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Habitat loss and human–elephant conflict in Assam, India: does a critical threshold exist?

Journal Articles & Books
december, 2011

Human–elephant conflict in India, driven by habitat loss and an expanding human population, is a complex challenge for biodiversity conservation. Determining if, how and why this conflict has changed over time will be an important step towards managing landscapes where people and elephants Elephas maximus coexist. This study combines social surveys and remote sensing data to analyse patterns in human–elephant conflict and land-use change over time.

Overview of national inventories for the LULUCF sector

Conference Papers & Reports
december, 2011

Under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), Annex I countries that are Parties to the Climate Change Convention provide annual greenhouse gas (GHG) inventory submissions including GHG data for the land use, land-use change, and forestry (LULUCF) sector. For many countries, carbon sequestration – especially in Forest Land-offsets a significant proportion of national emissions both an-nually and overtime.

Process of recognizing the local potentials as a basis for sustainable development

Policy Papers & Briefs
december, 2011

The article discusses the process of recognizing the local developmental and human potentials in the pilot area of Pohorje, Slovenia. Special emphasis herein is given to the need of stakeholder participation strategic plan. In the pilot area, the theoretical model was tested. As we are dealing with a wooded area, the role of forestry is highly significant in this respect, and it has been even est

When collective action and tenure allocations collide: Outcomes from community forests in Quintana Roo, Mexico and Petén, Guatemala

Journal Articles & Books
december, 2011

Based on a comparative case study of four community forestry enterprises in Guatemala and Mexico, we examine the relationship between user group characteristics and state allocation of tenure bundles. Using Schlager and Ostrom's four levels of tenure bundles and collective action theory, we illustrate how tenure bundles and collective action costs interact to either promote or create disincentives for conservation and communal economic benefits.

Assessing strategic water availability using remote sensing, GIS and a spatial water budget model: case study of the Upper Ing Basin, Thailand

Journal Articles & Books
december, 2011

This paper assesses strategic water availability and use under different development pathways on a basin scale using remote sensing (RS), geographical information systems (GIS) and a spatial water budget model (SWBM). The SWBM was applied to the Upper Ing Basin in northern Thailand to investigate the spatial and temporal variations in the location of streams and water yields from different parts of the basin. The base simulation was carried out for the years 1998–2007 using a DEM and actual land-use data at 100-m resolution.

Adapting a global stratified random sample for regional estimation of forest cover change derived from satellite imagery

Journal Articles & Books
december, 2011

A desirable feature of a global sampling design for estimating forest cover change based on satellite imagery is the ability to adapt the design to obtain precise regional estimates, where a region may be a country, state, province, or conservation area. A sampling design stratified by an auxiliary variable correlated with forest cover change has this adaptability. A global stratified random sample can be augmented by additional sample units within a region selected by the same stratified protocol and the resulting sample constitutes a stratified random sample of the region.

REDD+, transparency, participation and resource rights: the role of law

Journal Articles & Books
december, 2011

One of the crucial questions which emerges in the context of REDD+ is how the rights of indigenous peoples and local communities will be protected. These rights include the rights of sharing in the financial benefits of REDD+, the rights to participate in decision-making around REDD+ schemes, and the rights to have their knowledge about forestry resources respected. Each of these issues depends on the extent to which they have some sort of claim to, or tenure over, tropical rainforests.

How and why forest managers adapt to socio-economic changes: A case study analysis in Swiss forest enterprises

Journal Articles & Books
december, 2011

Forestry is an important source of income for forest owners and those employed in rural areas. In recent years, this sector has had to tackle far-reaching changes taking place in the social, economic and political system. New demands are now being addressed and policies reformulated. As a response to this pressure, new decision-making structures and innovation activities are taking place in the forestry sector. The aim of this paper is to study learning processes on the management level of forest enterprises.

Is Oregon's land use planning program conserving forest and farm land? A review of the evidence

Journal Articles & Books
december, 2011

Planners have long been interested in understanding ways in which land use planning approaches play out on the ground and planning scholars have approached the task of evaluating such effects using a variety of methods. Oregon, in particular, has been the focus of numerous studies owing to its early-adopted and widely recognized statewide approach to farm and forest land protection and recent experiment with relaxation of that approach in 2004 with the passage of ballot Measure 37.

Aquatic systems and water security in the Metropolitan Valley of Mexico City

Journal Articles & Books
december, 2011

In megacities water quantity and quality are threatened by complex and interrelated processes caused by population growth, land use change, unsustainable agricultural practices, deforestation, erosion, destruction of ecosystems, lack of planning, laissez-faire policies, unsustainable water management, political conflicts, and increasingly also by the impacts of climate change.

Assessment of carbon budget of Russia’s forest for reporting under the U.N.O. Climate Convention and Kyoto Protocol

Conference Papers & Reports
december, 2011

The estimates of emission and absorption of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases obtained according to the requirements of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change with using methodology of the Center for forest ecology and productivity RAS are represented. The calculations were made for the managed forest lands distinguished in the territory of the Russian Federation Forest Fund (the 74% of forest land). From 1990 to 2009, managed forests were sinks for carbon dioxide from 231.5 mill. t of CO2 in 1990 to 700.8 mill. t of CO2 in 2009.

Deforestation rates in insular Southeast Asia between 2000 and 2010

Journal Articles & Books
december, 2011

Insular Southeast Asia experienced the highest level of deforestation among all humid tropical regions of the world during the 1990s. Owing to the exceptionally high biodiversity in Southeast Asian forest ecosystems and the immense amount of carbon stored in forested peatlands, deforestation in this region has the potential to cause serious global consequences. In this study, we analysed deforestation rates in insular Southeast Asia between 2000 and 2010 utilizing a pair of 250 m spatial resolution land cover maps produced with regional methodology and classification scheme.