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Tree growth and forest regeneration under different logging treatments in permanent sample plots of a hill mixed dipterocarps forest, Malinau Research Forest, Malinau, East Kalimantan, Indonesia

Journal Articles & Books
december, 2006

Permanent sample plots (PSP) are an important tool in monitoring forest dynamics and change. In Malinau Research Forest, East Kalimantan, 24 PSPs of 1 ha each were established and all trees with dbh = 20 cm were identified and their diameters were measured in 1998 prior to logging operations and were re-assessed in 2000 and 2004. Two logging systems were implemented during that period: reduced-impact logging (RIL) and conventional logging (CNV).

Where are the poor and where are the trees?: targeting of poverty reduction and forest conservation in Vietnam

Journal Articles & Books
december, 2006

This paper highlights the spatial linkages of forest quality with poverty incidence and poverty density in Vietnam. Most of the Vietnamese poor live in densely populated river deltas and cities while remote upland areas have the highest poverty incidences, gaps, and severities. Forests of high local and global value are located in areas where relatively few poor people live, but where the incidence, gap, and severity of poverty are strongest, and where the livelihood strategies are based on agricultural and forest activities.

Where are the poor and where are the trees?: targeting of poverty reduction and forest conservation in Vietnam (Vietnamese)

Journal Articles & Books
december, 2006

This paper highlights the spatial linkages of forest quality with poverty incidence and poverty density in Vietnam. Most of the Vietnamese poor live in densely populated river deltas and cities while remote upland areas have the highest poverty incidences, gaps, and severities. Forests of high local and global value are located in areas where relatively few poor people live, but where the incidence, gap, and severity of poverty are strongest, and where the livelihood strategies are based on agricultural and forest activities.

Sustainable agricultural intensification in forest frontier areas

Peer-reviewed publication
december, 2006
South-Eastern Asia

"The Lore Lindu region in Indonesia—as in many forest frontier areas in Southeast Asia—has experienced rapid deforestation due to agricultural expansion in the uplands, at the forest margins. This has resulted in aggravated problems of erosion and water availability, threatening agricultural productivity growth. At the same time, technical progress is promoting agricultural intensification in the lowlands. In this article, we examine how improved technologies for paddy rice cultivation in the lowlands have affected agricultural expansion and deforestation in the uplands.

Understanding the links between agriculture and health: Agriculture and nutrition linkages -- old lessons and new paradigms

Policy Papers & Briefs
december, 2006

Agriculture is fundamental to achieving nutrition goals: it produces the food, energy, and nutrients essential for human health and well-being. Gains in food production have played a key role in feeding growing and malnourished populations. Yet they have not translated into a hunger-free world nor prevented the development of further nutritional challenges. Micronutrient deficiencies (for example, of vitamin A, iron, iodine, and zinc) are now recognized as being even more limiting for human growth, development, health, and productivity than energy deficits.

Understanding the links between agriculture and health: Agrobiodiversity, nutrition, and health

Policy Papers & Briefs
december, 2006

"With half the world’s population living in cities and towns, many poor urban dwellers face problems gaining access to adequate supplies of nutritionally balanced food. For many urban populations, an important source of food is urban and peri-urban agriculture (UPA). Production and processing of crops—particularly horticultural crops—and livestock is frequently part of urban and peri-urban livelihood strategies, and the food produced forms a large part of informal sector economic activity.

Understanding the links between agriculture and health: Agrobiodiversity, nutrition, and health

Policy Papers & Briefs
december, 2006

"Agricultural production relies on environmental services to transform raw inputs into the nutritious and diverse food that humans rely on for survival. Although the practice of agriculture is essential for human health, careless and inappropriate agricultural practices can degrade and contaminate natural resources and in so doing, harm human health. Modified agricultural practices can help mitigate these problems.

Understanding the links between agriculture and health: Agriculture, malaria, and water-associated diseases

Policy Papers & Briefs
december, 2006

"Agriculture is the main source of livelihood of the majority of people affected by HIV and AIDS globally, and it is being progressively undermined by the disease. In Sub-Saharan Africa AIDS is affecting the rural landscape in ways that demand a rethinking of development policy and practice, and parts of South Asia may soon face a similar situation.... There is clearly tremendous scope for agricultural policy to become more HIV-responsive, both to further AIDS-related objectives and to help achieve agricultural objectives. Yet there are no magic bullets.

Modifying forestry and agroforestry to increase water productivity in the semi-arid tropics.

Journal Articles & Books
december, 2006
Eastern Africa

The need to increase water productivity is a growing global concern as the World Commission on Water has estimated that demand for water will increase by c. 50% over the next 30 years and approximately half of the world's population will experience conditions of severe water stress by 2025. Three-quarters of African countries are expected to experience unstable water supplies, whereby small decreases in rainfall induce much larger reductions in streamflow.

History of events and actions that have harmed or protected Rupa Lake in the Pokhara Valley of Nepal

Reports & Research
december, 2006
Southern Asia

From forest clearing to landslides, then private claims to ownership, and with diversion of streams causing new landslides, a progression of environmental crises is tracked over time. The paper provides a timeline of 23 major events affecting the health of Rupa Lake and its wetlands (1952-2005). By 1986 government efforts were launched to control flooding and landslides, building check dams and planting trees. A Community Forestry Program to support local ownership and control of forests was begun.

Forest - poverty linkages in West and Central Asia

Reports & Research
november, 2006
New Zealand

This paper presents the application of the Sustainable Livelihoods Approach (SLA) to forest-poverty linkages and the analysis of the main issues that are raised for the Forestry Outlook study. The LSP Sub-programme on access to natural resources initially intended to begin its work in support of the FOWECA project with a regional desk study. However, with Forest - poverty linkages in West and Central Asia 2 sparse literature available, a decision was made to focus the initial work on Kyrgyzstan given the experience of the Collaborative Forest Management (LSP Working Paper 13).