september, 2015
Central African Republic
Democratic Republic of the Congo
Equatorial Guinea

This guide presents the 'Mapping for Rights' approach, which combines participatory mapping techniques, facilitation and hands-on support with the application of relevant and available technology. This combination of tools, guidance and equipment enables communities to identify advocacy goals that their maps could support. The maps are designed to provide a snapshot of the communities’ reality, including information on their history and socio- economic situation and demonstrate occupation and use of specific areas by communities.

Forest-Based Bamboo Trade in Mendha Lekha and Jamguda

Reports & Research
september, 2015

This paper presents case studies of two tribal villages - Mendha Lekha and Jamguda - successfully running forest-based bamboo businesses under the community forest rights provisions of Forest Rights Act (2006). We have documented the issues faced by the villagers in claiming community forest rights, issues faced in harvesting and sale of bamboo, and business practices adopted by both the villages.

Manejo forestal comunitario, gobernanza y género en Hidalgo, México

Journal Articles & Books
september, 2015
Latin America and the Caribbean

Las mujeres son importantes usuarias de recursos forestales. Sin embargo, su participación en la gobernanza forestal es limitada, y las razones de esta situación han sido poco estudiadas en México. Este artículo sostiene que la discriminación de género en la tenencia de la tierra, la división genérica del trabajo, la inequitativa distribución de beneficios y la visión estrictamente comercial de planes de manejo contribuyen a la exclusión femenina del manejo forestal comunitario (mfc).

Discussion document on the preservation and development of agricultural land

Policy Papers & Briefs
september, 2015
South Africa

The preservation, development and sustainable use of agricultural land are of vital importance to ensure longterm food security in South Africa. These principles of food security as well as an integrated, inclusive rural economy underpin the core focus areas of the National Development Plan, Vision 2030 (NDP).

Decision No. 1636/QD-TTg approving the adjusted master plan on socio-economic development of Lao Cai province through 2020, with a vision toward 2030.

september, 2015

This Decision approves the adjusted and supplemented master plan on socio-economic development of Lao Cai province through 2020, with a vision toward 2030 with the following principal contents: 1. The master plan on socio-economic development of Lao Cai province must conform to the national socio-economic development strategy, the master plan on socio-economic development of the northern midland and mountainous regions and be in line with sectoral development master plans nationwide. 2.

Chinese firms are still stealing Myanmar’s forests

Reports & Research
september, 2015

WHEN soldiers in Myanmar raided a huge illegal logging site in Kachin, a war-torn northern state, they swooped upon a thousand ill-paid labourers imported from neighbouring Yunnan, a province in China. Some of the Chinese managed to flee into the jungle, surviving for days without food and water before escaping across the border. The unluckiest—more than 150 of them—were arrested and prosecuted. China barked at Myanmar in July, when a court in Kachin state handed most of them life sentences. They were soon pardoned and deported, but only after having spent six months in custody.

ORGANISED CHAOS - The illicit overland timber trade between Myanmar and China (plus video)

Reports & Research
september, 2015

CHINA’S ROLE....."For at least two decades,
timber extracted from Myanmar’s precious frontier forests
in highly destructive logging operations has been flowing
into China unhindered. It is an illicit business worth hundreds
of millions of dollars a year, making it one of the single
largest bilateral flows of illegal timber in the world.
From the outside looking in, the cross-border trade

Myanmar third-worst for deforestation rate, says UN

Reports & Research
september, 2015

Myanmar’s forests are in trouble. Two recent reports reveal the rapid loss of tree cover over the past five years has been so severe Myanmar rank...Since 2010, Myanmar has lost more than 546,000 hectares (over 1.3 million acres) of forest on average each year, according to a report by the UN’s Food and Agriculture Organization.

The chunk of forest lost annually is about the size of fellow ASEAN country Brunei, and over the past five years adds up to the size of Equatorial Guinea.

Democratising Forest Business: A Compendium of Successful Locally Controlled Forest Business Organizations

Journal Articles & Books
augustus, 2015
South-Eastern Asia

Forests worldwide are home to approximately 1.3 billion people and must cater to the multiple needs of people - from providing local goods and services (access to income, food, clean water, wood energy, construction materials, fertile soils, medicinal and cosmetic products, and recreation) to providing global goods and services (climate change mitigation, biodiversity conservation, hydrological and mineral cycles). It is a tall order because many of these needs compete with one another.

RECOFTC Country Engagement Strategy - Myanmar

Institutional & promotional materials
augustus, 2015

About 32 million ha, half of Myanmar’s land area, is classified as forest area. Most of the 20 million ha of other wooded land is fallow land used by villagers for shifting cultivation. About 20 to 25 million people out of a total population of 60 million are estimated to use forests as one of their sources of livelihoods.

Effective Forest and Farm Producer Organizations

Journal Articles & Books
augustus, 2015

There is a growing consensus that producer organizations are critically important for the sustainable use of natural resources. Representing the collective voices of farmers and forest-dependent people, indigenous groups and rural communities, producer organizations provide essential services to their members and are the building blocks of local democracy. Formal or informal, effective producer organizations identify and agree upon the means to manage their natural resources.

Water and Climate Adaptation Plan for the Sava River Basin

Reports & Research
Training Resources & Tools
augustus, 2015
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Eastern Europe
Central Asia

This report presents the water and climate adaptation plan (WATCAP) developed for the Sava river basin (SRB) as result of a study undertaken by the World Bank. The WATCAP is intended to help to bridge the gap between the climate change predictions for the SRB and the decision makers in current and planned water management investment projects that will be affected by changing climate trends.