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Landuse impacts on SOC fractions and aggregate stability in typic ustochrepts of Northwest India

Journal Articles & Books
december, 2011

The soil organic carbon (SOC) and its fractions are good indicators of soil quality and environmental stability. Among the factors affecting SOC pool and fluxes in a watershed, land use changes and soil erosion are factors of importance. The differences in SOC and its fractions among different land uses can help understand the process of soil carbon dynamics. A study was conducted in Typic Ustochrepts of Northwest India to understand the impact of forest, grassland, agricultural and eroded lands on aggregate stability and SOC fractions.

Development of close to nature forestry and the role of ProSilva Europe

Policy Papers & Briefs
december, 2011

We present the different facets of close to nature forestry and the reasons for its practical success. They lie in using free natural processes, the so-called biorationalisation, to achieve multi- purpose aims. This vision is fully in line with promoting good governance, achieving optimal habitat conditions and thus to improve biodiversity. This appears to be the right model for multiple use in mo

Reducing Indonesia's deforestation-based greenhouse gas emissions

Journal Articles & Books
december, 2011

Indonesia has set the target that by the year 2020 its emissions of greenhouse gases will be reduced by 26 per cent relative to business-as-usual conditions. This article analyses the effectiveness of a subsidy to the use of land in forestry as a means of achieving this goal. The analysis uses a general equilibrium model of the Indonesian economy characterised by explicit treatment of land use, disaggregated by industry and by region.

Permanence of Carbon Sequestered in Forests under Uncertainty

Conference Papers & Reports
december, 2011

In this paper we examine the issue of permanence in the context of sequestering carbon through afforestation. We develop a dynamic nested optimal control model of carbon sequestration associated with the decision to afforest a tract of land given there are uncertainties associated with fire and insect/disease hazards. Conceptually, these potential hazards are similar in that their occurrence at any time t is uncertain and landowners can take specific actions – although generally different actions - in any time period t to reduce the probability of sustaining losses related to them.

Land-cover changes and potential impacts on soil erosion in the Nan watershed, Thailand

Journal Articles & Books
december, 2011

The expansion of built environments and agriculture land in the Nan watershed, Thailand, to support the rapid increase of the national population has resulted in deforestation, thus affecting the ecological balance. This deforestation, especially in high mountainous areas, has led to serious environmental degradation. Recent reports reveal an increasing soil-erosion problem in the watershed. This study analyses land-use and land-cover (LULC) changes and their potential impact on soil erosion during a study period between 1995 and 2005.

system dynamics model for evaluating collaborative forest management: a case study in Indonesia

Journal Articles & Books
december, 2011

This article presents a system dynamics (SD) method to examine the problem of forest degradation. The model developed takes a system-oriented view of forest management, embracing both social and biophysical factors affecting deforestation. Social factors examined are socio-economic variables or elements that influence behaviour and decision-making choices at the household level. Biophysical factors are four sub-components that are considered major land uses namely, the paddy field component, rattan plantations, coffee plantations and forest stands.

Deforestation dynamics and policy changes in Bolivia's post-neoliberal era

Journal Articles & Books
december, 2011

This work compares the effects of neoliberal and post-neoliberal land-use policies on forest cover along the Corredor Bioceánico of southeastern Bolivia to determine if rates of agriculturally driven forest clearance have changed since the Morales’ administration came to office in 2005. Satellite image analysis, supported by semi-structured interviews with farmers and representatives of key institutions, shows that deforestation for commercial agriculture in Santa Cruz continues and has increased in certain “hotspots”.

Long term impact of afforestation on soil morphology and properties

Policy Papers & Briefs
december, 2011

Changes in soil morphological, physical and chemical properties as a result of establishing forest on agricultural lands were studied using as an example the lands naturally overgrowing in different periods of time by Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) H. Karst.), silver birch (Betula pendula Roth.), grey alder (Alnus incana (L.) Moench) and aspen (Populus tremula L.). The research results showed that the soil with a texture of sandy loam and loam retains the morphological properties of agricultural land for up to 100 years.

Carbon Leakage with Forestation Policies

Conference Papers & Reports
december, 2011

This paper analyzes carbon leakage due to reduced emissions from deforestation (RED). We find that leakage with RED is good because the policy induces afforestation that contributes to a further carbon sequestration. By ignoring the domestic component of carbon leakage, the literature can either overestimate or underestimate leakage, depending on the magnitudes of the numerator and the denominator of the leakage formulas. Unlike the literature, we include the land and agricultural markets in the analysis of carbon leakage with forestation policies.

spatial-temporal analysis of the impact of access restrictions on forest landscapes and household welfare in Tanzania

Journal Articles & Books
december, 2011

This paper explores the impact of the re-introduction of access restrictions to forests in Tanzania, through participatory forest management (PFM), that have excluded villagers from forests to which they have traditionally, albeit illegally, had access to collect non-timber forest products (NTFPs). Motivated by our fieldwork, and using a spatial-temporal model, we focus on the paths of forest degradation and regeneration and villagers' utility before and after an access restriction is introduced. Our paper illustrates a number of key points for policy makers.

Mapping the vegetation changes in giant panda habitat using Landsat remotely sensed data

Journal Articles & Books
december, 2011

Since the 1950s, with national policy changes and socio-economic development, the habitat of the giant pandas has altered accordingly. This can also be inferred from the population changes of the giant pandas as reported in three national surveys. Thus, monitoring the changes in giant panda habitat and then taking appropriate action would be a valuable contribution to giant panda protection. In this paper, using existing habitats and potential habitats of the giant pandas as the study area, multitemporal remotely sensed data from the three national surveys are used as the data source.

Quantification of aboveground rangeland productivity and anthropogenic degradation on the Arabian Peninsula using Landsat imagery and field inventory data

Journal Articles & Books
december, 2011

The productivity of semi-arid rangelands on the Arabian Peninsula is spatially and temporally highly variable, and increasing grazing pressure as well as the likely effects of climatic change further threatens vegetation resources. Using the Al Jabal al Akhdar mountains in northern Oman as an example, our objectives were to analyse the availability and spatial distribution of aboveground net primary production (ANPP) and the extent and causes of vegetation changes during the last decades with a remote sensing approach.